One the most destructive and malicious things Kate Middleton did to me, aside from murdering my older clones, clones of my kids, or raping us, was to deliberately destroy an entire building that was a bowling alley which also converted to being a stage for performances.
She and her group, destroyed and caused to be destroyed, an entire building, and then bragged about it, photographed at "Jerash ruins" later, after visiting their Mossad friends in Israel, and prior to picking up CIA money.
This event not only ruined a good piece of property and community value, it destroyed my ability to do several things her group feared I might try to do, or be able to do in the future and the ideas my son and I had were to 1. have a place of employment for me, potentially, within walking distance if I was stuck in the same area again, 2. have a stage for performances when the bowling alley was not in use, for music-vocal performances and other things, and 3. have a place to meet for creating political rallies.
What they really hated, and those who wanted to steal from me and steal credit from me hated, was that I was not just a creative songwriter, I had a naturally beautiful singing voice and I was able to sing my own songs, along with being attractive to look at. I had every amount of star quality to prove I was multi-talented and instead of allowing me to develop this more with practice, I and my older clones were being raped, and murdered, and then they actually destroyed the building to eliminate evidence of multiple murders that were in the walls and carpeting of the building.
They shot my kids and clones there, and there were stains in the wood, floorboards, on the walls, and more potential evidence behind the paint and papering of the walls and specific individuals tore all of this down, to remove the incriminating evidence and had CIA and Mafia (Gottis) assisting them to do it. Not only was there blood and bullet marks, there were other forms of bodily evidence, because I witnessed rapes and was raped on that stage as well.
This is in addition to countless gruesome murders they conducted in a pin-room where I personally witnessed several shootings.
One of the shootings where I had to re-paint a bookcase because of extreme blood spatter, was committed by none other than Hillary Clinton. Multiple murders, including those committed by Middletons, were carried out there, and several Middleton supporters destroyed an entire wall where one of my sons was forced to back up against and then shot and his blood was on the wall and a bunch of Jewish supporters destroyed this evidence, tearing out the wall coverings, and all of the wallpaper and Josh Gatov, Roses, Trump, and Del Balzos and Rachel (the Jew) along with Middletons were involved in it. They had Dave and Charles Koch also involved.
Other murderers there were William of Wales, Harry of Wales, Tito and Lorraine Leon, Jim Sandberg, George Bush, and more: Valerie Plame, Anne Connor, another librarian named Laurie who is similar to Anne except in voice (with her husband "Nick" I think his name was), Nick Fanelli, Mark the U.S. Army truck driver, Mike Tancer (older clone of him), Mary Donaldson and Frederick/Christian, Anna (blond), Anna Sloan-Smith, Arabella Musgrave, Tom Parker-Bowles, Camilla Parker-Bowles, Princess Anne, Sarah Spencer, Sarah Tancer, Eleanor Vice, Shannon Borg and her Canadian partner, George Bechtold, Dicksie Garrett, Bob Garrett, Locklyn Guzman, and there are more names.--
They murdered one of my clones after making fun of her, and raping her, and they started trying to degrade me after I performed several original songs and they said "My favorite number is 37" which referred to the measurements of my older clones hips and rear, because I'd measured her to see how I might turn out and she was 37 inches. They murdered her and an older clone of my son and told him they were going to rape me too, like her, after they made sick comments.
A few I distinctly remember blood from, so I am sure they died. People also tore out the evidence as well.
The CIA murdered several of my clones there, and Chris Dabney was involved in these murders too, along with Justin Bieber, and Hamiltons from Hamilton Steele, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon.
Kate Middleton and her family (including her son George Middleton) was also involved in murders that occurred at a logging area off of Glen Aichen Road, in Coquille, Oregon and I witnessed more than 8 murders out there, around 17 or more total, all of them clones of me and my kids. These are some I witnessed over a 7 year timespan, from age 3-age 10, mostly age 6-age 9. Almost all of the murdering had to do with Middletons, Goldsmiths, Parker-Bowles, and Frederick and Mary Donaldson and CIA and some Pentagon people and Mafia who supported them. Locations were all along Glen Aichen road, and mostly in the woods, and then they were either covering bodies or transporting them out of the area and chopping them up. The clones of my kids and me that were murdered ranged from baby age all the way to 20s or 30s, one was maybe possibly 40. I am able to distinguish and separate at least 17 murders and there were more than that, but of the ones I remember, they were all clones of me and my son and one of a family. They were using drownings and then sometimes shootings. I personally saw Kate Middleton shooting and killing as one of the individuals involved in some of the murders. It was over calling her "gay" and saying she must have a "large vagina" and then mention of Charlotte and George. That was one of the shootings. Another shooting was along a road, and then a drowning in a creek by an underground pipe. The drowning in a creek also involved Harry of Wales, about age 14 or so, a teen, and what appeared to be William of Wales behind him. These are just a couple of them and actually, she was pretty trigger-happy--she was going around shooting a lot of people with the CIA behind it. I also saw Michelle Erickson definitely murdering my kids, and Mary Donaldson. Many others were involved, including Monica Allen, who had her hands in a bucket of blood, (the one who is my age) and Tim Henderson, James Dabney, and others.
The drownings started happening all of the time, over Kate Middleton's kid "George Middleton", whose initials were GALP (which was like 'gulp'). She changed his name from George Alexander Louis Philip to just George Alexander Philip. The publicly known one goes by GAL, but the others were GALP. They also tortured people to their rectums until they developed a "gall" or boil inside, and then popped it over a medieval spike, and bragged it was 'crown gall' and the U.S. was involved in this as much as occurrences in England and a few in France. The other crimes committed were often in reference to "Bowles" whether it was torture or trying to affect someone's bowels (to have bladder problems) or bowls, as in shoving a kid's head into a bucket or toilet bowl to drown them.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Murder of my Clone and Her Unborn Baby by Middletons & Goldsmiths (and other clones)
I have already explained I am a clone. I was cloned by the U.S. government and am one of a huge number of clones the U.S. had bred for themselves. As a little girl, I witnessed more than one of my clones being murdered and of my kids being murdered.
Goldsmiths murdered one of my clones and then said "Haha, she'll be an ash blond" and they burned her body in an incinerator.
That was before Mt. St. Helens erupted, in 1980.
I had people claiming my older clones were never blond and they were, a few times. They had their hair bleached out blond, more than one time. Without any hair products, my own hair bleached out naturally to almost blond more than strawberry blond, when I was a nanny in New Jersey in 1993. That's without any sun-in or hair bleach or anything.
I saw a bunch of my aunts and British women (and some men) attack my older clone around 1979-1980 when I was staying with her in a room at Buckingham, I think that was the castle/palace. I stayed at all of those places, so it was hard to keep track (James, Kensington, Buckingham, etc). But I also was told it was another woman someone was attacking and it wasn't--it was my clone and this happened to her more than one time, and that's when I was less than 5 years old. I was even shown a photo of "Diana" in a car-wreck, in maybe 1981, and I thought it was maybe my Mom or clone. The photo was maybe even earlier, because it was possibly as early as 1979 or 1980 that I saw the photo, and it's the SAME photo they used for Diana's "car-wreck" from 1997. It's a fake photo (one of the photos is, that was published in an Italian magazine later--or not fake but of another accident, not the same one). Not only that, her hair looks red, not even blond, in some of the pictures. Maybe someone murdered one of my older clones thinking she had something to do with an earlier accident, if it wasn't actually she who was murdered herself.
Not only is it strange, why would Diana choose to go through the same tunnel or incident, if it wasn't in a tunnel, and want to pretend she was dead in 1997? To get an FBI Witness Protection program for then stalking me everywhere and having my unborn baby murdered after her good friend Chris Dabney and Alvaro Pardo raped me? I know I did have a red-haired clone around me, in 1979, and she was the only person who was actually nice to me. No one else was looking out for me. So obviously, someone murdered her over politics. Not just that, Tancers were around back then too, Brad Pitt, and so was Alvaro Pardo and all of them are Mossad and raped me when I was a little baby and girl. They hated me and my clone.
There is no way Kate Middleton, Camilla Parker-Bowles, or Queen Elizabeth and those British monarchists should be receiving money from ANYONE.
Why are they entitled to taxpayer monies from the British when the CIA pays them? I know, for a fact, they have been supported by both the CIA and Mossad.
I am going to include information about many individuals who worked/work for the CIA and who were involved in murdering clones of me. They were identical to me, not doubles, and they were older clones. I wasn't lied to, at one time, about having clones and being a clone, and then later, after they'd murdered most of them, the U.S. tried using doubles to trick me to think it was my clone. They used people like Amanda Bynes, Eleanor Vice, a cop who walks with my Mom occasionally, and others, including Anna. Gwyneth Paltrow was another one. Anna is a blond Russian-speaking spy for the CIA and she was dying her hair red like mine and murdering my clone with Dabney, on more than one occasion, usually in connection with the Maiers family. Some of this post won't make sense until I have most of the names and locations down, but for now, this is what I have and I'm going to note this post on my Illegal Human Cloning blog. These women were not just pretending to be me, they had my clones bleaching their hair around the times they murdered them, sometimes. I was being forced, as a kid, to attack them and they were training me to kill and murder them in places like the Boiler Room basement. Not kidding. The waitress there, I do recall once she was afraid about something or looked that way and was upset, but I don't recall seeing her harmed, ever. I do know she was upset, but I also saw her looking scared in the basement while I was held hostage and tortured, as she should have been, because what they were plotting was murdering my clones, using me to do it, and they also openly discussed having Chris Dabney and Alvaro Pardo impregnate me, rape me, and murder my baby. For example, one of the things they did there, was torture me, burning my head up with the electrocution headbrace, as high powered as possible, and using me to repeatedly withdraw my hand from Chris Dabney's hand, when he offered it, to deliberately later make it appear he was volunteering to be helpful when I was pregnant, when he wasn't. They were bragging to Rachel the Jew, who was there, and possibly Rachel Chandler, about how they were going to have me raped and I was going to lose a baby.
That same group, and the owner, who was maybe named "Bryan", was involved, when I was even younger than that, with an older clone of me, and they attacked her. One minute they were working with her and then they targeted her and they murdered her. They were killing people in the basement, not just torturing them. I saw at least a couple of murders down there, and one was of one of my clones. They tried lying to me later, and said it wasn't her, and it was, and they killed her along with an older clone of my son, and it looked like my son Oliver to me, and then later, they had a younger version of my son, cloned, and murdered him in the bathroom and if it was faked, I don't know why.
That's not all. Kate Middleton, was also being supported not just by the entire killer town of Coquille and Coos Bay , but by the Italian so-called "Big Five" group of 5 mafia families, and in my experience, there was very little "mafia" and a whole lot of FBI there. It was a huge clan of CIA and FBI coordinates and they chose to support Middleton and murdered people to do it. I should say, about the Big Five, some of them were actual Mafia. But I saw Kate Middleton, who worked for the CIA, buddy-up with Lucheses. She was also defended by Bonanno and Gottis. Gottis totally sold out to British and U.S. govt. They had James Comey, FBI, constantly at their house, after he gave them all this money from IRA interests, like holding me hostage and killing my older clone. My older clone was beautiful, smart, and pregnant when she was murdered. One of them was, and I'm not mixing up who was who either. I think some thought I was talking about the wrong person and no, it was her. I saw my clone murdered, and then I saw a few others who were her, the U.S. or England or Canada had cloned her MULTIPLE times, just like this Kate middleton bitch I saw everywhere, at all ages. But they began murdering off all of my clones, and they claimed they 'got" to do it. My older clone told me it was "Philip's baby".
Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth's husband. And there was more than one "situation" where the Middletons and Goldsmith's murdered a clone of me. More than one time, she was pregnant and more than one of my clones was murdered.
One of them said "It is William." She also had the same coat of arms Kate Middleton claimed was hers. Another said "It's Philip" and then there was one who said it was Eric, as in Prince Frederick. Mossad was pissed that I remembered the coat of arms had belonged to my clone and not to Kate Middleton. They murdered my clone over it. When I was told it was Philip's, she said, "Don't tell anyone". People who were not supposed to be told were "Bryan, William, Robin, and Levi and "your Mom and Dad". I also witnessed multiple murders of women who were allegedly "pregnant" without "permission" from the CIA and the CIA was bumping them off. I can say, for a fact, I remember "back then" and no one who was Kate Middleton or Catherine Middleton, it wasn't her--none of HER clones were being murdered while pregnant. I can guarantee that is a fact. I also know, the only face I recall clearly, being murdered, is my own face, at more than one age. They repeatedly used me, raped me, told me I was going to be something big or special, and one was told "Queen", and then they were murdering her. They tired claiming, one time, that one woman was "Amanda" and it wasn't. They wanted me to think it was, because they made me help them kill her.
Prince Frederick came over to my house in Moses Lake, crying, and dark circles, and paranoid, acting like he was coming off of decades of cocaine use...he was in a panic over my clone, one of my clones had been murdered and I saw it and someone had tried to murder me too--they shot me in the head and I lived. I had bullets removed from my forehead, my shoulder, and my back, and I am not sure, but I think once I was grazed by a bullet in the leg. When Frederick came over, I was older, like at least age 6 or 7. The murder which was most significant, I THINK, occurred when I was 4 years old, and Middletons did it. Carol Goldsmith was involved. She wasn't even daring to marry Mike Middleton again, after it, not for awhile. They kept screening me to see how much I remembered. There were many people involved and it was all women, and they attacked my clone and then brought men in. I had been asked to "help". Then after they murdered my clone, the U.S. told me to pose in my pajamas at my house, sticking my stomach out with my hands on my back, like I was pregnant and they made fun of me. Smirking and talking about how "nothing's there anymore". There was a photo taken of me at age 4, and I remembered the day because of the U.S. govt. men who were over, smirking at it to my parents. It was 1979, no joke. That was the big year. 1979. Age 4, and then Charles started wearing jerseys with #4 on them and I had felt sick as a kid. I was a kid, but I knew something bad had happened, and to me and I felt a serious loss. By the time I was age 7, all I had done was cry. I had been forced to help kill "myself" and my own family members.
I also saw my clones murdered in the carport in Moses Lake, and one at Coquille by the shop. The ones at my house in Moses Lake, were shot out with a big group of CIA gathered, both of them, and both of them were me. Camilla Parker-Bowles was definitely involved. YES. She is CIA. The one in Coquille had a bullet blown through the middle of her throat as she stood posing for a photo. Another murderess is Marla Maples. She also murdered one of my clones, in a bathtub. The U.S. govt. also let her kill one of my clones at the carport, in Moses Lake, telling her, "Here Marla, you want to take out the Sopranos?" (and he pronounced it, "soap-RAW-nose"). She said, "With PLEASURE". I am not kidding--the CIA went out and hunted down all of these clones of me, and they systematically lured them to be next to me, telling them things like "Hey, we thought you'd like to meet your double--your clone" and other gimmicks...all lies...they used me as a lure.
Another murder of my clone occurred in a trailer, like an RV. It was Emma Watson. The fucking ear wig. They had Emma Watson there, with Brad Pitt, Angela Merkel (Angela works for the CIA, I promise it's true), and I am going to be working on adding all the names to the various murders I witnessed and who was there, in the next week or so...I am accurate about the names I gave so far and I did use memory devices for remembering some of them.
There was a murder of my clone, one of my clones, and then a "cover" for it and it also involved many people. Unbelievable numbers were killing my clones, and honestly, it was like, she had zero friends? Everyone turned on her. A couple of others, who were with her, in some situations, died with her, like her kids and some man. She was murdered with a man next to her at least a couple of times, not as in, held in place, as some of them were doing to hold her as others shot her. But a few times, she was not the only one shot. Usually, she was the only one murdered. Mostly, I saw my clones being murdered one at a time, with big groups, or at least 3 adults involved. Usually it was a large group.
Like Trumps, murdering her. I was so scared of Donald Trump, I was wetting my pants seeing him. Same with Gary Goldsmith and Chris Dabney. I also wet my pants seeing my own Dad because one of the men who helped murder one of my clones, of ME, was my own Dad, and seeing him butcher up ME, scared me so bad the CIA didn't have him even living with me at my house until I had "calmed down" and if it wasn't him, they switched him up with JAS and Mike Middleton. I also saw one of the Dicksies and Levi's help murder one of my clones. Some members of my own family were killing "me" and I couldn't stop pissing my pants over it. Others were people like Kate Middleton, Carol Goldsmith, Carly Massey-Birch and William of Wales. I peed my pants seeing William. I peed my pants seeing Tim Henderson. I peed my pants seeing Arabella and Jecca (Craig). And John Kaempf. I not only peed my pants, I was having panic attacks.
Then they operated on me, some of it while I was awake, when I was only age 6 or less, and they were sewing objects and things into my vagina. Chris Dabney is one of them. He is a fucking bloody god-damned "doctor". He was making comments like "She doesn't still squirt, does she?"
They not only raped me, when I was a little kid, they made fun of my older clones, calling them "squirters". I was pushed on the ground, as a little girl, and forced to be watched by men, all govt. men, who were masturbating me and trying to get documentation that I "squirted" as in, ejaculated, like female ejaculation and they were saying "Did you see that? She's a squirter" and then others saying "I didn't know that was possible" and they were Pentagon fucking men. And they were cops and FBI. The FBI has no right to receive money from taxpayers. They are one big fucking corrupt mafia and they had govt. man after govt. shit, stalk me down to rape me, and used cops to hold guns to my head to do it.
The same fucking Pentagon shits, over in Arlington, VA who do not defend children and women.
The same fucking Pentagon shits who tortured me while I was pregnant to force me to lose a baby, when they started out, with CIA, murdering my clones when I was age 4, after they "used" her, for themselves.
My clones always wised up. And every single one, got shot. And most of them, were hoping someone actually loved them.
No one in this GOD DAMNED country loves me or my clones. And none of these monarchist shits, who all work for the CIA because the CIA pays them and supports the lifestyles of all their fucking clones, cares either. Chris Dabney should never be recloned.
One of the reasons they hated my clones, from what I gathered, was they thought she thought she was "better than them". She was also psychic and more powerful than these ugly Middleton bitches. One of the first things I was targeted over, after being raped as a baby, was being psychic. I was specifically tortured to lose this ability and it was Kate Middleton and CIA that conditioned me to murder my own kids and clones. They forced me to practice with them, and then lured her to them, and killed her, using me, many of the times.
One time, they had murdered one of my clones, and they forced her on her back, and pushed on her stomach until she squirted water out of her mouth and said, "You thought you were going to be a Wales didn't you? You're just a blow-fish". Marla Maples smashed her head up, one of them, with some others, until her head was enlarged and blown up and supposedly it was for saying her daughter, "Tiffany" looked like a blow-fish because she had round cheeks. So these people murdered one of my clones, over nothing more than comments like that. Then Marla was saying "See that Cameo? That's what your head will look like when you have a car accident with Mike and Monica." They already had their assassins picked out. Marla murdered one at a carport in M.L., one at a hotel or in a room in a house, in ambush, and at some building or club. I saw at least 3 murders by Marla, of women who looked like me or were my clones. Ivana Trump also murdered one of my clones and was there to watch the body go into a furnace to burn. It was with Goldsmiths and Parker-Bowles and some of their friends. Ivana's girls were with her at the time.
They made jokes about it: "Ivana is blond, and I can't take Ivana back" (to Russia) and compared her to blond "Anna" who Dabney liked. "It is blond and I can't take it back". Y.T. was Yulia Tymoschenko. Very similar in sound and in desire to murder my older clones. The U.S. and Middletons also used Anna Chapman to murder my older clones with them. And Chapman was not some kind of undercover Russian spy--she was known by the U.S. and Arabella liked doubling with her. Nicole Hicks-Loebbeke was also murdering my older clones, and involved. "Nikki". I found out her initials were N.L and I tried to scratch the Hell out of her, during a murder, to remember that bitch. Nails. I said, "You're JEALOUS". I had to remember them. Claws and Jaws. Another thing I remembered was Stephanie Maiers who was also a married Stephanie Campbell (S.C.). "Stephie" was "Santa Claus". They helped murder one of my older clones and later, the same Stephanie I grew up with, was hoping to kill me off too, checking to see if I was programmed to respond the wrong way still. Her Mom, Barbara Maiers, was checking out my older clone with Carol Goldsmith after they killed her and saying "It's a boy". I said later, "How come they want to torture me until I poop now? because I said Barbara was B.M.?"
In one of the murders of my clones, black men and women were involved and said "They were women? hahaha...they looked like gold studs to me." They were calling them "studs" because I am, and my clones are, flat-chested.
They also organized the hits against my older clones to steal money from me and my kids. My clone wasn't even part of their group. It was Kate Middleton. Not just that, Yulia Tymoshenko, and Yulia was NEVER my friend or supporter and neither were the Paltrows--they are all Jewish. like Chris Dabney, whose alias was "Crocodile Dundee" because he and George Middleton (GAL) liked going to Australia for drug deals and to murder people with Frederick of Denmakr and Prince Philip's cronies.
C.D. was for Chris Dabney--crocodile Dundee. croak or dial "you're done" D.
I can make a list of how many times I saw a woman who appeared to be my clone and was taken away or assaulted or murdered, and it is probably around 30 or so incidents. I don't have time to write it down right now but will tmorrow.
(I didn't write that much, additionally, but have many, many, more names and incidents to describe). There were several rapes of me, with murders of my son after forcing him to watch; I was also lured to the kitchen at the Baird's house in Cashmere, where several govt. groups murdered my clones and kids and made me help them. One of them, I ran over to see her eyes because they said she was one person, and she wasn't and I saw her eyes matched mine, not "Amandas", or "Anna" or whatever.
The Middletons raped me constantly. So did Goldsmith.
I was not just raped, every day I stayed with Goldsmith or Middleton, my older clone told me William of Wales raped her, and he was raping me too, and so was Charles. I was getting electrocuted by Diana and CIA and Goldsmith/Middletons after they raped us.
I was not the only one tied to a bed and raped in a basement either. My older clones were being held hostage, and raped, while chained to a bed. That's what the CIA did to get total allegiance from Waleses and Godlsmith/Middletons. I saw for myself that these were the people raping my older clones and chaining her to beds, with Tom Parker-Bowles and others.
Ted Bundy later showed me photo evidence of it. Ted was working somehow with some agency at the time, I think, or I wouldn't have been introduced, and it wasn't my Dad--it was some govt. person, but it was T.B., Ted Bundy, not "T.B." as in, Tom Bowles. Tom Bowles was responsible for torturing and having me and my older clone raped and they murdered my cloned son in a basement under these circumstances. The CIA tried to pull a switcheroo for gaining new "recruits" and decided to torture me and my clones to steal from us.
I was making money by then, my songs sold well, and people knew it was possible for me to make a lot of money and the British royals, Mossad, and CIA didn't want that to happen.
Ted Bundy also told me, "It's your Dad" when showing me some of the photos of me and my older clone tied to beds, chained, and raped. It wasn't just a Bob jr., it was Robin Bechtold, Tom Parker-Bowles, Waleses, CIA, and Mike Middleton and Goldsmiths. Why a Bob jr. was involved and I was, I'm not sure, but he was also pointing out things to me.
William of Wales and Goldsmiths were also on a witch-hunt, accusing my older clone and cloned son of trying to cause the accident or car collision that had occurred, or having something to do with it, and the Tancers were involved, trying to frame us. Mike and Emma Watson attacked my older clone outside. Sterlings and Goldsmiths are jews. Notably. The other group that was involved was Catholic and supported Camilla because she and her entire family were CIA employees.
It was always one excuse after another, for holding me and my clones hostage and forced to work for the U.S. govt. for free, no pay, rape and torture all the time, no benefits, no salary, told to work for the CIA when not held hostage by them or FBI or Sandhurst or Pentagon, and yet no pay, no benefits, and forced to work and have all of their shits raping us. I was a kid, and there is no reason why I should have ever been blamed for anything, but the Wales rapists and CIA rapists and Bowles always wanted an excuse. Anything. And then later, still using the same shits, decades later, to rape me and even force me to miscarry an unborn baby, when they were the rats involved to start, and raped my older clone along with me , and programmed me to be killing my own kids, and clones.
They forced my older clones to be present, while forcing me to direct firing at them, their faces, only. The CIA and U.S. govt. and England and Canada are SHITS.
Goldsmiths murdered one of my clones and then said "Haha, she'll be an ash blond" and they burned her body in an incinerator.
That was before Mt. St. Helens erupted, in 1980.
I had people claiming my older clones were never blond and they were, a few times. They had their hair bleached out blond, more than one time. Without any hair products, my own hair bleached out naturally to almost blond more than strawberry blond, when I was a nanny in New Jersey in 1993. That's without any sun-in or hair bleach or anything.
I saw a bunch of my aunts and British women (and some men) attack my older clone around 1979-1980 when I was staying with her in a room at Buckingham, I think that was the castle/palace. I stayed at all of those places, so it was hard to keep track (James, Kensington, Buckingham, etc). But I also was told it was another woman someone was attacking and it wasn't--it was my clone and this happened to her more than one time, and that's when I was less than 5 years old. I was even shown a photo of "Diana" in a car-wreck, in maybe 1981, and I thought it was maybe my Mom or clone. The photo was maybe even earlier, because it was possibly as early as 1979 or 1980 that I saw the photo, and it's the SAME photo they used for Diana's "car-wreck" from 1997. It's a fake photo (one of the photos is, that was published in an Italian magazine later--or not fake but of another accident, not the same one). Not only that, her hair looks red, not even blond, in some of the pictures. Maybe someone murdered one of my older clones thinking she had something to do with an earlier accident, if it wasn't actually she who was murdered herself.
Not only is it strange, why would Diana choose to go through the same tunnel or incident, if it wasn't in a tunnel, and want to pretend she was dead in 1997? To get an FBI Witness Protection program for then stalking me everywhere and having my unborn baby murdered after her good friend Chris Dabney and Alvaro Pardo raped me? I know I did have a red-haired clone around me, in 1979, and she was the only person who was actually nice to me. No one else was looking out for me. So obviously, someone murdered her over politics. Not just that, Tancers were around back then too, Brad Pitt, and so was Alvaro Pardo and all of them are Mossad and raped me when I was a little baby and girl. They hated me and my clone.
There is no way Kate Middleton, Camilla Parker-Bowles, or Queen Elizabeth and those British monarchists should be receiving money from ANYONE.
Why are they entitled to taxpayer monies from the British when the CIA pays them? I know, for a fact, they have been supported by both the CIA and Mossad.
I am going to include information about many individuals who worked/work for the CIA and who were involved in murdering clones of me. They were identical to me, not doubles, and they were older clones. I wasn't lied to, at one time, about having clones and being a clone, and then later, after they'd murdered most of them, the U.S. tried using doubles to trick me to think it was my clone. They used people like Amanda Bynes, Eleanor Vice, a cop who walks with my Mom occasionally, and others, including Anna. Gwyneth Paltrow was another one. Anna is a blond Russian-speaking spy for the CIA and she was dying her hair red like mine and murdering my clone with Dabney, on more than one occasion, usually in connection with the Maiers family. Some of this post won't make sense until I have most of the names and locations down, but for now, this is what I have and I'm going to note this post on my Illegal Human Cloning blog. These women were not just pretending to be me, they had my clones bleaching their hair around the times they murdered them, sometimes. I was being forced, as a kid, to attack them and they were training me to kill and murder them in places like the Boiler Room basement. Not kidding. The waitress there, I do recall once she was afraid about something or looked that way and was upset, but I don't recall seeing her harmed, ever. I do know she was upset, but I also saw her looking scared in the basement while I was held hostage and tortured, as she should have been, because what they were plotting was murdering my clones, using me to do it, and they also openly discussed having Chris Dabney and Alvaro Pardo impregnate me, rape me, and murder my baby. For example, one of the things they did there, was torture me, burning my head up with the electrocution headbrace, as high powered as possible, and using me to repeatedly withdraw my hand from Chris Dabney's hand, when he offered it, to deliberately later make it appear he was volunteering to be helpful when I was pregnant, when he wasn't. They were bragging to Rachel the Jew, who was there, and possibly Rachel Chandler, about how they were going to have me raped and I was going to lose a baby.
That same group, and the owner, who was maybe named "Bryan", was involved, when I was even younger than that, with an older clone of me, and they attacked her. One minute they were working with her and then they targeted her and they murdered her. They were killing people in the basement, not just torturing them. I saw at least a couple of murders down there, and one was of one of my clones. They tried lying to me later, and said it wasn't her, and it was, and they killed her along with an older clone of my son, and it looked like my son Oliver to me, and then later, they had a younger version of my son, cloned, and murdered him in the bathroom and if it was faked, I don't know why.
That's not all. Kate Middleton, was also being supported not just by the entire killer town of Coquille and Coos Bay , but by the Italian so-called "Big Five" group of 5 mafia families, and in my experience, there was very little "mafia" and a whole lot of FBI there. It was a huge clan of CIA and FBI coordinates and they chose to support Middleton and murdered people to do it. I should say, about the Big Five, some of them were actual Mafia. But I saw Kate Middleton, who worked for the CIA, buddy-up with Lucheses. She was also defended by Bonanno and Gottis. Gottis totally sold out to British and U.S. govt. They had James Comey, FBI, constantly at their house, after he gave them all this money from IRA interests, like holding me hostage and killing my older clone. My older clone was beautiful, smart, and pregnant when she was murdered. One of them was, and I'm not mixing up who was who either. I think some thought I was talking about the wrong person and no, it was her. I saw my clone murdered, and then I saw a few others who were her, the U.S. or England or Canada had cloned her MULTIPLE times, just like this Kate middleton bitch I saw everywhere, at all ages. But they began murdering off all of my clones, and they claimed they 'got" to do it. My older clone told me it was "Philip's baby".
Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth's husband. And there was more than one "situation" where the Middletons and Goldsmith's murdered a clone of me. More than one time, she was pregnant and more than one of my clones was murdered.
One of them said "It is William." She also had the same coat of arms Kate Middleton claimed was hers. Another said "It's Philip" and then there was one who said it was Eric, as in Prince Frederick. Mossad was pissed that I remembered the coat of arms had belonged to my clone and not to Kate Middleton. They murdered my clone over it. When I was told it was Philip's, she said, "Don't tell anyone". People who were not supposed to be told were "Bryan, William, Robin, and Levi and "your Mom and Dad". I also witnessed multiple murders of women who were allegedly "pregnant" without "permission" from the CIA and the CIA was bumping them off. I can say, for a fact, I remember "back then" and no one who was Kate Middleton or Catherine Middleton, it wasn't her--none of HER clones were being murdered while pregnant. I can guarantee that is a fact. I also know, the only face I recall clearly, being murdered, is my own face, at more than one age. They repeatedly used me, raped me, told me I was going to be something big or special, and one was told "Queen", and then they were murdering her. They tired claiming, one time, that one woman was "Amanda" and it wasn't. They wanted me to think it was, because they made me help them kill her.
Prince Frederick came over to my house in Moses Lake, crying, and dark circles, and paranoid, acting like he was coming off of decades of cocaine use...he was in a panic over my clone, one of my clones had been murdered and I saw it and someone had tried to murder me too--they shot me in the head and I lived. I had bullets removed from my forehead, my shoulder, and my back, and I am not sure, but I think once I was grazed by a bullet in the leg. When Frederick came over, I was older, like at least age 6 or 7. The murder which was most significant, I THINK, occurred when I was 4 years old, and Middletons did it. Carol Goldsmith was involved. She wasn't even daring to marry Mike Middleton again, after it, not for awhile. They kept screening me to see how much I remembered. There were many people involved and it was all women, and they attacked my clone and then brought men in. I had been asked to "help". Then after they murdered my clone, the U.S. told me to pose in my pajamas at my house, sticking my stomach out with my hands on my back, like I was pregnant and they made fun of me. Smirking and talking about how "nothing's there anymore". There was a photo taken of me at age 4, and I remembered the day because of the U.S. govt. men who were over, smirking at it to my parents. It was 1979, no joke. That was the big year. 1979. Age 4, and then Charles started wearing jerseys with #4 on them and I had felt sick as a kid. I was a kid, but I knew something bad had happened, and to me and I felt a serious loss. By the time I was age 7, all I had done was cry. I had been forced to help kill "myself" and my own family members.
I also saw my clones murdered in the carport in Moses Lake, and one at Coquille by the shop. The ones at my house in Moses Lake, were shot out with a big group of CIA gathered, both of them, and both of them were me. Camilla Parker-Bowles was definitely involved. YES. She is CIA. The one in Coquille had a bullet blown through the middle of her throat as she stood posing for a photo. Another murderess is Marla Maples. She also murdered one of my clones, in a bathtub. The U.S. govt. also let her kill one of my clones at the carport, in Moses Lake, telling her, "Here Marla, you want to take out the Sopranos?" (and he pronounced it, "soap-RAW-nose"). She said, "With PLEASURE". I am not kidding--the CIA went out and hunted down all of these clones of me, and they systematically lured them to be next to me, telling them things like "Hey, we thought you'd like to meet your double--your clone" and other gimmicks...all lies...they used me as a lure.
Another murder of my clone occurred in a trailer, like an RV. It was Emma Watson. The fucking ear wig. They had Emma Watson there, with Brad Pitt, Angela Merkel (Angela works for the CIA, I promise it's true), and I am going to be working on adding all the names to the various murders I witnessed and who was there, in the next week or so...I am accurate about the names I gave so far and I did use memory devices for remembering some of them.
There was a murder of my clone, one of my clones, and then a "cover" for it and it also involved many people. Unbelievable numbers were killing my clones, and honestly, it was like, she had zero friends? Everyone turned on her. A couple of others, who were with her, in some situations, died with her, like her kids and some man. She was murdered with a man next to her at least a couple of times, not as in, held in place, as some of them were doing to hold her as others shot her. But a few times, she was not the only one shot. Usually, she was the only one murdered. Mostly, I saw my clones being murdered one at a time, with big groups, or at least 3 adults involved. Usually it was a large group.
Like Trumps, murdering her. I was so scared of Donald Trump, I was wetting my pants seeing him. Same with Gary Goldsmith and Chris Dabney. I also wet my pants seeing my own Dad because one of the men who helped murder one of my clones, of ME, was my own Dad, and seeing him butcher up ME, scared me so bad the CIA didn't have him even living with me at my house until I had "calmed down" and if it wasn't him, they switched him up with JAS and Mike Middleton. I also saw one of the Dicksies and Levi's help murder one of my clones. Some members of my own family were killing "me" and I couldn't stop pissing my pants over it. Others were people like Kate Middleton, Carol Goldsmith, Carly Massey-Birch and William of Wales. I peed my pants seeing William. I peed my pants seeing Tim Henderson. I peed my pants seeing Arabella and Jecca (Craig). And John Kaempf. I not only peed my pants, I was having panic attacks.
Then they operated on me, some of it while I was awake, when I was only age 6 or less, and they were sewing objects and things into my vagina. Chris Dabney is one of them. He is a fucking bloody god-damned "doctor". He was making comments like "She doesn't still squirt, does she?"
They not only raped me, when I was a little kid, they made fun of my older clones, calling them "squirters". I was pushed on the ground, as a little girl, and forced to be watched by men, all govt. men, who were masturbating me and trying to get documentation that I "squirted" as in, ejaculated, like female ejaculation and they were saying "Did you see that? She's a squirter" and then others saying "I didn't know that was possible" and they were Pentagon fucking men. And they were cops and FBI. The FBI has no right to receive money from taxpayers. They are one big fucking corrupt mafia and they had govt. man after govt. shit, stalk me down to rape me, and used cops to hold guns to my head to do it.
The same fucking Pentagon shits, over in Arlington, VA who do not defend children and women.
The same fucking Pentagon shits who tortured me while I was pregnant to force me to lose a baby, when they started out, with CIA, murdering my clones when I was age 4, after they "used" her, for themselves.
My clones always wised up. And every single one, got shot. And most of them, were hoping someone actually loved them.
No one in this GOD DAMNED country loves me or my clones. And none of these monarchist shits, who all work for the CIA because the CIA pays them and supports the lifestyles of all their fucking clones, cares either. Chris Dabney should never be recloned.
One of the reasons they hated my clones, from what I gathered, was they thought she thought she was "better than them". She was also psychic and more powerful than these ugly Middleton bitches. One of the first things I was targeted over, after being raped as a baby, was being psychic. I was specifically tortured to lose this ability and it was Kate Middleton and CIA that conditioned me to murder my own kids and clones. They forced me to practice with them, and then lured her to them, and killed her, using me, many of the times.
One time, they had murdered one of my clones, and they forced her on her back, and pushed on her stomach until she squirted water out of her mouth and said, "You thought you were going to be a Wales didn't you? You're just a blow-fish". Marla Maples smashed her head up, one of them, with some others, until her head was enlarged and blown up and supposedly it was for saying her daughter, "Tiffany" looked like a blow-fish because she had round cheeks. So these people murdered one of my clones, over nothing more than comments like that. Then Marla was saying "See that Cameo? That's what your head will look like when you have a car accident with Mike and Monica." They already had their assassins picked out. Marla murdered one at a carport in M.L., one at a hotel or in a room in a house, in ambush, and at some building or club. I saw at least 3 murders by Marla, of women who looked like me or were my clones. Ivana Trump also murdered one of my clones and was there to watch the body go into a furnace to burn. It was with Goldsmiths and Parker-Bowles and some of their friends. Ivana's girls were with her at the time.
They made jokes about it: "Ivana is blond, and I can't take Ivana back" (to Russia) and compared her to blond "Anna" who Dabney liked. "It is blond and I can't take it back". Y.T. was Yulia Tymoschenko. Very similar in sound and in desire to murder my older clones. The U.S. and Middletons also used Anna Chapman to murder my older clones with them. And Chapman was not some kind of undercover Russian spy--she was known by the U.S. and Arabella liked doubling with her. Nicole Hicks-Loebbeke was also murdering my older clones, and involved. "Nikki". I found out her initials were N.L and I tried to scratch the Hell out of her, during a murder, to remember that bitch. Nails. I said, "You're JEALOUS". I had to remember them. Claws and Jaws. Another thing I remembered was Stephanie Maiers who was also a married Stephanie Campbell (S.C.). "Stephie" was "Santa Claus". They helped murder one of my older clones and later, the same Stephanie I grew up with, was hoping to kill me off too, checking to see if I was programmed to respond the wrong way still. Her Mom, Barbara Maiers, was checking out my older clone with Carol Goldsmith after they killed her and saying "It's a boy". I said later, "How come they want to torture me until I poop now? because I said Barbara was B.M.?"
In one of the murders of my clones, black men and women were involved and said "They were women? hahaha...they looked like gold studs to me." They were calling them "studs" because I am, and my clones are, flat-chested.
They also organized the hits against my older clones to steal money from me and my kids. My clone wasn't even part of their group. It was Kate Middleton. Not just that, Yulia Tymoshenko, and Yulia was NEVER my friend or supporter and neither were the Paltrows--they are all Jewish. like Chris Dabney, whose alias was "Crocodile Dundee" because he and George Middleton (GAL) liked going to Australia for drug deals and to murder people with Frederick of Denmakr and Prince Philip's cronies.
C.D. was for Chris Dabney--crocodile Dundee. croak or dial "you're done" D.
I can make a list of how many times I saw a woman who appeared to be my clone and was taken away or assaulted or murdered, and it is probably around 30 or so incidents. I don't have time to write it down right now but will tmorrow.
(I didn't write that much, additionally, but have many, many, more names and incidents to describe). There were several rapes of me, with murders of my son after forcing him to watch; I was also lured to the kitchen at the Baird's house in Cashmere, where several govt. groups murdered my clones and kids and made me help them. One of them, I ran over to see her eyes because they said she was one person, and she wasn't and I saw her eyes matched mine, not "Amandas", or "Anna" or whatever.
The Middletons raped me constantly. So did Goldsmith.
I was not just raped, every day I stayed with Goldsmith or Middleton, my older clone told me William of Wales raped her, and he was raping me too, and so was Charles. I was getting electrocuted by Diana and CIA and Goldsmith/Middletons after they raped us.
I was not the only one tied to a bed and raped in a basement either. My older clones were being held hostage, and raped, while chained to a bed. That's what the CIA did to get total allegiance from Waleses and Godlsmith/Middletons. I saw for myself that these were the people raping my older clones and chaining her to beds, with Tom Parker-Bowles and others.
Ted Bundy later showed me photo evidence of it. Ted was working somehow with some agency at the time, I think, or I wouldn't have been introduced, and it wasn't my Dad--it was some govt. person, but it was T.B., Ted Bundy, not "T.B." as in, Tom Bowles. Tom Bowles was responsible for torturing and having me and my older clone raped and they murdered my cloned son in a basement under these circumstances. The CIA tried to pull a switcheroo for gaining new "recruits" and decided to torture me and my clones to steal from us.
I was making money by then, my songs sold well, and people knew it was possible for me to make a lot of money and the British royals, Mossad, and CIA didn't want that to happen.
Ted Bundy also told me, "It's your Dad" when showing me some of the photos of me and my older clone tied to beds, chained, and raped. It wasn't just a Bob jr., it was Robin Bechtold, Tom Parker-Bowles, Waleses, CIA, and Mike Middleton and Goldsmiths. Why a Bob jr. was involved and I was, I'm not sure, but he was also pointing out things to me.
William of Wales and Goldsmiths were also on a witch-hunt, accusing my older clone and cloned son of trying to cause the accident or car collision that had occurred, or having something to do with it, and the Tancers were involved, trying to frame us. Mike and Emma Watson attacked my older clone outside. Sterlings and Goldsmiths are jews. Notably. The other group that was involved was Catholic and supported Camilla because she and her entire family were CIA employees.
It was always one excuse after another, for holding me and my clones hostage and forced to work for the U.S. govt. for free, no pay, rape and torture all the time, no benefits, no salary, told to work for the CIA when not held hostage by them or FBI or Sandhurst or Pentagon, and yet no pay, no benefits, and forced to work and have all of their shits raping us. I was a kid, and there is no reason why I should have ever been blamed for anything, but the Wales rapists and CIA rapists and Bowles always wanted an excuse. Anything. And then later, still using the same shits, decades later, to rape me and even force me to miscarry an unborn baby, when they were the rats involved to start, and raped my older clone along with me , and programmed me to be killing my own kids, and clones.
They forced my older clones to be present, while forcing me to direct firing at them, their faces, only. The CIA and U.S. govt. and England and Canada are SHITS.
Murder of my Clone and Her Unborn Baby by Middletons & Goldsmiths
I have already explained I am a clone. I was cloned by the U.S. government and am one of a huge number of clones the U.S. had bred for themselves. As a little girl, I witnessed more than one of my clones being murdered and of my kids being murdered.
Goldsmiths murdered one of my clones and then said "Haha, she'll be an ash blond" and they burned her body in an incinerator.
That was before Mt. St. Helens erupted, in 1980.
There is no way Kate Middleton, Camilla Parker-Bowles, or Queen Elizabeth and those British monarchists should be receiving money from ANYONE.
Goldsmiths murdered one of my clones and then said "Haha, she'll be an ash blond" and they burned her body in an incinerator.
That was before Mt. St. Helens erupted, in 1980.
There is no way Kate Middleton, Camilla Parker-Bowles, or Queen Elizabeth and those British monarchists should be receiving money from ANYONE.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Amanda Bynes: Child Murderer
Amanda Bynes has been helping the CIA (which includes Middletons) cover for Anna Chapman, and the other "Russian speaking 'Anna'" and lastly Anna Smith, for a long time. Amanda Bynes looks like Anna Chapman. They are more similar than any other govt. grouping. They were using Amanda Bynes, in the U.S., to carry out torture and programming of me as a little kid. I have been repeatedly, throughout my life, targeted by her and my clones and kids murdered by her and her friends, many times. She is someone who cannot be stressed enough, as being seriously murderous, conniving, and dangerous. She was also making phone calls, or pretending to, to Mossad.
She told me one time she was sorry and she wasn't sorry. I knew she wasn't and she smirked when she said it and it was more to provoke me. She then went from her apology to murder another of my kids in front of me, and had Kate Middleton rush into the room to take her place at the front, with a bunch of govt. people showing up. This murder was caused by my pushing a little boy, who happened to stand in front of an open window, and I hadn't noticed. I had just turned automatically, and pushed him, as I had been tortured to do, for almost a month straight, at a secret and hidden location where the govt. plotted murdering my kids and forcing me and others to work for them. They wanted ME to commit the 'murder', and have it appear their agents and people had nothing to do with it. I was being held hostage for this and Amanda Bynes was not involved in torture and programming of me, against my own kids (they were also using the same cloned kids--matching them to their future plots), just one time--there were at least 6 occasions where I was held hostage, for long periods of time, tortured the entire time and programmed to responds to discreet words and triggers they made me rehearse over and over. They did it until the response was so conditioned, it was in the subconscious and would be carried out even years later, after long periods of no practice. This conditioning is called "programming" and they do this by torture. Maybe some people get programmed another way, but I was tortured, severely, non-stop, and they practiced more than one long-term intense "session", at different times in my childhood and then used the triggers to have it occur.
Amanda Bynes and Anna Chapman are not only "Russian" (Bynes is also Russian in heritage...she's a Russian Jew), they are both "spies" and the CIA used both of them. I was told to report Anna when I was a kid. I had asked, "Which Anna?" and the Anna who had tortured me, most recently, was this God DAMNED bitch who was practicing torture with Chris Dabney and Robin Bechtold, in Texas. She's the bitch. I was told, "Tell President Reagan about Anna" and I refused and Joy Tancer (a Jew) and Carol Goldsmith, smirked and looked relieved. I had said, "Which Anna?" because after I was tortured by the real Russian bitch Amanda Bynes, who was saying her name was "Anna" when she was torturing and programming me, I was flown to D.C. and then told to hang out with "Anna from D.C., a Russian-speaking blond", and Anna Chapman was in England, although I had seen her in the U.S. already, a few times.
Megan Jacquot is a bitch who works as a lawyer for the govt. and was used to call me mentally ill and act as a GAL, and she is friends with Amanda and helped program me to murder my own kids when they wanted it to happen, when I was a kid. Ed and Carla Israel are also friends with Amanda Bynes, like Dabney.
"Eight", a code I used once as a kid, was to remember Amanda Bynes being the bitch "Anna" who murdered little kids and who was one person I was tortured by. It was "Amanda" and "Anna" and I used "Eight" like "Hate" to remember "Anna" was "Amanda" without 3 letters: m, a, and d, which spells "mad". If someone is mad, they might "hate" them, and how many hours is it from Oregon to Washington by car and how many to Texas by plane and how many to England or Russia or Israel? Hate was like eight with an "h", and if you combine the extra letters of m,a,h, and d, you get "Mahd" or, "Ma-Hd" like Mossad, and Bynes is Jewish. She's Jewish like Kate Middleton and works for the CIA like Middleton.
They tortured me and used me, and programmed me to be a "sleeper killer" who they wanted to use to commit crimes against my own kids and family. My Dad told me to report her when I was 8 years old or so, maybe I was 7, and I didn't speak up about it.
I have a LOT OF INFORMATION about this fucking bitch Amanda Bynes and how she wanted me gang-raped, tortured on medical tables, and for me to have dead babies, and all of this was while using the claim that I was "Anna" too.
Not only that, some Jews, who wanted to make Amanda look like she was no big deal, after they knew I had forgotten about her, then brought her around and said, "We can pay you to double for Amanda bc you look alike." I said I didn't want to double for her. I knew the vibe and energy was bad--they were plotting...more ways to confuse me with the real spies and have me murdered or sent to prison for life, wrongly. They said, "You have to get plastic surgery to have bigger boobs to match Amanda".
When I didn't speak up about Amanda Bynes, to President Reagan, more of my kids were murdered, I was raped and tortured more, and I was also forced out of the country to Russia and then refouled with more accusations and hate crimes against me. Not only that, Reagan said "Well then, it's Mary" and he decided Mary Donaldson was going to be their pick instead of me for something, and Amanda Bynes was free to be on the loose and dealing her shit with more shits around the world and Kate Middleton, not to mention...ahem...Mary Donaldson. Oh yessssssssssss....
Queen Elizabeth II is also a fucked up dirty child murderer and she knew what Amanda Bynes did and what she was doing and had her over to Buckingham Palace all the time, and both Queen Elizabeth and Amanda Bynes have Jewish ancestry. Queen Elizabeth was also plotting to have me tortured, raped, and have my unborn baby die.
Someone just deleted an entire section I wrote about President Reagan being blackmailed by Israel and Jews, and more about Amanda Bynes so I have to write it all over again.
If I had reported Amanda Bynes when I was asked to report her, she and her group could have been stopped and instead, they got away with additional crimes against me and my kids, murdering, torturing, raping, and coordinating blackmail with Israelis against me. I was held hostage in Israel, at one time, and President Reagan was forced, by blackmail, over the phone, to release an Israeli hostage, and I heard the entire conversation, and also had to get on the phone and talk to him myself, and I was being held as a hostage. This man was telling Reagan he had to release him, and send all of my CIA funding to another girl instead, and was telling him to agree I couldn't raise my own kids.
I heard Reagan over the phone and his voice was shaking and I could tell something was wrong. He didn't sound like he was agreeing, he was asking me if I was okay and was I hurt and how long had I been there, and so on.
He agreed to their terms after asking me if I agreed to it. He said he wouldn't sign anything and let this man go, on these conditions, unless I said it was okay. He was being blackmailed by them and I was too. They were threatening me there and I wasn't free to give any honest answers. I just wanted to get out of the situation alive. He was with the Israeli govt.
In addition, Amanda Bynes was being made to look like SHE was a "victim" and she wasn't. She committed TREASON. She had been torturing me since before I was even 8 years old, and what mean thing had I done before I was even 8? An entire group was trying to portray her as "poor Amanda" and "Cameo made her cry" and I had been victimized by her, not the other way around. I was questioned about what did she do to you? and a few times I couldn't remember everything she'd done because they were drugging me, raping and torturing me and making me so afraid of my current situation, I couldn't think about all the things she'd done, and they accused me of being jealous or not having good reasons and instead, incited more hate crimes against me.
Not only was Amanda torturing me in the U.S. she went to Denmark to plot against me with Mary Donaldson, and discussed killing my baby and they killed one of my sons who was older, a clone, and they had me gang-raped and filmed it; she went to visit Queen Elizabeth and Kate Middleton, and plotted against me with killing my kids and stealing from me; and she held me hostage in Israel.
While she committed treason and ran around getting favors done for CIA Jews around the world, my kids and my family were put at risk and in danger. I had also supposedly lost money or something on a contract Reagan signed over an Israeli man, and that situation and the blackmail couldn't have even been possible if I had reported Amanda Bynes and her group.
Not to mention, Joy Sterling-Tancer was/is Jewish and she didn't want Amanda Bynes reported and when I didn't, her son Mike Tancer and his clones, not only raped me and kept raping me, he'd murdered clones of my sons in front of me. Joy had even specifically told me not to report or mention Amanda Bynes if I was asked later, in a deliberate attempt to tamper with children who were witnesses and victims.
She is Russian ancestry, is Jewish, and works for the CIA and her code name is: "Anna". She also looks identical to Anna Chapman. Not only that, both Anna Chapman and Amanda Bynes are friend with Kate Middleton. Amanda has been one of her best friends for decades and Kate and Amanda used to torture me together. Amanda traveled to England all time and Anna Chapman was living there. When I saw Amanda Bynes show up there around 1986 or so, earlier or later, she was visiting Kate Middleton with Chris Dabney. She made a curtsey before Elizabeth, talked with her for awhile and then met with Kate. I had horrible things happen to me. I also witnessed horrendous things there at that time. One man who was also there was from Oregon and was involved in a massacre of my family (more info later).
Presdient Reagan did not sound like he wanted to agree when I was in the phone call with him over the hostage taking of me, with an Israeli making demands against me. He was even threatening to put me in an Israeli prison if I stayed there, over "Amanda"--Reagan was blackmailed by the fact Amanda had not been reported earlier by me, when I was age 7 or so, and I know my Dad or one of the Bob jrs., DID report it and waited for me to confirm it. Reagan could have also been blackmailed by the fact he'd molested me when I was little, because that was also something they hinted at and wanted to suggest over the phone so Reagan would act against me.
I had a gun pointed at me when I was "agreeing" and telling Reagan yes, I agreed with them and encouraged him to release him from being a hostage.
This is all after this same Russian (ethnic) Israeli was responsible for a major murder against my own family. He figured if I didn't remember Amanda Bynes and all she'd done, because of trauma and distress, I wouldn't remember him either. He had not only murdered one of my family members, he'd tortured me and had me raped and Kate Middleton and Amanda Bynes and some others were all there with him.
Reagan was in office by 1981, and Iran released 52 U.S. hostages over the U.S. releasing some people they wanted released and British and they had Amanda detained and she and some others wanted to murder more of my kids and after she was not arrested, she and Dabney and an entire group of her people, had several of my sons and daughters murdered--all clones and all people they figured would go unnoticed. They killed kids of mine that were only teens or in their 20s and they also killed little kids that were mine. They not only killed them, these shits, who ran around with Amanda Bynes, the Jew, and others, killed them in front of me and my Mom and Dad. They said, "If you didn't catch her, she was going to get you anyway" and she murdered my clones and one clone, possibly, with red hair, and she looked like me. She was screaming and saying it was Amanda and she was "Anna", and she was a witness who I could have brought into court. I had several of my kids who said "We'll testify for you" and Amanda Bynes and these people, used govt. authority to kill them, accusing THEM of espionage or telling secrets. They were killing people who were also able to testify against Amanda committing espionage in Iran, for Israeli interests--Iran didn't want other countries to know how closely they worked with Israel, and had made a huge purchase of missiles from Israel, along with negotiating several other things in Israel's favor, which was treasonous against the United States. Kate Middleton was there with Amanda, making the deal in Iran, and with the Russian-Israeli man who later held me hostage in Israel, and they raped me there. The British said they wanted to murder some of my family members in exchange for a trade of releasing 52 U.S. hostages held in Iran, who were mostly individuals who had plotted murders against clones in my family and had raped me. I had named several soldiers and persons who gang-raped me and my clones and massacred us, and they were held hostage and released by shits who were organizing these raping and murdering parties against us, including Bechtolds. These family members of mine who were murdered, by Kate Middleton and the U.S., including Amanda Bynes and a blond Anna and others, were counting on having my family that was getting sanctuary in Iran, to be refouled to the U.S. and murdered, for agreeing they'd testify to cruelties and treason by the U.S. govt. against their own citizens and against those who spied to plot rape and cruelty against innocent Americans. The purchase of Israeli missiles was a way for me to remember how many Israelis and Jews had raped me with their penises, and U.S. soldiers who loved "Amanda". Amanda, who rapes and tortures small kids and has them pushed out of windows to their deaths, and stabbed, gang-raped by sticks and penises and a dildo she carried around in her purse, and guns, and who held kids hostage in a basement, in cages without food or water, and was making deals with Israelis to hold me hostage as a kid so she and other jews could steal more money from me and get the President to agree to never let me raise my own children...just so she could and feel superior to me...Amanda, who is actually "anna" and uses this name as a code word to trigger kids to throw people to their deaths or shoot or stab them, along with several men and other women in coordination, like Toby McGuire, who married another jew, "Jennifer Meyers" who is NBC chairman's daughters and Jewish, and Robin Bechtold, Tomas Caballero, Tom Vice, David Beckham, and others...all Jews. All of them, plotting murders of my kids, my older clones, and me and encouraging every other religious or non to do the same.
She was also working with the Kardashians, who are "Iranian" and Jewish (their father's mother is a Jew and so is he) and Kanye West and others, and they held me hostage and were involved in the entire plot, and they're friends with Kate Middleton. They had Mike Tancer delivering cocaine to them. They even used their money and Iranian language skills to encourage Iranians to refoul my family members to the U.S. to be murdered, just like Middletons had me and family in Saudi Arabia refouled after they murdered everyone but me almost. The Kardashians are very bad people. I had been really fooled by them, and their Dad was another "Amanda Bynes" saying "sorry" when he wasn't sorry at all for what he did, and used his influence to harm more of my family later. They were there for murders of my family members.
David Beckham isn't noted as being a Jew because it's a secret. It's also been a secret that he and Michelle Obama (also Jewish, with Barak Obama) have been close friends, some used to say lovers, for decades. He got as mad as a possessive husband when I was a little girl and made some comments about Michelle that he didn't like and I started asking people why he acted happier with Michelle Obama than Victoria and was always with her, and going to her room, and why he was as mad at me, over her, or moreso, than Obama was, and telling me they were going to murder my unborn baby and kids. I asked this, after I was an older kid and had forgotten that he and Victoria Beckham participated in the slaughter of my family at the Halea Meiers house. I am not mistaken--he was one of the shooters, with a gun, same person, same face, and with a British accent and he was not a clone my age, he was "David Beckham who was an older clone" and he was one of my clones and kids' killers.
He not only killed my family, he had been molesting me when I was little and using Tino Guzman to cover for him, and he had extremely perverse sexual habits and things he was forcing me to do. He also filmed me as a little girl. He later did not do such perverse things and tried to have me say he was more of a "regular guy" (by the time I was maybe age 8) and he wasn't. He was and is, a violent sicko who hated my clones and family. I could detail things he did to me, and he did a lot of it, later, with William and Harry watching, to purposefully degrade me because they were plotting against my older clone and determined to make my own life a disgrace. His wife Vicky was forcing me to learn how to give her husband blow jobs.
He is who Kate and William of Wales chose to visit right after their honeymoon in 2011.
I reported Beckhams when I was very little and was tortured by govt. to be quiet and then again when I was around 7 or 8. His motives for murdering a clone of me and my family could have been anything from paranoia about getting reported with witnesses testifying against him, evidence building against him from increasing levels of injuries sustained by his victims (things he did are beyond normal), favors to British royals and/or favors to the CIA. It looked like a CIA hit and it was done in the U.S. with govt. around.
I was forced to later do PR for him and Vicky, after they'd murdered one set of my entire family, and to be in bed with both of them at the same time as if they'd never done anything, when I was age 10 or 11. I wanted to report them and then they had me transported to a porn studio and I was gang-raped with cops holding guns at my head, and Gottis, Mary Donaldson, and others. He and Victoria went from being some of the sickest most disgusting child pedophiles in the U.S., and torturers/interrogators and murderers, to being suddenly supported openly with porn studio cameras and the govt. forcing me to do porn, after he and British royals had made it in secret, against me when I was only age 4-7. He was raping me with dogs, sticking his finger in my anus, making me stick things in his, forcing me to do constant blow jobs, and he forced me to suck on my own son's penis with British royals William and Harry present and watching, with a few others, Bechtold and more. He not only made me suck on a small boy's penis, who was my own son, when I was a little kid myself, when I was only slightly older, he had an older clone of my son held hostage and forced me to give him a blow job in front of them, and to them and he was son was. This is the same clone he murdered with Victoria and Kate Middleton and others at Meiers house. The only time I even remember having been forced to suck on a small kid's penis, it was my own son--they were holding us hostage and making us do this.
David Beckham raped me mostly by himself, and sometimes with Vicky, the older clone of him did. He was about 30 or so when he went into the house and murdered my family and he started to kill me. He was raping me with other celebrities in L.A. and then he was also doing this with a Bob jr. and British royals. He raped me with every Prince from the Royal British family except Charles.
I was forced to do "PR" for Amanda, after what she was involved in, after I was tortured and drugged to forget her, and she also changed her appearance slightly so she didn't look the same. Joy Tancer came to my house and said, "Mike has something he wants you to do" and I said, "Why should I do something for Mike?" and I said, "Which Mike, your son or Middleton?" and she wouldn't answer and since the last person I'd seen was her son, Mike Tancer, I figured it was him. She said, "He wants you to do some PR work for Amanda and you can have photos taken of her and tell her how to pose or what to wear, for her PR on web searches." I didn't want to do it and she pressured me and I said, "So will I be paid?" and for once, she was honest and said "No" and then she had a disgusted look on her face, like how dare I ask. I said, "Then I'm not doing it" and she said "But Cameo, there MAY be opportunities for you to do more PR work and be PAID for it if you build your resume" and I said, "So you're saying I can use the credits?" and she said "However you want to work it". I said "Okay, I'll do it just for a career but not because I like her" and so I arranged photos for her and Chris Dabney was the one who brought her around with him and she was with Justin Bieber a few times, and an FBI employee--Greg Fowler. His parents also lived in CA, and there were others involved. I did the photos and then they said, "You weren't scared to be around her? You've accused her of all kinds of bad things and yet you did all those photos and went around with her" and they used dangling a carrot of salary when I was desperate to get out of the U.S., as a way to trap me into appearing like I had no problem with her when she was responsible for countless murders against me and my family. And Tancers? they LOVE her.
GOD DAMN Middletosn, Waleses, Beckhams, Obamas, Kardashians, Tancers, and Bynes.
She told me one time she was sorry and she wasn't sorry. I knew she wasn't and she smirked when she said it and it was more to provoke me. She then went from her apology to murder another of my kids in front of me, and had Kate Middleton rush into the room to take her place at the front, with a bunch of govt. people showing up. This murder was caused by my pushing a little boy, who happened to stand in front of an open window, and I hadn't noticed. I had just turned automatically, and pushed him, as I had been tortured to do, for almost a month straight, at a secret and hidden location where the govt. plotted murdering my kids and forcing me and others to work for them. They wanted ME to commit the 'murder', and have it appear their agents and people had nothing to do with it. I was being held hostage for this and Amanda Bynes was not involved in torture and programming of me, against my own kids (they were also using the same cloned kids--matching them to their future plots), just one time--there were at least 6 occasions where I was held hostage, for long periods of time, tortured the entire time and programmed to responds to discreet words and triggers they made me rehearse over and over. They did it until the response was so conditioned, it was in the subconscious and would be carried out even years later, after long periods of no practice. This conditioning is called "programming" and they do this by torture. Maybe some people get programmed another way, but I was tortured, severely, non-stop, and they practiced more than one long-term intense "session", at different times in my childhood and then used the triggers to have it occur.
Amanda Bynes and Anna Chapman are not only "Russian" (Bynes is also Russian in heritage...she's a Russian Jew), they are both "spies" and the CIA used both of them. I was told to report Anna when I was a kid. I had asked, "Which Anna?" and the Anna who had tortured me, most recently, was this God DAMNED bitch who was practicing torture with Chris Dabney and Robin Bechtold, in Texas. She's the bitch. I was told, "Tell President Reagan about Anna" and I refused and Joy Tancer (a Jew) and Carol Goldsmith, smirked and looked relieved. I had said, "Which Anna?" because after I was tortured by the real Russian bitch Amanda Bynes, who was saying her name was "Anna" when she was torturing and programming me, I was flown to D.C. and then told to hang out with "Anna from D.C., a Russian-speaking blond", and Anna Chapman was in England, although I had seen her in the U.S. already, a few times.
Megan Jacquot is a bitch who works as a lawyer for the govt. and was used to call me mentally ill and act as a GAL, and she is friends with Amanda and helped program me to murder my own kids when they wanted it to happen, when I was a kid. Ed and Carla Israel are also friends with Amanda Bynes, like Dabney.
"Eight", a code I used once as a kid, was to remember Amanda Bynes being the bitch "Anna" who murdered little kids and who was one person I was tortured by. It was "Amanda" and "Anna" and I used "Eight" like "Hate" to remember "Anna" was "Amanda" without 3 letters: m, a, and d, which spells "mad". If someone is mad, they might "hate" them, and how many hours is it from Oregon to Washington by car and how many to Texas by plane and how many to England or Russia or Israel? Hate was like eight with an "h", and if you combine the extra letters of m,a,h, and d, you get "Mahd" or, "Ma-Hd" like Mossad, and Bynes is Jewish. She's Jewish like Kate Middleton and works for the CIA like Middleton.
They tortured me and used me, and programmed me to be a "sleeper killer" who they wanted to use to commit crimes against my own kids and family. My Dad told me to report her when I was 8 years old or so, maybe I was 7, and I didn't speak up about it.
I have a LOT OF INFORMATION about this fucking bitch Amanda Bynes and how she wanted me gang-raped, tortured on medical tables, and for me to have dead babies, and all of this was while using the claim that I was "Anna" too.
Not only that, some Jews, who wanted to make Amanda look like she was no big deal, after they knew I had forgotten about her, then brought her around and said, "We can pay you to double for Amanda bc you look alike." I said I didn't want to double for her. I knew the vibe and energy was bad--they were plotting...more ways to confuse me with the real spies and have me murdered or sent to prison for life, wrongly. They said, "You have to get plastic surgery to have bigger boobs to match Amanda".
When I didn't speak up about Amanda Bynes, to President Reagan, more of my kids were murdered, I was raped and tortured more, and I was also forced out of the country to Russia and then refouled with more accusations and hate crimes against me. Not only that, Reagan said "Well then, it's Mary" and he decided Mary Donaldson was going to be their pick instead of me for something, and Amanda Bynes was free to be on the loose and dealing her shit with more shits around the world and Kate Middleton, not to mention...ahem...Mary Donaldson. Oh yessssssssssss....
Queen Elizabeth II is also a fucked up dirty child murderer and she knew what Amanda Bynes did and what she was doing and had her over to Buckingham Palace all the time, and both Queen Elizabeth and Amanda Bynes have Jewish ancestry. Queen Elizabeth was also plotting to have me tortured, raped, and have my unborn baby die.
Someone just deleted an entire section I wrote about President Reagan being blackmailed by Israel and Jews, and more about Amanda Bynes so I have to write it all over again.
If I had reported Amanda Bynes when I was asked to report her, she and her group could have been stopped and instead, they got away with additional crimes against me and my kids, murdering, torturing, raping, and coordinating blackmail with Israelis against me. I was held hostage in Israel, at one time, and President Reagan was forced, by blackmail, over the phone, to release an Israeli hostage, and I heard the entire conversation, and also had to get on the phone and talk to him myself, and I was being held as a hostage. This man was telling Reagan he had to release him, and send all of my CIA funding to another girl instead, and was telling him to agree I couldn't raise my own kids.
I heard Reagan over the phone and his voice was shaking and I could tell something was wrong. He didn't sound like he was agreeing, he was asking me if I was okay and was I hurt and how long had I been there, and so on.
He agreed to their terms after asking me if I agreed to it. He said he wouldn't sign anything and let this man go, on these conditions, unless I said it was okay. He was being blackmailed by them and I was too. They were threatening me there and I wasn't free to give any honest answers. I just wanted to get out of the situation alive. He was with the Israeli govt.
In addition, Amanda Bynes was being made to look like SHE was a "victim" and she wasn't. She committed TREASON. She had been torturing me since before I was even 8 years old, and what mean thing had I done before I was even 8? An entire group was trying to portray her as "poor Amanda" and "Cameo made her cry" and I had been victimized by her, not the other way around. I was questioned about what did she do to you? and a few times I couldn't remember everything she'd done because they were drugging me, raping and torturing me and making me so afraid of my current situation, I couldn't think about all the things she'd done, and they accused me of being jealous or not having good reasons and instead, incited more hate crimes against me.
Not only was Amanda torturing me in the U.S. she went to Denmark to plot against me with Mary Donaldson, and discussed killing my baby and they killed one of my sons who was older, a clone, and they had me gang-raped and filmed it; she went to visit Queen Elizabeth and Kate Middleton, and plotted against me with killing my kids and stealing from me; and she held me hostage in Israel.
While she committed treason and ran around getting favors done for CIA Jews around the world, my kids and my family were put at risk and in danger. I had also supposedly lost money or something on a contract Reagan signed over an Israeli man, and that situation and the blackmail couldn't have even been possible if I had reported Amanda Bynes and her group.
Not to mention, Joy Sterling-Tancer was/is Jewish and she didn't want Amanda Bynes reported and when I didn't, her son Mike Tancer and his clones, not only raped me and kept raping me, he'd murdered clones of my sons in front of me. Joy had even specifically told me not to report or mention Amanda Bynes if I was asked later, in a deliberate attempt to tamper with children who were witnesses and victims.
She is Russian ancestry, is Jewish, and works for the CIA and her code name is: "Anna". She also looks identical to Anna Chapman. Not only that, both Anna Chapman and Amanda Bynes are friend with Kate Middleton. Amanda has been one of her best friends for decades and Kate and Amanda used to torture me together. Amanda traveled to England all time and Anna Chapman was living there. When I saw Amanda Bynes show up there around 1986 or so, earlier or later, she was visiting Kate Middleton with Chris Dabney. She made a curtsey before Elizabeth, talked with her for awhile and then met with Kate. I had horrible things happen to me. I also witnessed horrendous things there at that time. One man who was also there was from Oregon and was involved in a massacre of my family (more info later).
Presdient Reagan did not sound like he wanted to agree when I was in the phone call with him over the hostage taking of me, with an Israeli making demands against me. He was even threatening to put me in an Israeli prison if I stayed there, over "Amanda"--Reagan was blackmailed by the fact Amanda had not been reported earlier by me, when I was age 7 or so, and I know my Dad or one of the Bob jrs., DID report it and waited for me to confirm it. Reagan could have also been blackmailed by the fact he'd molested me when I was little, because that was also something they hinted at and wanted to suggest over the phone so Reagan would act against me.
I had a gun pointed at me when I was "agreeing" and telling Reagan yes, I agreed with them and encouraged him to release him from being a hostage.
This is all after this same Russian (ethnic) Israeli was responsible for a major murder against my own family. He figured if I didn't remember Amanda Bynes and all she'd done, because of trauma and distress, I wouldn't remember him either. He had not only murdered one of my family members, he'd tortured me and had me raped and Kate Middleton and Amanda Bynes and some others were all there with him.
Reagan was in office by 1981, and Iran released 52 U.S. hostages over the U.S. releasing some people they wanted released and British and they had Amanda detained and she and some others wanted to murder more of my kids and after she was not arrested, she and Dabney and an entire group of her people, had several of my sons and daughters murdered--all clones and all people they figured would go unnoticed. They killed kids of mine that were only teens or in their 20s and they also killed little kids that were mine. They not only killed them, these shits, who ran around with Amanda Bynes, the Jew, and others, killed them in front of me and my Mom and Dad. They said, "If you didn't catch her, she was going to get you anyway" and she murdered my clones and one clone, possibly, with red hair, and she looked like me. She was screaming and saying it was Amanda and she was "Anna", and she was a witness who I could have brought into court. I had several of my kids who said "We'll testify for you" and Amanda Bynes and these people, used govt. authority to kill them, accusing THEM of espionage or telling secrets. They were killing people who were also able to testify against Amanda committing espionage in Iran, for Israeli interests--Iran didn't want other countries to know how closely they worked with Israel, and had made a huge purchase of missiles from Israel, along with negotiating several other things in Israel's favor, which was treasonous against the United States. Kate Middleton was there with Amanda, making the deal in Iran, and with the Russian-Israeli man who later held me hostage in Israel, and they raped me there. The British said they wanted to murder some of my family members in exchange for a trade of releasing 52 U.S. hostages held in Iran, who were mostly individuals who had plotted murders against clones in my family and had raped me. I had named several soldiers and persons who gang-raped me and my clones and massacred us, and they were held hostage and released by shits who were organizing these raping and murdering parties against us, including Bechtolds. These family members of mine who were murdered, by Kate Middleton and the U.S., including Amanda Bynes and a blond Anna and others, were counting on having my family that was getting sanctuary in Iran, to be refouled to the U.S. and murdered, for agreeing they'd testify to cruelties and treason by the U.S. govt. against their own citizens and against those who spied to plot rape and cruelty against innocent Americans. The purchase of Israeli missiles was a way for me to remember how many Israelis and Jews had raped me with their penises, and U.S. soldiers who loved "Amanda". Amanda, who rapes and tortures small kids and has them pushed out of windows to their deaths, and stabbed, gang-raped by sticks and penises and a dildo she carried around in her purse, and guns, and who held kids hostage in a basement, in cages without food or water, and was making deals with Israelis to hold me hostage as a kid so she and other jews could steal more money from me and get the President to agree to never let me raise my own children...just so she could and feel superior to me...Amanda, who is actually "anna" and uses this name as a code word to trigger kids to throw people to their deaths or shoot or stab them, along with several men and other women in coordination, like Toby McGuire, who married another jew, "Jennifer Meyers" who is NBC chairman's daughters and Jewish, and Robin Bechtold, Tomas Caballero, Tom Vice, David Beckham, and others...all Jews. All of them, plotting murders of my kids, my older clones, and me and encouraging every other religious or non to do the same.
She was also working with the Kardashians, who are "Iranian" and Jewish (their father's mother is a Jew and so is he) and Kanye West and others, and they held me hostage and were involved in the entire plot, and they're friends with Kate Middleton. They had Mike Tancer delivering cocaine to them. They even used their money and Iranian language skills to encourage Iranians to refoul my family members to the U.S. to be murdered, just like Middletons had me and family in Saudi Arabia refouled after they murdered everyone but me almost. The Kardashians are very bad people. I had been really fooled by them, and their Dad was another "Amanda Bynes" saying "sorry" when he wasn't sorry at all for what he did, and used his influence to harm more of my family later. They were there for murders of my family members.
David Beckham isn't noted as being a Jew because it's a secret. It's also been a secret that he and Michelle Obama (also Jewish, with Barak Obama) have been close friends, some used to say lovers, for decades. He got as mad as a possessive husband when I was a little girl and made some comments about Michelle that he didn't like and I started asking people why he acted happier with Michelle Obama than Victoria and was always with her, and going to her room, and why he was as mad at me, over her, or moreso, than Obama was, and telling me they were going to murder my unborn baby and kids. I asked this, after I was an older kid and had forgotten that he and Victoria Beckham participated in the slaughter of my family at the Halea Meiers house. I am not mistaken--he was one of the shooters, with a gun, same person, same face, and with a British accent and he was not a clone my age, he was "David Beckham who was an older clone" and he was one of my clones and kids' killers.
He not only killed my family, he had been molesting me when I was little and using Tino Guzman to cover for him, and he had extremely perverse sexual habits and things he was forcing me to do. He also filmed me as a little girl. He later did not do such perverse things and tried to have me say he was more of a "regular guy" (by the time I was maybe age 8) and he wasn't. He was and is, a violent sicko who hated my clones and family. I could detail things he did to me, and he did a lot of it, later, with William and Harry watching, to purposefully degrade me because they were plotting against my older clone and determined to make my own life a disgrace. His wife Vicky was forcing me to learn how to give her husband blow jobs.
He is who Kate and William of Wales chose to visit right after their honeymoon in 2011.
I reported Beckhams when I was very little and was tortured by govt. to be quiet and then again when I was around 7 or 8. His motives for murdering a clone of me and my family could have been anything from paranoia about getting reported with witnesses testifying against him, evidence building against him from increasing levels of injuries sustained by his victims (things he did are beyond normal), favors to British royals and/or favors to the CIA. It looked like a CIA hit and it was done in the U.S. with govt. around.
I was forced to later do PR for him and Vicky, after they'd murdered one set of my entire family, and to be in bed with both of them at the same time as if they'd never done anything, when I was age 10 or 11. I wanted to report them and then they had me transported to a porn studio and I was gang-raped with cops holding guns at my head, and Gottis, Mary Donaldson, and others. He and Victoria went from being some of the sickest most disgusting child pedophiles in the U.S., and torturers/interrogators and murderers, to being suddenly supported openly with porn studio cameras and the govt. forcing me to do porn, after he and British royals had made it in secret, against me when I was only age 4-7. He was raping me with dogs, sticking his finger in my anus, making me stick things in his, forcing me to do constant blow jobs, and he forced me to suck on my own son's penis with British royals William and Harry present and watching, with a few others, Bechtold and more. He not only made me suck on a small boy's penis, who was my own son, when I was a little kid myself, when I was only slightly older, he had an older clone of my son held hostage and forced me to give him a blow job in front of them, and to them and he was son was. This is the same clone he murdered with Victoria and Kate Middleton and others at Meiers house. The only time I even remember having been forced to suck on a small kid's penis, it was my own son--they were holding us hostage and making us do this.
David Beckham raped me mostly by himself, and sometimes with Vicky, the older clone of him did. He was about 30 or so when he went into the house and murdered my family and he started to kill me. He was raping me with other celebrities in L.A. and then he was also doing this with a Bob jr. and British royals. He raped me with every Prince from the Royal British family except Charles.
I was forced to do "PR" for Amanda, after what she was involved in, after I was tortured and drugged to forget her, and she also changed her appearance slightly so she didn't look the same. Joy Tancer came to my house and said, "Mike has something he wants you to do" and I said, "Why should I do something for Mike?" and I said, "Which Mike, your son or Middleton?" and she wouldn't answer and since the last person I'd seen was her son, Mike Tancer, I figured it was him. She said, "He wants you to do some PR work for Amanda and you can have photos taken of her and tell her how to pose or what to wear, for her PR on web searches." I didn't want to do it and she pressured me and I said, "So will I be paid?" and for once, she was honest and said "No" and then she had a disgusted look on her face, like how dare I ask. I said, "Then I'm not doing it" and she said "But Cameo, there MAY be opportunities for you to do more PR work and be PAID for it if you build your resume" and I said, "So you're saying I can use the credits?" and she said "However you want to work it". I said "Okay, I'll do it just for a career but not because I like her" and so I arranged photos for her and Chris Dabney was the one who brought her around with him and she was with Justin Bieber a few times, and an FBI employee--Greg Fowler. His parents also lived in CA, and there were others involved. I did the photos and then they said, "You weren't scared to be around her? You've accused her of all kinds of bad things and yet you did all those photos and went around with her" and they used dangling a carrot of salary when I was desperate to get out of the U.S., as a way to trap me into appearing like I had no problem with her when she was responsible for countless murders against me and my family. And Tancers? they LOVE her.
GOD DAMN Middletosn, Waleses, Beckhams, Obamas, Kardashians, Tancers, and Bynes.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Murder Over Loree's Letters (My Older Clone)
One of the things my older clone was murdered over, was love letters she had received, and saved, from a member of the British Royal family.
The matter of "Laurie's letters" is joked about in the Bill Murray movie, "The Man Who Knew Too Little", but it was serious. She wasn't a parlor maid or a spy either, my older clone wasn't.
Kate Middleton and William of Wales participated with others in having her murdered because they wanted their own version of history to play out publicly.
She did not just have love letters, she was receiving death threats from Kate Middleton and Pippa, prior to her death. Several individuals sent her actual letters and I was shown them, and they were in the hand of the persons that wrote them. She had letters from Prince Philip. and letters from Prince Edward were being written to a "Loree", and I thought it was to me, and saved at my house when I was about age 6. Prior to her murder, I had found out she was newly getting letters from Prince William and supposedly one of them thought he was in love with her, and the Middletons flipped out. However, when she died, at least one of the William's was involved and didn't seem to care at all. Mossad cared about murdering her, even more than the U.S. government.
Chris Dabney was fishing around in her bureau drawers, in a cabinet or desk, with another woman, right after her murder.
I also witnessed someone taking a ring off of her finger after they killed her and saying "She won't be needing that now" and Lorraine Rose and Pippa and Kate were the ones who did it.
From what I remember, there may have been 2 sets of letters, because a ring that my older clone wore prior to her murder had been given to her by Prince Philip and Middletons were jealous and so was one of the William's. The letters which I personally read, when I was old enough to read, which were stored at my house for awhile, were all from Prince Edward, and I had said, "Where are the letters from Charles?" and they said there are none and I said, "Yes there were, and now they're all from Edward."
She was married too, because Prince Philip sent her letters instructing her on marriage and being married. One of the persons who threatened ME with death, or her with me, later, much later, and right before she died, was the same Prince Philip. Prince Philip threatened me with death, to my face, if I didn't shut up, and Prince Andrew came around and did the same, along with Middletons.
From what I understood, someone was actually in love with her and then people went along with it until they decided they wanted CIA money, or Mossad money, instead. Then all of a sudden, there was this huge push to kill her, and at the time, Kate Middleton and Pippa were pissed off.
I saw some letters, at someone's house, with initials C.E.M. on them, but they weren't the same letters. The letters to Loree, were to Loree, not to a Catherine, or an Elizabeth, or a Middleton, and they were all on royal paper, as in British Royal's letterhead and personal stationary.
They stole back all of the letters around 1981, before another Kate Middleton was scheduled to be born in 1982. It was 1981 or 1982 when all of the letters...possibly 1983 because I still saw some letters after that, but it was another set. The first set was disappearing and being "written-over" and replaced with another set (all on Royal stationary) before all of the letters disappeared.
James Comey, Barak Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary and Stanley were involved in stealing them back, from our house, or making sure they didn't return actually. Stanley was specifically involved in it and he was Director of the CIA. The others who went there, asking about the letters, was Prince Charles himself, with Camilla Parker-Bowles, not Diana.
Charles was rarely with Diana. I really don't think he ever loved her. I never saw him with her until he was being publicly married to her. Every single time I ever saw Prince Charles in the U.S., he was always either alone with a few men, or with Camilla. Camilla also showed up with her husband and kids, not just Charles. They had an entire "threesome" thing going that none of them seemed to mind--she had two "husbands". Charles became particularly vicious.
Prince Philip also showed up at our house and tortured the hell out of my Dad and me. We were tortured, degraded by his men, and sneered at and then he took off. Queen Elizabeth DID visit my house in person, more than once, but on rarer occasions and if she ever showed up, usually it was with Beatrice or some Ferguson kid, or my older clone. She traveled around with my older clone some and Kate was jealous about it and so was Mossad. If I dared mention it, or her, they snapped into this hateful rage, and looked like they wanted to kill me. I had said, "If Kate is going to be a PRINCESS, then how come my clone is the one who always travels with the Queen?" I kept saying this and they became more and more infuriated. The internal rage they held was atrocious and they couldn't control themselves. They also had Calthorpes coming into my house, demanding all letters and royal items. The Calthorpes stole from me on a regular basis, like Kate Middleton did.
Then one day, after Diana had married, Queen Elizabeth showed up with other royal members of the family, and my older clone, and they murdered her, at least that clone, in front of me and they did it to try to prove something to Kate Middleton, who was there, and Diana, and Sofia. Louis Freeh was around for it.
I was having to stay at Louis Freeh's house too, and he was a serious pedophile and hated me. He loved Kate Middleton and hated my guts. Kate would show up at his house and I thought maybe they had an affair, but William was with her, and other boyfriends sometimes. I was a hostage at Freeh's house. He was raping me and acting like he was Prince Charles, doing some of the same things to me that Charles had done when I was a child, but even more, and then torturing me with the electrocution headbrace and he told Middleton he was taking care of things. I also had to stay with Don Pryzbyla and he did the same thing and gave Katie things.
Harry of Wales also showed up at my house in Moses Lake, Wa, possibly with Prince Edward, or separately, and one of the Prince Edward's was mad about something and wanted all the letters, and Harry was beating my Dad up and my older cloned son, and all reference to "Henry" I was being told not to mention. They started calling me "onery" to cover for "Enri" (Henri). It was Henry and a man who sort of looked like Orlando Bloom. They raped my son and beat my Dad. It was over money and my song rights and saying things like "you have no rights".
A woman was murdered with royals, at my house, and then another entire family that was my family was murdered by Kate Middleton and entire group and they paid Meiers so much money, Catherine's husband said, "I can retire now" and to protect their money they divorced and he moved to the Coast and bought a house there. I was held hostage at his house and raped by him multiple times, and he was torturing me and getting me drunk and then having royal member visitors pay him after he demonstrated to them what he was doing for them. Harry murdered one of my sons in England, in a dual where it wasn't fairly matched, as in my son had no gun, and then Carol Goldsmith also showed up at my house in Moses Lake, WA and she personally murdered one of my sons with a couple of others around. I hated Carol Goldsmith, and Kate and Pippa. She did it right in front of me and had her grandkids with her, older clones of the "Charlotte" and "George" shits. After this, a bunch of people covered for her. I also witnessed a murder against an older clone of myself. They were killing people in my bathroom, in Moses Lake, WA. I secretly pulled hairs from her head while they murdered her, and when it was found, they said, "What do you have in your hand?" and I was forced t open it and they said, "What's that? Hair?" and they said "Why do you have hair in your hand?" and I said, "Because she looked like me and someone can analyse it in a lab because I think you killed the wrong person."
I had said, "She works for the CIA". Then one of them said, "Your baby is going to DIE." And I said, "How come you said that, just because I took some of her hair?"
The U.S. government thought it was then "amusing" to have me help them with a movie idea: "Pretty Woman" and the part where they 'catch' her in the bathroom 'stealing' is when she is holding dental floss in her hand.
I remember all of the people involved. I started going into the bathroom all the time, to look at my face in the mirror after they murdered this woman who looked like me.
Middletons also thought it was "funny" to take a locket from me (like a lock of hair), that was heart shaped and had initials C.G. on it, and say, sarcastically, "Oh, you're a real orphan now Cameo". It was a silver locket and my Mom had been prompted by govt. to make me offer it to them, so "Gary Goldsmith and Katie won't be bad" since we were "short on the money". (We were what?? Can you say that again please?
Did you seriously say WE are the ones, or I am the one who is SHORT ON THE FUCKING MONEY???)
I knew about lab technology for identifying persons by the time I was 5 years old. My idea was because I had thought I could secretly send some hair to a lab. I hid it from everyone there, but I didn't have pockets in the clothes I was wearing and didn't know what to do with it.
The Goldsmiths owe me a lot of money. They owe me a LOT of money. They were already stealing money from forcing me to songwrite by then, had massacred my family and then were going after my locket next, with Carley Massey-Birch. Chris Dabney was there, with James Comey, John Kaempf, and another woman, prior to my Mom crying and then suggesting I could find things in my room to give them to make up for the money. My Mom wasn't the first to try this sympathy trick, it was Kate Middleton and Diana as well, after they saw me trying to help my older clone.
The locket was a necklace Johnny Spencer had given me. It was not "Carol Goldsmith's" necklace, he had it made for me and carved with my initials and gave it to me when I was little, for saying I would help him with some of his house bills with my money. It was a "thank you" gift for a loan of money from me, from my songwriting profits.
I had said to my Mom, "Who needs the money? Katie needs the money or is it Camilla?"
She said "Camilla?" and I said, "Well yeah, because Camilla asks me for money sometimes, and she's Catholic and so is John Kaempf and I saw John here, and Brian Gross and Jason Potter. So is she the one who needs money or is it Katie?" I then said, "Does Brian Gross need money too? Because I saw him kill that lady."
Later someone said, "It wasn't Brian, it was Mike" and I said, "Mike Tancer stabbed a man in that bathroom because I saw him do it, but Brian Gross and Robin made me shoot a gun at a lady who looked like me, after they forced her in there. It was Brian and John Kaempf, Dick Whittemore, and some other people, and my Dad, and Greg Smith and Dan Gatti." I added, "Some were in the bathroom and others were in the other room." Brian Gross walked around with Robin Bechtold like they were partners.
After Brian Gross murdered one of my clones, he framed me with other law enforcement, and tried to guilt-trip me to feel insecure and like I couldn't report him.
In one of the murders they had Alita and Rani torturing her, with Carol and Pippa and Katie, Austin (who was Rani's kid and helped murder my clone, a clone of me and then was about to shoot me). He covered for Middleton's kid, George Alexander Louis.
When "Austin" was reported by me, the U.S. government instead put someone else in jail and I was told it was my son, a clone of my son. It did look like my son and he said, "Don't leave me in here, let them know who it was". The govt. then tried to cover this up by having me visit a "John Gotti jr." in a jail instead, or so they said.
Brian Gross and Michelle Erickson were extremely good friends, and Kate Middleton was also friends with Brian Gross, it was not just Michelle. Michelle was around him more, but they were killing my kids and family over Middleton and over my songwriting money.
My so-called "family" is not even my family. I was getting gang-raped by all of Alita's and Rani's kids and Valentes kids tortured us along with them. The U.S. told me, after the movie "Pretty Woman" was filmed or practiced, in the 1980s, prior to filming, that I was "crazy" and how could "Austin" be Rani and Pat's kid?
Pat, pat, pat...let's all congratulate ourselves about murdering Cameo's family and being a family of fucking shit COPS. Pat-pat.
One of the women who repeatedly tortured a clone that looked like me and helped murder her, was Alita's daughter, a frizzy-haired half-black woman, and they've cloned her multiple times. She tortured me when I was a kid too, repeatedly.
There were a bunch of blacks in my family, and Jews, and I didn't like any of them because of them tried to conceal their actual identities from me, worked with both Mafia and cops and feds to torture and traffick me, and acted like I owed them something. I didn't owe those shits anything. In the 1970s, Alita already had a black lover and had had 1/2 black kids, and same with my "brother Levi", and then the Mexican part of the family tortured me and turns out, they were Mexican jews. They claimed they were Catholics and Christians, and they weren't. It was more like Catholicism was a cover for their hate crimes against me for being Jewish, and they sent me to Catholic churches to be raped too. No one acted like I belonged to anyone or was biologically theirs.
Every single one of the Guzmans and Avilas raped me and tortured me, and it went back to clones of kids that were, for example, in 1978, Valetino Guzman, who is Locklyn and Valentin's son, he was about 25 years old or so when I was only age 4. He raped me, violently. He also used a knife to cut me up and tortured me. I was also raped by a teen named "Joey". I had my ears pierced with gold studs, by Locklyn, who took me to a mall in Wenatchee to have it done with a woman holding an earring gun. Locklyn loved telling the story to people about how I had said, "Oooh, that hought a little bit"...smirk smirk. They laughed about my being raped. These shits all trafficked cocaine for the Goldsmiths, Middleton, and their own Mexican mafia and U.S. govt. people. I was also tortured by the Stalkers, a German side of my grandmother's side, but one of them acted like he felt sorry for me and was trying to tell me they were all bad.
All that the Guzmans and Avilas cared about, was making money off of their most lucrative "industry", cocaine and child porn and selling me for sex to others. After my songs became more successful than that, they got worried, because I was able to produce material that wasn't "illegal" and made more money than their illegal ventures. It wasn't just them, I was also tortured by "Garrett cousins". I wasn't around them as much though. I was passed back and forth between the families and even the U.S. govt. questioned why I wanted to go back to the Avila-Guzman side, because everyone knew what they did to me. I was living for a short time with my Grandpa Garrett sr. and not hurt as much, at least, during that specific period of time, but I was isolated in the woods with no one to talk to and no friends and I was lonely, so they sent me back to live with my Mom and Dad and all they did was try to make me think it wasn't any better from one place to the next, and then had the U.S. trafficking me to other countries, paying off the officials to have me believe it wouldn't be any better there, so everyone in the U.S. could keep raping me. The U.S. was also inviting mafia over to assault me, to make me feel I wasn't safe anywhere.
My cousins do not "love" me. They were plotting murders against me, my kids, and my clones. Their motives for murdering me and harming me, mostly came up later, after they'd been assaulting me. By 1978, they had already passed me around to be raped, and forced me to do blow jobs for hundreds of men and their own families. I was taken to Mexico, and tortured by Valentine's mother, and her group, and the Avilas.
None of my "cousins", who I was supposedly related to...they had all these clones in their family...and not one of them was being forced to do "blow jobs" for others, and raped all the time like I was. They singled me out, like a non-family member, to rape and torture me and sell me.
This one mulatto woman, who was Alita's daughter, and was already an older teen or in her 20s by the time I was age 4 or so, repeatedly tortured me with the electrocution headbrace, and with others involved. She was and is used as a psychic and the govt. liked her. She and the others plotted against me and my kids and decided they were going to promote Barak Obama, just to have him protect their own assets against me, and to support them and their kids. The U.S. allowed her to shoot my clone in the head in front of me, in Moses Lake. There was also a woman named "Andrea" who was involved, who worked with Brett and Laurie Meador. As for James and Angela, who teach 'youth group' at that church, they had naked sex in front of me, to 'instruct' me on how 'it's done.'
The murder of my clone was overseen by Ronald Reagan. He was in my house, involved, and was covered by the U.S. govt. Hillary Clinton and Bill were also present, and George Bush. They had a number of 'destined presidents" at my house to support killing my kids and clones, and did it with Kate Middleton there, and Camilla and Charles and the Parker-Bowles. Michelle Obama was also involved in murdering my clone, and her daughters were with her.
Deena, a woman who is the HR director for "Mills Casino", not only murdered one of my clones, she participated in a gang-rape against me with a clone of Kate Middleton standing by to watch. Chris Dabney's mother, who looked similar in some ways, helped with "clean-up". I told Deena, after she stole a pearl necklace from my neck, with some black women, "If you ever dare wear a pearl necklace again, I will be sure to publicly discuss what you did." She wouldn't wear one for several years and then after awhile, she got cocky and went out and got a black pearl necklace with gaps in between, to represent Kate Middleton picking out my shirt from around my waist in Jerash. What happened earlier, at my house in M.L, was they had her help pick out my shirt from my waistband, telling me to untuck my shirt, and then pull down my pants and then said "If we want to buy a car, we have to test-drive it" and I was gang-raped, for calling Kate Middleton's daughter "Charlotte", a "car-lot". She not only held guns at me and raped me, along with a woman who drives a car with Oregon license plate 874 ELF, she threatened future death of my unborn baby, tortured me by programming me, held me hostage at her house, and worked with Dabney's "D.C." mother in D.C. "Nikki", Dabney's friend, was there and involved.
Kathy, who works at The Post Pub in Washington D.C., was also involved and she helped Dabneys with murdering my older clone, and one of my sons and after the shot was fired, Kathy grabbed me and tried to smother my head into her chest, her boobs, so I couldn't see what happened next. The U.S. made me stay with them after they murdered my clone in England. I was transported from England to D.C. The other place she was at or covered for, was the massacre of my family at Meiers house in Lake Oswego.
I was raped over later mentioning it, and Kate Middleton being one of the shooters with her, and noting the license plate (in Oregon) of 092 OSM. Because I brought up this woman and her plates, when she was someone Bechtold's knew, who were involved in multiple murders of my family members, he raped me in 1991, saying "that was awesome", and then an attempt to murder me was made. When Kathy from the Post Pub helped murder my family, she also made the comment, after, "That was awesome" and she has an Irish accent because she was born in Ireland and worked with Middletons. Kathy showed up for a second massacre, not for the first one, which included Kate Middleton as the shooter. Kathy also was involved in shooting and wanting to have me shoot a little boy while a kaleidoscope was held in his hands, and he was looking into it.
William of Wales murdered one of my kids while making them do this.
I was raped, and tortured.
The matter of "Laurie's letters" is joked about in the Bill Murray movie, "The Man Who Knew Too Little", but it was serious. She wasn't a parlor maid or a spy either, my older clone wasn't.
Kate Middleton and William of Wales participated with others in having her murdered because they wanted their own version of history to play out publicly.
She did not just have love letters, she was receiving death threats from Kate Middleton and Pippa, prior to her death. Several individuals sent her actual letters and I was shown them, and they were in the hand of the persons that wrote them. She had letters from Prince Philip. and letters from Prince Edward were being written to a "Loree", and I thought it was to me, and saved at my house when I was about age 6. Prior to her murder, I had found out she was newly getting letters from Prince William and supposedly one of them thought he was in love with her, and the Middletons flipped out. However, when she died, at least one of the William's was involved and didn't seem to care at all. Mossad cared about murdering her, even more than the U.S. government.
Chris Dabney was fishing around in her bureau drawers, in a cabinet or desk, with another woman, right after her murder.
I also witnessed someone taking a ring off of her finger after they killed her and saying "She won't be needing that now" and Lorraine Rose and Pippa and Kate were the ones who did it.
From what I remember, there may have been 2 sets of letters, because a ring that my older clone wore prior to her murder had been given to her by Prince Philip and Middletons were jealous and so was one of the William's. The letters which I personally read, when I was old enough to read, which were stored at my house for awhile, were all from Prince Edward, and I had said, "Where are the letters from Charles?" and they said there are none and I said, "Yes there were, and now they're all from Edward."
She was married too, because Prince Philip sent her letters instructing her on marriage and being married. One of the persons who threatened ME with death, or her with me, later, much later, and right before she died, was the same Prince Philip. Prince Philip threatened me with death, to my face, if I didn't shut up, and Prince Andrew came around and did the same, along with Middletons.
From what I understood, someone was actually in love with her and then people went along with it until they decided they wanted CIA money, or Mossad money, instead. Then all of a sudden, there was this huge push to kill her, and at the time, Kate Middleton and Pippa were pissed off.
I saw some letters, at someone's house, with initials C.E.M. on them, but they weren't the same letters. The letters to Loree, were to Loree, not to a Catherine, or an Elizabeth, or a Middleton, and they were all on royal paper, as in British Royal's letterhead and personal stationary.
They stole back all of the letters around 1981, before another Kate Middleton was scheduled to be born in 1982. It was 1981 or 1982 when all of the letters...possibly 1983 because I still saw some letters after that, but it was another set. The first set was disappearing and being "written-over" and replaced with another set (all on Royal stationary) before all of the letters disappeared.
James Comey, Barak Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary and Stanley were involved in stealing them back, from our house, or making sure they didn't return actually. Stanley was specifically involved in it and he was Director of the CIA. The others who went there, asking about the letters, was Prince Charles himself, with Camilla Parker-Bowles, not Diana.
Charles was rarely with Diana. I really don't think he ever loved her. I never saw him with her until he was being publicly married to her. Every single time I ever saw Prince Charles in the U.S., he was always either alone with a few men, or with Camilla. Camilla also showed up with her husband and kids, not just Charles. They had an entire "threesome" thing going that none of them seemed to mind--she had two "husbands". Charles became particularly vicious.
Prince Philip also showed up at our house and tortured the hell out of my Dad and me. We were tortured, degraded by his men, and sneered at and then he took off. Queen Elizabeth DID visit my house in person, more than once, but on rarer occasions and if she ever showed up, usually it was with Beatrice or some Ferguson kid, or my older clone. She traveled around with my older clone some and Kate was jealous about it and so was Mossad. If I dared mention it, or her, they snapped into this hateful rage, and looked like they wanted to kill me. I had said, "If Kate is going to be a PRINCESS, then how come my clone is the one who always travels with the Queen?" I kept saying this and they became more and more infuriated. The internal rage they held was atrocious and they couldn't control themselves. They also had Calthorpes coming into my house, demanding all letters and royal items. The Calthorpes stole from me on a regular basis, like Kate Middleton did.
Then one day, after Diana had married, Queen Elizabeth showed up with other royal members of the family, and my older clone, and they murdered her, at least that clone, in front of me and they did it to try to prove something to Kate Middleton, who was there, and Diana, and Sofia. Louis Freeh was around for it.
I was having to stay at Louis Freeh's house too, and he was a serious pedophile and hated me. He loved Kate Middleton and hated my guts. Kate would show up at his house and I thought maybe they had an affair, but William was with her, and other boyfriends sometimes. I was a hostage at Freeh's house. He was raping me and acting like he was Prince Charles, doing some of the same things to me that Charles had done when I was a child, but even more, and then torturing me with the electrocution headbrace and he told Middleton he was taking care of things. I also had to stay with Don Pryzbyla and he did the same thing and gave Katie things.
Harry of Wales also showed up at my house in Moses Lake, Wa, possibly with Prince Edward, or separately, and one of the Prince Edward's was mad about something and wanted all the letters, and Harry was beating my Dad up and my older cloned son, and all reference to "Henry" I was being told not to mention. They started calling me "onery" to cover for "Enri" (Henri). It was Henry and a man who sort of looked like Orlando Bloom. They raped my son and beat my Dad. It was over money and my song rights and saying things like "you have no rights".
A woman was murdered with royals, at my house, and then another entire family that was my family was murdered by Kate Middleton and entire group and they paid Meiers so much money, Catherine's husband said, "I can retire now" and to protect their money they divorced and he moved to the Coast and bought a house there. I was held hostage at his house and raped by him multiple times, and he was torturing me and getting me drunk and then having royal member visitors pay him after he demonstrated to them what he was doing for them. Harry murdered one of my sons in England, in a dual where it wasn't fairly matched, as in my son had no gun, and then Carol Goldsmith also showed up at my house in Moses Lake, WA and she personally murdered one of my sons with a couple of others around. I hated Carol Goldsmith, and Kate and Pippa. She did it right in front of me and had her grandkids with her, older clones of the "Charlotte" and "George" shits. After this, a bunch of people covered for her. I also witnessed a murder against an older clone of myself. They were killing people in my bathroom, in Moses Lake, WA. I secretly pulled hairs from her head while they murdered her, and when it was found, they said, "What do you have in your hand?" and I was forced t open it and they said, "What's that? Hair?" and they said "Why do you have hair in your hand?" and I said, "Because she looked like me and someone can analyse it in a lab because I think you killed the wrong person."
I had said, "She works for the CIA". Then one of them said, "Your baby is going to DIE." And I said, "How come you said that, just because I took some of her hair?"
The U.S. government thought it was then "amusing" to have me help them with a movie idea: "Pretty Woman" and the part where they 'catch' her in the bathroom 'stealing' is when she is holding dental floss in her hand.
I remember all of the people involved. I started going into the bathroom all the time, to look at my face in the mirror after they murdered this woman who looked like me.
Middletons also thought it was "funny" to take a locket from me (like a lock of hair), that was heart shaped and had initials C.G. on it, and say, sarcastically, "Oh, you're a real orphan now Cameo". It was a silver locket and my Mom had been prompted by govt. to make me offer it to them, so "Gary Goldsmith and Katie won't be bad" since we were "short on the money". (We were what?? Can you say that again please?
Did you seriously say WE are the ones, or I am the one who is SHORT ON THE FUCKING MONEY???)
I knew about lab technology for identifying persons by the time I was 5 years old. My idea was because I had thought I could secretly send some hair to a lab. I hid it from everyone there, but I didn't have pockets in the clothes I was wearing and didn't know what to do with it.
The Goldsmiths owe me a lot of money. They owe me a LOT of money. They were already stealing money from forcing me to songwrite by then, had massacred my family and then were going after my locket next, with Carley Massey-Birch. Chris Dabney was there, with James Comey, John Kaempf, and another woman, prior to my Mom crying and then suggesting I could find things in my room to give them to make up for the money. My Mom wasn't the first to try this sympathy trick, it was Kate Middleton and Diana as well, after they saw me trying to help my older clone.
The locket was a necklace Johnny Spencer had given me. It was not "Carol Goldsmith's" necklace, he had it made for me and carved with my initials and gave it to me when I was little, for saying I would help him with some of his house bills with my money. It was a "thank you" gift for a loan of money from me, from my songwriting profits.
I had said to my Mom, "Who needs the money? Katie needs the money or is it Camilla?"
She said "Camilla?" and I said, "Well yeah, because Camilla asks me for money sometimes, and she's Catholic and so is John Kaempf and I saw John here, and Brian Gross and Jason Potter. So is she the one who needs money or is it Katie?" I then said, "Does Brian Gross need money too? Because I saw him kill that lady."
Later someone said, "It wasn't Brian, it was Mike" and I said, "Mike Tancer stabbed a man in that bathroom because I saw him do it, but Brian Gross and Robin made me shoot a gun at a lady who looked like me, after they forced her in there. It was Brian and John Kaempf, Dick Whittemore, and some other people, and my Dad, and Greg Smith and Dan Gatti." I added, "Some were in the bathroom and others were in the other room." Brian Gross walked around with Robin Bechtold like they were partners.
After Brian Gross murdered one of my clones, he framed me with other law enforcement, and tried to guilt-trip me to feel insecure and like I couldn't report him.
In one of the murders they had Alita and Rani torturing her, with Carol and Pippa and Katie, Austin (who was Rani's kid and helped murder my clone, a clone of me and then was about to shoot me). He covered for Middleton's kid, George Alexander Louis.
When "Austin" was reported by me, the U.S. government instead put someone else in jail and I was told it was my son, a clone of my son. It did look like my son and he said, "Don't leave me in here, let them know who it was". The govt. then tried to cover this up by having me visit a "John Gotti jr." in a jail instead, or so they said.
Brian Gross and Michelle Erickson were extremely good friends, and Kate Middleton was also friends with Brian Gross, it was not just Michelle. Michelle was around him more, but they were killing my kids and family over Middleton and over my songwriting money.
My so-called "family" is not even my family. I was getting gang-raped by all of Alita's and Rani's kids and Valentes kids tortured us along with them. The U.S. told me, after the movie "Pretty Woman" was filmed or practiced, in the 1980s, prior to filming, that I was "crazy" and how could "Austin" be Rani and Pat's kid?
Pat, pat, pat...let's all congratulate ourselves about murdering Cameo's family and being a family of fucking shit COPS. Pat-pat.
One of the women who repeatedly tortured a clone that looked like me and helped murder her, was Alita's daughter, a frizzy-haired half-black woman, and they've cloned her multiple times. She tortured me when I was a kid too, repeatedly.
There were a bunch of blacks in my family, and Jews, and I didn't like any of them because of them tried to conceal their actual identities from me, worked with both Mafia and cops and feds to torture and traffick me, and acted like I owed them something. I didn't owe those shits anything. In the 1970s, Alita already had a black lover and had had 1/2 black kids, and same with my "brother Levi", and then the Mexican part of the family tortured me and turns out, they were Mexican jews. They claimed they were Catholics and Christians, and they weren't. It was more like Catholicism was a cover for their hate crimes against me for being Jewish, and they sent me to Catholic churches to be raped too. No one acted like I belonged to anyone or was biologically theirs.
Every single one of the Guzmans and Avilas raped me and tortured me, and it went back to clones of kids that were, for example, in 1978, Valetino Guzman, who is Locklyn and Valentin's son, he was about 25 years old or so when I was only age 4. He raped me, violently. He also used a knife to cut me up and tortured me. I was also raped by a teen named "Joey". I had my ears pierced with gold studs, by Locklyn, who took me to a mall in Wenatchee to have it done with a woman holding an earring gun. Locklyn loved telling the story to people about how I had said, "Oooh, that hought a little bit"...smirk smirk. They laughed about my being raped. These shits all trafficked cocaine for the Goldsmiths, Middleton, and their own Mexican mafia and U.S. govt. people. I was also tortured by the Stalkers, a German side of my grandmother's side, but one of them acted like he felt sorry for me and was trying to tell me they were all bad.
All that the Guzmans and Avilas cared about, was making money off of their most lucrative "industry", cocaine and child porn and selling me for sex to others. After my songs became more successful than that, they got worried, because I was able to produce material that wasn't "illegal" and made more money than their illegal ventures. It wasn't just them, I was also tortured by "Garrett cousins". I wasn't around them as much though. I was passed back and forth between the families and even the U.S. govt. questioned why I wanted to go back to the Avila-Guzman side, because everyone knew what they did to me. I was living for a short time with my Grandpa Garrett sr. and not hurt as much, at least, during that specific period of time, but I was isolated in the woods with no one to talk to and no friends and I was lonely, so they sent me back to live with my Mom and Dad and all they did was try to make me think it wasn't any better from one place to the next, and then had the U.S. trafficking me to other countries, paying off the officials to have me believe it wouldn't be any better there, so everyone in the U.S. could keep raping me. The U.S. was also inviting mafia over to assault me, to make me feel I wasn't safe anywhere.
My cousins do not "love" me. They were plotting murders against me, my kids, and my clones. Their motives for murdering me and harming me, mostly came up later, after they'd been assaulting me. By 1978, they had already passed me around to be raped, and forced me to do blow jobs for hundreds of men and their own families. I was taken to Mexico, and tortured by Valentine's mother, and her group, and the Avilas.
None of my "cousins", who I was supposedly related to...they had all these clones in their family...and not one of them was being forced to do "blow jobs" for others, and raped all the time like I was. They singled me out, like a non-family member, to rape and torture me and sell me.
This one mulatto woman, who was Alita's daughter, and was already an older teen or in her 20s by the time I was age 4 or so, repeatedly tortured me with the electrocution headbrace, and with others involved. She was and is used as a psychic and the govt. liked her. She and the others plotted against me and my kids and decided they were going to promote Barak Obama, just to have him protect their own assets against me, and to support them and their kids. The U.S. allowed her to shoot my clone in the head in front of me, in Moses Lake. There was also a woman named "Andrea" who was involved, who worked with Brett and Laurie Meador. As for James and Angela, who teach 'youth group' at that church, they had naked sex in front of me, to 'instruct' me on how 'it's done.'
The murder of my clone was overseen by Ronald Reagan. He was in my house, involved, and was covered by the U.S. govt. Hillary Clinton and Bill were also present, and George Bush. They had a number of 'destined presidents" at my house to support killing my kids and clones, and did it with Kate Middleton there, and Camilla and Charles and the Parker-Bowles. Michelle Obama was also involved in murdering my clone, and her daughters were with her.
Deena, a woman who is the HR director for "Mills Casino", not only murdered one of my clones, she participated in a gang-rape against me with a clone of Kate Middleton standing by to watch. Chris Dabney's mother, who looked similar in some ways, helped with "clean-up". I told Deena, after she stole a pearl necklace from my neck, with some black women, "If you ever dare wear a pearl necklace again, I will be sure to publicly discuss what you did." She wouldn't wear one for several years and then after awhile, she got cocky and went out and got a black pearl necklace with gaps in between, to represent Kate Middleton picking out my shirt from around my waist in Jerash. What happened earlier, at my house in M.L, was they had her help pick out my shirt from my waistband, telling me to untuck my shirt, and then pull down my pants and then said "If we want to buy a car, we have to test-drive it" and I was gang-raped, for calling Kate Middleton's daughter "Charlotte", a "car-lot". She not only held guns at me and raped me, along with a woman who drives a car with Oregon license plate 874 ELF, she threatened future death of my unborn baby, tortured me by programming me, held me hostage at her house, and worked with Dabney's "D.C." mother in D.C. "Nikki", Dabney's friend, was there and involved.
Kathy, who works at The Post Pub in Washington D.C., was also involved and she helped Dabneys with murdering my older clone, and one of my sons and after the shot was fired, Kathy grabbed me and tried to smother my head into her chest, her boobs, so I couldn't see what happened next. The U.S. made me stay with them after they murdered my clone in England. I was transported from England to D.C. The other place she was at or covered for, was the massacre of my family at Meiers house in Lake Oswego.
I was raped over later mentioning it, and Kate Middleton being one of the shooters with her, and noting the license plate (in Oregon) of 092 OSM. Because I brought up this woman and her plates, when she was someone Bechtold's knew, who were involved in multiple murders of my family members, he raped me in 1991, saying "that was awesome", and then an attempt to murder me was made. When Kathy from the Post Pub helped murder my family, she also made the comment, after, "That was awesome" and she has an Irish accent because she was born in Ireland and worked with Middletons. Kathy showed up for a second massacre, not for the first one, which included Kate Middleton as the shooter. Kathy also was involved in shooting and wanting to have me shoot a little boy while a kaleidoscope was held in his hands, and he was looking into it.
William of Wales murdered one of my kids while making them do this.
I was raped, and tortured.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
"Like This?": Kate Middleton Tortures My Son As "Ball Buster" & Murderer
another post here
Chris Dabney reported that it was true that Kate Middleton did this, committed this crime against my son but he didn't care if he did. He already knew the U.S. would do nothing about it because he, himself, was one of my son's murderers and he was counting on raping me in the future.
Chris Dabney reported that it was true that Kate Middleton did this, committed this crime against my son but he didn't care if he did. He already knew the U.S. would do nothing about it because he, himself, was one of my son's murderers and he was counting on raping me in the future.
Kate Middleton's U.S. Govt. "Getaway" Following Rape Against A Child
leaving a space here for this post
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Chris Stubblefield Plots & Threatens Torture of Oliver Avila with William of Wales
One of the threats I tried to report to officials, that Christopher Stubblefield made against my future sons and me, was that "his wife" was going to do "that" (and he pointed to something I was making at my house and putting in the oven) to my son's head.
I am going to describe what Washington State Patrol officer Chris Stubblefield watched me make, and then you will understand what his threat was, and then, decades later, he had his wife Stacey Stubblefield, torture my son deliberately and my son sustained a severe head injury that had not healed over 3 months later.
I tried to get a lawyer to sue for damages and the U.S. FBI and government began making reports against me to kidnap my son from me so I couldn't file a lawsuit on his behalf and mine, for damages by the Stubblefields. The State of Washington and federal government removed me from being the "legal guardian" of my son, to prevent me from filing a lawsuit, and they did this after I had reported to MANY individuals what Chris Stubblefield had threatened against me at my parent's house in Coquille, Oregon and another man tried to cover for him by making the same threat when I was baking in my trailer.
I was making small child-sized pizzas and I had put cheese on the surface of the round crust, and then I had layered it with basmati rice that I steamed with walnuts and sautéed onions, and pressed it down with a lid of a jar, into the cheese, and then I layered it with cheese again and then added a dollop of a salsa I had made in the center, so it had a red round center.
Chris Stubblefield had been making fun of me and saying what kind of a crazy person was I, to make a "pizza" with rice and walnuts on it and I had said, "You call me crazy because your own wife isn't sophisticated enough to have good taste. All she does is make the same thing over and over and it shows...not only are her pizzas average, so are your kids and so is their intelligence".
I didn't say this to "Washington State Patrol Chris Stubblefield" after one small remark. He had been harassing me on and on with implying I was mentally ill and no one would ever want to marry me, and see, this is why...supposedly I didn't raise my kids, and so on and I finally gave it back to him.
He got furious and I said, "You can dish it out, and insult young women, but you can't take it, can you? Maybe that's why you like being a COP, so you can run around with a gun and feel important".
He started to actually pull a gun out and I said, "If you dare try to shoot me, I'll have you know everyone knows I'm here right now and I blogged about YOU before you even came over because I have reasons to be concerned about your violent tendencies, and if you don't believe me, why don't you have your wife Stacey look up my Blogger account and see for herself, before you think about shooting me because you can't handle an insult".
So he literally DID ask his wife, Stacey, to look up my Blogger account and 'check' to see if it was true and they sent someone else down the hall to nod yes, because it was.
I had already witnessed Chris Stubblefield spazing out and tazering people, including me, holding guns at anyone's head whenever he wanted and abusing his authority, insulting me and my family, raping my kids, and beating up my Dad. That's not to mention he had already violently raped me and his wife was a fucking pedophile, like him.
So then this little cop shit, Chris, decided NOT to use his GUN on me, to MURDER me, for saying his wife was average and his kid's had average intelligence when he kept insulting me and my kids, and he proceeded to say, as I was putting it into a microwave to firm up and then for storage so someone could bake later, he said, "You see that? That's what my wife is going to do to your kid's head".
I said, "Thanks for threatening me with murdering or permanently harming my son Chris. Now I will report you and tell everyone what a low self-esteem you have, that you can't handle an intelligence insult against your kids because why? Maybe because you know it's know it's true because why else would you be HERE holding a little girl hostage for years, just to steal from her because you don't have the brains to branch out and make more money on your own. Let's face it--you're not creative, neither is your wife, and you'll always have average jobs doing average things and making average pizzas and average kids, and that's just the way it is Chris. But thanks, I'll remember how you not only harass me, you make violent threats and while I don't carry out any threats, you WOULD and if you DO, and IF Stacey Stubblefield does this to MY SON, somehow, because I know you'll try to stalk me down and make it happen and I might have forgotten if time has passed, you are going to be SUED."
He smirked and said, "No I won't. I'm the State. You can't sue me and I have immunity" and I said, "You do NOT have immunity for acts of violence outside of the capacity of your job and your WIFE, if she exceeds what she's supposed to do, somehow managing to get in the door to try to harm my kid, in a medical office or something, she also does not have immunity and I will sue the fuckking FBI along with the State Patrol for keeping YOU SHITS on their payrolls".
I had also said, before this, when I pushing in a couple of things like a walnut into the center, after he said his wife was going to do that to my kid I said, "Is that a threat to kill my kid, to give my kid a head injury, or to push a microchip into my kid's head?" and I said, "Because it sounds to me like you just threatened to use your wife to hurt my kid and I'm going to make a report about you, but maybe you could let me know a little more what your plan is, because I'm not sure if you're saying you're going to have your wife murder my kid, give him a head injury, or microchip him, and you could fill me in".
I am going to describe what Washington State Patrol officer Chris Stubblefield watched me make, and then you will understand what his threat was, and then, decades later, he had his wife Stacey Stubblefield, torture my son deliberately and my son sustained a severe head injury that had not healed over 3 months later.
I tried to get a lawyer to sue for damages and the U.S. FBI and government began making reports against me to kidnap my son from me so I couldn't file a lawsuit on his behalf and mine, for damages by the Stubblefields. The State of Washington and federal government removed me from being the "legal guardian" of my son, to prevent me from filing a lawsuit, and they did this after I had reported to MANY individuals what Chris Stubblefield had threatened against me at my parent's house in Coquille, Oregon and another man tried to cover for him by making the same threat when I was baking in my trailer.
I was making small child-sized pizzas and I had put cheese on the surface of the round crust, and then I had layered it with basmati rice that I steamed with walnuts and sautéed onions, and pressed it down with a lid of a jar, into the cheese, and then I layered it with cheese again and then added a dollop of a salsa I had made in the center, so it had a red round center.
Chris Stubblefield had been making fun of me and saying what kind of a crazy person was I, to make a "pizza" with rice and walnuts on it and I had said, "You call me crazy because your own wife isn't sophisticated enough to have good taste. All she does is make the same thing over and over and it shows...not only are her pizzas average, so are your kids and so is their intelligence".
I didn't say this to "Washington State Patrol Chris Stubblefield" after one small remark. He had been harassing me on and on with implying I was mentally ill and no one would ever want to marry me, and see, this is why...supposedly I didn't raise my kids, and so on and I finally gave it back to him.
He got furious and I said, "You can dish it out, and insult young women, but you can't take it, can you? Maybe that's why you like being a COP, so you can run around with a gun and feel important".
He started to actually pull a gun out and I said, "If you dare try to shoot me, I'll have you know everyone knows I'm here right now and I blogged about YOU before you even came over because I have reasons to be concerned about your violent tendencies, and if you don't believe me, why don't you have your wife Stacey look up my Blogger account and see for herself, before you think about shooting me because you can't handle an insult".
So he literally DID ask his wife, Stacey, to look up my Blogger account and 'check' to see if it was true and they sent someone else down the hall to nod yes, because it was.
I had already witnessed Chris Stubblefield spazing out and tazering people, including me, holding guns at anyone's head whenever he wanted and abusing his authority, insulting me and my family, raping my kids, and beating up my Dad. That's not to mention he had already violently raped me and his wife was a fucking pedophile, like him.
So then this little cop shit, Chris, decided NOT to use his GUN on me, to MURDER me, for saying his wife was average and his kid's had average intelligence when he kept insulting me and my kids, and he proceeded to say, as I was putting it into a microwave to firm up and then for storage so someone could bake later, he said, "You see that? That's what my wife is going to do to your kid's head".
I said, "Thanks for threatening me with murdering or permanently harming my son Chris. Now I will report you and tell everyone what a low self-esteem you have, that you can't handle an intelligence insult against your kids because why? Maybe because you know it's know it's true because why else would you be HERE holding a little girl hostage for years, just to steal from her because you don't have the brains to branch out and make more money on your own. Let's face it--you're not creative, neither is your wife, and you'll always have average jobs doing average things and making average pizzas and average kids, and that's just the way it is Chris. But thanks, I'll remember how you not only harass me, you make violent threats and while I don't carry out any threats, you WOULD and if you DO, and IF Stacey Stubblefield does this to MY SON, somehow, because I know you'll try to stalk me down and make it happen and I might have forgotten if time has passed, you are going to be SUED."
He smirked and said, "No I won't. I'm the State. You can't sue me and I have immunity" and I said, "You do NOT have immunity for acts of violence outside of the capacity of your job and your WIFE, if she exceeds what she's supposed to do, somehow managing to get in the door to try to harm my kid, in a medical office or something, she also does not have immunity and I will sue the fuckking FBI along with the State Patrol for keeping YOU SHITS on their payrolls".
I had also said, before this, when I pushing in a couple of things like a walnut into the center, after he said his wife was going to do that to my kid I said, "Is that a threat to kill my kid, to give my kid a head injury, or to push a microchip into my kid's head?" and I said, "Because it sounds to me like you just threatened to use your wife to hurt my kid and I'm going to make a report about you, but maybe you could let me know a little more what your plan is, because I'm not sure if you're saying you're going to have your wife murder my kid, give him a head injury, or microchip him, and you could fill me in".
Murders Of Innocent Witnesses Forced To Remove Shoes
Kate Middleton and her group, including a Bob jr., and Dicksie, and the Baird family, had an older clone of me murdered with her son at their house in Cashmere, WA, over Kate Middleton.
They were going to be witnesses for me in a case against the U.S. government, to prove that the U.S. was stealing money from me and giving credit for my songwriting to U.S. employees, holding me hostage, and raping me, and distributing my money to Kate Middleton and British Royals and to U.S. employees.
They told me yes, that they would testify for me in court, together, and the Bairds and others didn't like it, because they were somehow already profiting off of me, without any court case, even though I wasn't making any money, and my money was already being shared with them and their other kids through Goldsmiths, Middleton, and the U.S. So they didn't need me to make my own money or get credit for it. They were stealing from me too.
My older clone was also going to be married and she had a dress, or yards of white material, for making one, and I was helping with it.
After they murdered my clone, they took a ring off of her finger and the material, handed it to Kate Middleton and some other women there, and said, "She won't be needing this anymore".
They made all of the "witnesses" take off their shoes after being in the house, so they couldn't run away.
I was told they were supposed to be murdered for trying to "upset the U.S. government" (by testifying as witnesses) and being "bad" to challenge Kate Middletons and able to report the Goldsmiths and Middletons for coming into the orchards to use them for trafficking cocaine, selling children to Mexican workers for sex, and promoting themselves.
At the same time, I had a huge list of names of men and people who were raping me and forcing me to give them blow jobs while also making me "trim" their pubic hair and my older clone was keeping a list for me in a safety deposit box or something in her name, and the Middletons knew about it. She told me not to let them know about it and I did, and I didn't know what they were planning next and the entire Middleton family and British girlfriends of Royals and others found out.
They murdered her to get that list, to steal her ring and her wedding material, and to prevent the possibility of witnesses testifying against the U.S. government. I was planning to make myself a white dress suit for court out of some of the material, and I was going to try to make a black suit for my son, and we were going to represent the fact there was no 'gray' area--the truth was the truth and it was black and white and clear as day that the U.S. government was torturing us and stealing my songs to make themselves rich.
Kate Middleton then married William, featuring herself in engagement photos with a painting of someone behind her, that only showed the feet, for a People magazine cover.
Charles Spencer was involved in the murder plot.
The entire murder and hit occurred at "Granny's house", and people were hiding in back rooms and didn't come out until they were dead (an entire family including young kids), and people were "cleaning up" there and the U.S. government and British Royals, Canadians, and an Abbot were involved in all of it. Almost all of the Royals involved, and girlfriends and others, were Jewish but they had Catholic men also there and who said they should be killed.
They were all murdered sitting on a couch and while trying to leave, they were shot down and there was blood everywhere. They had lured them there saying there was a lawyer and some lawyers there who wanted to meet them and talk to them about giving their testimonies in court on my behalf.
After they were murdered, I was gang-raped non-stop and it never ended. All of my kids, my older clone, and an older clone of my son had been murdered.
The following list is very long because there was a huge train of people who showed up to cover up what had occurred, who were all personally profiting from stealing from me and lying about who wrote the songs that were making the money--they were also primary sex abusers of children as well. The house in Cashmere is a two-story large house, and plenty of people can be present at one time as well, and there was more than one entrance into the house--there were 3 'exits' including sliding doors in the bedroom of my Grandparents (and once a door as well with a small summer patio outside of the bedroom), a "back-door" to the side of the kitchen, and a front door. It was also possible to leave the house by climbing out of a window upstairs, walking across the roof, and jumping down onto a bank near the house, but usually all of these people listed below, were coming in from the front door, although some of them were hiding out in bedrooms and upstairs and in the bathroom at the time of the murders.
People who were involved in the murders and cover-up (and follow up 'reenactments' to try to mix up facts and my memory, and showed up in-person at the house in Cashmere) to keep stealing from me were:
Robin Bechtold and Bechtolds,
James Dabney
John Kaempf
Tomas Caballero
Paul Cassel
Dick Whittemore
Abbot from Mt. Angel Abbey
Char Garrett's Italian husband and kids
Kate Middleton and Middletons
Rose Farquehar
Amanda Bynes
Anna (blond Russian from D.C.)
Chris Dabney
Alvaro Pardo and Jenny from Colombia & others (Henry, Alfredo, Omar, Oscar, Albert, Pilar)
Jennifer Lopez
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck
Justin Titus, Marie Scanlon, Anne-Marie, Officer Jones, Michelle Erickson & Erickson family
William and Harry of Wales
Prince Philip
Camilla Parker-Bowles and her son and daughter, Rosa
Isabella Calthorpe
Irene, John Kaempf's wife
Carl and Mary DelBalzo
Jason Potter
Rick & Claudia Baken
Yulia Tymoschenko
Carley Massey-Birch
Holly I. Telerant
Amanda Jones and her Dad
Jessica (went to Sherwood High School, grad. 1993)
Monica and Tim Henderson
Carmen and Char (Levi's girlfriends)
Scott Ross from Canadian immigration
Harper (current Prime Minister of Canada)
Amy Roe, her family, and Stanford University officials
Basil (a man who worked with Amy Roe)
Richard Meeker and the Jewish Chief Editor for Willamette Week
Janis Wilson (Judge, back then maybe just a lawyer)
Lisa and Brian and Philip Thebault (and Christie)
Brian Haines
Det. Brian Gross
The Rabbi Rose Family of Portland, Oregon (they are all liars and concealed murders of innocents)
Kyle Flick (lawyer) and his wife and kids (a son who was grown)
Ed Israel and Carla
Chelan County police
Florence Brudenelle-Bruce and her husband
The entire Pamp & Barbara Maiers family
Dodi Fayed and a group of his friends (from Saudi Arabia)
The entire Andrew Ferguson family (British Royals)
Sofie and Prince Edward
Diana of Wales and Prince Charles
Queen Elizabeth II
Princess Margaret
Alicia Nakata and her mother and family
Dr. Stuart Freeh, Jobe, Christopher Hughes, Martin, the woman who diagnosed a rectocele of me in 2006, Crane, Gottleib & more
Brett and Debbie Meador
Donna and Tim Titleman
Chuck and Amy Goodman
Brett McDonalds entire family
Lisa and Carlos Sequiera
Brad and Angelina Pitt and Jennifer Aniston and her Dad
Robert Mueller (FBI) and his kids
Nichole Chiarmonte
Donelle (from Sherwood, grad. 1992), Donovan (1992), Chris (1992), Lauren Jacobs (1992), Jill Winkler (1992), Aaron Contreras (1992), Nathan Knight and Diana & Sarah Kelly (1992 & 1994) and multiple other Sherwood High School graduates whose names I'll add in time: Donnette Miranda, Heather Glass, Shawna Leggit, Jeness Dean,
Richard Pryor
Nicole Ritchie and Ritchie family
Paris Hiltons family
Donald Trumps family
Clintons family
George Bush family
Stacey Lowe and family
Megan Jacquot and family
Ryan Barnes family
Rob Schneider's family
Don Pryzbyla
Dan Gatti and Greg Smith
Lady "Gaga" and her brother
Victoria Beckham and family
Stacey and Steve Quintana
Sterling-Tancer family and clones
Kristen Stewart and her family from Idaho
Jen Garner and family from Canada
Nicole Sheridan
Nikkie and her German family from D.C.
Tom and Katie Cruise
Susan Sarandon and her husband Bill
Monica Lewinsky
Taylor Swift and her boyfriend
Jessica and Ashley Simpson
Ashley Judd and the Judds
Kevin Bacon and his wife
Sheens (with Denise Williams)
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
Anne-Marie Crane
MaryAnne McIntosh and husband
Jennifer Lawrence
Rachel and Aaron Chandler
Rachel the "Jew" (from D.C.) and family
Edward Lee Howard and Mary
Linda, Kathey, Bob Beaulieu and entire Post Pub staff from D.C.
Blixseth family
Lynda Carter family
Geoff Rasmussen family
Sarah Palin family
Wiltbank family
Stevens family
Laurie and James Cartright family
Belinda Carlisle
Madonna and Sean Penn
Eric and Mary Moore family
Jimmy Carter family
Rob Fallon family
Jennifer Woods' family
Amy (Robin Bechtold's girlfriend)
Debbie and Bob Chandler
Jeff and Debbie Bouzle
Michelle Williams and her husband
The Ballinger family
Bill and Melinda Gates
Nigel (from British star search) and "Cat"
Christopher Hitchens
Geraldo Rivera
Paul Burrell
Carol Skeeters family
Officer Wright and family; Jake Wright
Shannon Adams family
Family who owns/drives vehicle w/plates 172 AFE (Oregon)
Tracey Cardwell and her brother
Kelly and Scott Halvorson and her husband with a German name Van Buren
Rosen family
Rosenow family
John and Rosella Vanderhaak
Megan Tully
Charles Spencer and his family, including wife from Canada (ah...but don't they look CUTE in their engagement photo? shucks)
They were going to be witnesses for me in a case against the U.S. government, to prove that the U.S. was stealing money from me and giving credit for my songwriting to U.S. employees, holding me hostage, and raping me, and distributing my money to Kate Middleton and British Royals and to U.S. employees.
They told me yes, that they would testify for me in court, together, and the Bairds and others didn't like it, because they were somehow already profiting off of me, without any court case, even though I wasn't making any money, and my money was already being shared with them and their other kids through Goldsmiths, Middleton, and the U.S. So they didn't need me to make my own money or get credit for it. They were stealing from me too.
My older clone was also going to be married and she had a dress, or yards of white material, for making one, and I was helping with it.
After they murdered my clone, they took a ring off of her finger and the material, handed it to Kate Middleton and some other women there, and said, "She won't be needing this anymore".
They made all of the "witnesses" take off their shoes after being in the house, so they couldn't run away.
I was told they were supposed to be murdered for trying to "upset the U.S. government" (by testifying as witnesses) and being "bad" to challenge Kate Middletons and able to report the Goldsmiths and Middletons for coming into the orchards to use them for trafficking cocaine, selling children to Mexican workers for sex, and promoting themselves.
At the same time, I had a huge list of names of men and people who were raping me and forcing me to give them blow jobs while also making me "trim" their pubic hair and my older clone was keeping a list for me in a safety deposit box or something in her name, and the Middletons knew about it. She told me not to let them know about it and I did, and I didn't know what they were planning next and the entire Middleton family and British girlfriends of Royals and others found out.
They murdered her to get that list, to steal her ring and her wedding material, and to prevent the possibility of witnesses testifying against the U.S. government. I was planning to make myself a white dress suit for court out of some of the material, and I was going to try to make a black suit for my son, and we were going to represent the fact there was no 'gray' area--the truth was the truth and it was black and white and clear as day that the U.S. government was torturing us and stealing my songs to make themselves rich.
Kate Middleton then married William, featuring herself in engagement photos with a painting of someone behind her, that only showed the feet, for a People magazine cover.
Charles Spencer was involved in the murder plot.
The entire murder and hit occurred at "Granny's house", and people were hiding in back rooms and didn't come out until they were dead (an entire family including young kids), and people were "cleaning up" there and the U.S. government and British Royals, Canadians, and an Abbot were involved in all of it. Almost all of the Royals involved, and girlfriends and others, were Jewish but they had Catholic men also there and who said they should be killed.
They were all murdered sitting on a couch and while trying to leave, they were shot down and there was blood everywhere. They had lured them there saying there was a lawyer and some lawyers there who wanted to meet them and talk to them about giving their testimonies in court on my behalf.
After they were murdered, I was gang-raped non-stop and it never ended. All of my kids, my older clone, and an older clone of my son had been murdered.
The following list is very long because there was a huge train of people who showed up to cover up what had occurred, who were all personally profiting from stealing from me and lying about who wrote the songs that were making the money--they were also primary sex abusers of children as well. The house in Cashmere is a two-story large house, and plenty of people can be present at one time as well, and there was more than one entrance into the house--there were 3 'exits' including sliding doors in the bedroom of my Grandparents (and once a door as well with a small summer patio outside of the bedroom), a "back-door" to the side of the kitchen, and a front door. It was also possible to leave the house by climbing out of a window upstairs, walking across the roof, and jumping down onto a bank near the house, but usually all of these people listed below, were coming in from the front door, although some of them were hiding out in bedrooms and upstairs and in the bathroom at the time of the murders.
People who were involved in the murders and cover-up (and follow up 'reenactments' to try to mix up facts and my memory, and showed up in-person at the house in Cashmere) to keep stealing from me were:
Robin Bechtold and Bechtolds,
James Dabney
John Kaempf
Tomas Caballero
Paul Cassel
Dick Whittemore
Abbot from Mt. Angel Abbey
Char Garrett's Italian husband and kids
Kate Middleton and Middletons
Rose Farquehar
Amanda Bynes
Anna (blond Russian from D.C.)
Chris Dabney
Alvaro Pardo and Jenny from Colombia & others (Henry, Alfredo, Omar, Oscar, Albert, Pilar)
Jennifer Lopez
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck
Justin Titus, Marie Scanlon, Anne-Marie, Officer Jones, Michelle Erickson & Erickson family
William and Harry of Wales
Prince Philip
Camilla Parker-Bowles and her son and daughter, Rosa
Isabella Calthorpe
Irene, John Kaempf's wife
Carl and Mary DelBalzo
Jason Potter
Rick & Claudia Baken
Yulia Tymoschenko
Carley Massey-Birch
Holly I. Telerant
Amanda Jones and her Dad
Jessica (went to Sherwood High School, grad. 1993)
Monica and Tim Henderson
Carmen and Char (Levi's girlfriends)
Scott Ross from Canadian immigration
Harper (current Prime Minister of Canada)
Amy Roe, her family, and Stanford University officials
Basil (a man who worked with Amy Roe)
Richard Meeker and the Jewish Chief Editor for Willamette Week
Janis Wilson (Judge, back then maybe just a lawyer)
Lisa and Brian and Philip Thebault (and Christie)
Brian Haines
Det. Brian Gross
The Rabbi Rose Family of Portland, Oregon (they are all liars and concealed murders of innocents)
Kyle Flick (lawyer) and his wife and kids (a son who was grown)
Ed Israel and Carla
Chelan County police
Florence Brudenelle-Bruce and her husband
The entire Pamp & Barbara Maiers family
Dodi Fayed and a group of his friends (from Saudi Arabia)
The entire Andrew Ferguson family (British Royals)
Sofie and Prince Edward
Diana of Wales and Prince Charles
Queen Elizabeth II
Princess Margaret
Alicia Nakata and her mother and family
Dr. Stuart Freeh, Jobe, Christopher Hughes, Martin, the woman who diagnosed a rectocele of me in 2006, Crane, Gottleib & more
Brett and Debbie Meador
Donna and Tim Titleman
Chuck and Amy Goodman
Brett McDonalds entire family
Lisa and Carlos Sequiera
Brad and Angelina Pitt and Jennifer Aniston and her Dad
Robert Mueller (FBI) and his kids
Nichole Chiarmonte
Donelle (from Sherwood, grad. 1992), Donovan (1992), Chris (1992), Lauren Jacobs (1992), Jill Winkler (1992), Aaron Contreras (1992), Nathan Knight and Diana & Sarah Kelly (1992 & 1994) and multiple other Sherwood High School graduates whose names I'll add in time: Donnette Miranda, Heather Glass, Shawna Leggit, Jeness Dean,
Richard Pryor
Nicole Ritchie and Ritchie family
Paris Hiltons family
Donald Trumps family
Clintons family
George Bush family
Stacey Lowe and family
Megan Jacquot and family
Ryan Barnes family
Rob Schneider's family
Don Pryzbyla
Dan Gatti and Greg Smith
Lady "Gaga" and her brother
Victoria Beckham and family
Stacey and Steve Quintana
Sterling-Tancer family and clones
Kristen Stewart and her family from Idaho
Jen Garner and family from Canada
Nicole Sheridan
Nikkie and her German family from D.C.
Tom and Katie Cruise
Susan Sarandon and her husband Bill
Monica Lewinsky
Taylor Swift and her boyfriend
Jessica and Ashley Simpson
Ashley Judd and the Judds
Kevin Bacon and his wife
Sheens (with Denise Williams)
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
Anne-Marie Crane
MaryAnne McIntosh and husband
Jennifer Lawrence
Rachel and Aaron Chandler
Rachel the "Jew" (from D.C.) and family
Edward Lee Howard and Mary
Linda, Kathey, Bob Beaulieu and entire Post Pub staff from D.C.
Blixseth family
Lynda Carter family
Geoff Rasmussen family
Sarah Palin family
Wiltbank family
Stevens family
Laurie and James Cartright family
Belinda Carlisle
Madonna and Sean Penn
Eric and Mary Moore family
Jimmy Carter family
Rob Fallon family
Jennifer Woods' family
Amy (Robin Bechtold's girlfriend)
Debbie and Bob Chandler
Jeff and Debbie Bouzle
Michelle Williams and her husband
The Ballinger family
Bill and Melinda Gates
Nigel (from British star search) and "Cat"
Christopher Hitchens
Geraldo Rivera
Paul Burrell
Carol Skeeters family
Officer Wright and family; Jake Wright
Shannon Adams family
Family who owns/drives vehicle w/plates 172 AFE (Oregon)
Tracey Cardwell and her brother
Kelly and Scott Halvorson and her husband with a German name Van Buren
Rosen family
Rosenow family
John and Rosella Vanderhaak
Megan Tully
Charles Spencer and his family, including wife from Canada (ah...but don't they look CUTE in their engagement photo? shucks)
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Diana Of Wales Asks "How Would You Like To Die?"
I started noticing, as a kid, that all of the people who were being murdered looked alike. At some point, the only people who were ever being killed, from what I could tell, were the same ones over and over--the same clones.
I said to a Bob jr., "How come you and Mike killed that kid?" and then I told Lady Diana Spencer-Wales, "I don't know why but it looks like the same people are being killed, like some kid who is also a man and has brown hair and eyes, and then I keep seeing the same blond girls, like 2 of them together usually, like same-age twins, and it LOOKS like they are killing all the older ones and kids of the same person, and I was wondering if you know why that would be?"
Diana said, looking nervous and defensive, "How would you like to die?"
I said, "How come you said that?" and I added, "It used to be they or the government would kill a few different kinds of people or so it seemed to me, and lately, like, well, I guess for a long time now, they just keeping the same ones, it looks like, over and over and I was wondering who they are and whose kids they are, because some of them are kids."
As it turns out, the ones I was referring to were clones of my son Oliver, b. 2005--earlier born clones and older ones as well as younger ones, and some blond girls and I didn't see my Dad around blond girls really, but I saw women killing them.
They also killed some toddler girls that they said were "me", saying "It's you" and I had more than one person tell me the U.S. was cloning me--
The U.S. was also allowing several other countries to take me into hospital rooms and perform surgical spinal taps and withdraw spinal fluid and other materials containing my DNA from my body. The U.S. government was "selling" me, selling my own body and DNA, to multiple countries, without my permission or consent. They had spinal fluid extracted from me in Japan, Russia, and China, Israel, Germany and England, and I was under anaesthesia in Italy, France, and a few other countries.
The Bushes, in charge of the CIA at the time, and the head Pentagon people, were talking about, and receiving money from other countries at the time DNA was withdrawn from me.
I had initially thought they were doing an identity "check" using spinal tap to do it, or that it was because of all the times they bludgeoned me on the head and the swelling that occurred with it. I was seriously assaulted and tortured by the U.S. But they were using assault to my head as an excuse to give people a chance to withdraw spinal fluid and other materials too--sometimes tissue or small cut samples of skin, hair, and blood. Usually it was just a spinal tap and nothing else and the U.S. was signing papers with the foreign governments at the same time.
One of the times, in China, the U.S. official said to me, over me while I was lying on a bed, "Do you like yourself Cameo?" and I said, "Yeah, why?" and he said, "Well that's a good thing because there's going to be more of you". I said, "Well I don't want any clones and I don't believe in human cloning" and they started motioning at guns until I retracted what I said, and James Comey was there, with other FBI including Robert Mueller.
I said to Diana, when I talked to her at her house, "Someone told me they're my kids and they all look like this son they said I had, so why are they killing them?" and in Washington state, I said at my house to some U.S. persons, "The U.S. used to kill all kinds of people for assassinations and things and lately, all they do is kill the same person over and over--it's like they are crazy now, and OBSESSED. They just can't get enough out of killing the SAME person, and one of the times they were masturbating the man and said, "I'm beating a dead horse" and that's after I saw a group of U.S. people attack a family that was said to be mine and they wouldn't quit beating and cutting them until it was a huge bloody mess on the ground and all of those people were U.S. citizens and some British".
I said, "Adam Chandler, and Matt Damon, and some Navy men and Danish men were involved in murdering one of the clones of this same person--the one they masturbated."
I said, "And then some of Kate Middleton's friends came to my house and said 'How much money do you want?' and I said 'For what?' and they said 'for the death of your son but you have to promise not to talk about it anymore' and I said, 'a lot of money, because you've done a lot of bad things to him'." And then they stood up and said, "We don't need a lecture" and one of the men who had shown up there was Chris Dabney, smirking about how they'd impregnate me later too and never pay me or compensate me after they deliberately had my unborn baby murdered.
One of the men who was involved in having a clone of my son masturbated after he was dead, was Judge Gillespie.
Some of the murders of my son Oliver, and his clones included having him drowned and put inside of a fish tank with a weight attached to him to drag him to the bottom and then they put pirranhas into the tank and had my son eaten up by pirranhas in front of me, and it was him--it was my son Oliver and the U.S. govt. and their sponsored Mafia friends did this in front of me, and they were connected to Middleton, and Mike Tancer.
Another murder of my son was by a huge snake and it was spurred on to bite my older cloned son in the neck and then they finished him off and killed him and got rid of the body and Alvaro Pardo was involved in this murder of my son, with Ben Affleck. Then there was a younger kid who was a clone and he was much younger, around age 6 or 8 years old, and they had a snake bite him on the neck too, and then he was taken to my house in Moses Lake, WA and put in my room while he was sick and they told me he had died when I went in one day to see how he was doing. Joy Tancer smirked and said, along with Stacey Lowe and Megan Jacquot being involved,"he died". Kate Middleton had visited my house for that, and went in to see him and left.
After these snake attacks were made against my son, someone in Colombia drew a cartoon of a boy like my son that was grabbed by a snake and William and Harry were having photos taken of themselves, with snakes around their necks and holding them, and not being harmed, and at the time they murdered my kids with poisonous snake bites, they were saying it was to prove "Snakes don't like your son, because your son isn't holy and doesn't have the spirit of God and only William and Harry can handle snakes". It was Chris Dabney saying this to me, smirking after my sons died from snake bites with snakes that were antagonized to bite my kids and with their heads pushed up to my son's neck. The U.S. and British royals colluded to have two of my sons murdered, with Colombian Alvaro Pardo involved and some Mexicans, just because I had quoted a scripture about how "...even snakes will not harm you" and to punish me and try to "prove" "your son is nothing special", they had him murdered with snakes and then bragged about these pythons wrapping themselves around William and Harry.
They made jokes and laughed with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and others, including Robin Bechtold, about how their girlfriends were nice and "squidgy" and then had attacked my son with venomous snakes and told me, after this, to go work with Mexican Quentin Tarantino on a movie, and give him some ideas and I came up with the movie, "Kill Bill". "Kill Bill" is not Tarantino's creation, it's mine. I was the one who owned rights to it and I was told when I was forced to work with him, after the U.S. govt. murdered my sons with snakes, that I was going to get half of the money from it and Tarantino signed a contract with me at my house in Moses Lake, in my kitchen and then after I gave the entire idea to him and drafted characters, screenplay, and plot, the U.S. govt. refused to pay me and refused to hold Tarantino accountable for the broken contract and I was not provided with lawyers.
Instead, the FBI said, "Here, have Robin (Bechtold) help you" and I said, "No. He murdered my kids and you have him here and are trying to act like he didn't by asking me to accept HIS help? No."
I was also tortured, gang-raped, and received death threats for talking about how I was the one who wrote "Kill Bill", and Kill Bill 2, and how the U.S govt. was holding me hostage and forcing me to work and lying to me to get me to do it.
And then they brought yet another clone of my son Oliver to the movie set and said, "Look! here's your son. See? he is here" and they wanted me to think the other younger one hadn't died from a snake bite when he'd disappeared from my house, after they told me he wasn't there anymore because he had died, which made me cry for weeks and go into a huge depression.
Mike Tancer was involved in having an older clone of my son murdered and drowned and eaten by pirranhas and there were some other men also involved and I had said, "You did this over Rachel?" and I said, "What does Rachel Chandler have to do with putting that man in a tank to be eaten up? and he looked like the other guy they killed too" (and it was my son, clones of my son Oliver).
I am absolutely positive, without any doubt, it was my son. It was an older clone of my son Oliver and one of the Bob jrs. who stood next to me to watch while others made fun and laughed, looked sick, and said nothing, and I had a bad feeling and looked very closely at the face to know which man it was.
I said to a Bob jr., "How come you and Mike killed that kid?" and then I told Lady Diana Spencer-Wales, "I don't know why but it looks like the same people are being killed, like some kid who is also a man and has brown hair and eyes, and then I keep seeing the same blond girls, like 2 of them together usually, like same-age twins, and it LOOKS like they are killing all the older ones and kids of the same person, and I was wondering if you know why that would be?"
Diana said, looking nervous and defensive, "How would you like to die?"
I said, "How come you said that?" and I added, "It used to be they or the government would kill a few different kinds of people or so it seemed to me, and lately, like, well, I guess for a long time now, they just keeping the same ones, it looks like, over and over and I was wondering who they are and whose kids they are, because some of them are kids."
As it turns out, the ones I was referring to were clones of my son Oliver, b. 2005--earlier born clones and older ones as well as younger ones, and some blond girls and I didn't see my Dad around blond girls really, but I saw women killing them.
They also killed some toddler girls that they said were "me", saying "It's you" and I had more than one person tell me the U.S. was cloning me--
The U.S. was also allowing several other countries to take me into hospital rooms and perform surgical spinal taps and withdraw spinal fluid and other materials containing my DNA from my body. The U.S. government was "selling" me, selling my own body and DNA, to multiple countries, without my permission or consent. They had spinal fluid extracted from me in Japan, Russia, and China, Israel, Germany and England, and I was under anaesthesia in Italy, France, and a few other countries.
The Bushes, in charge of the CIA at the time, and the head Pentagon people, were talking about, and receiving money from other countries at the time DNA was withdrawn from me.
I had initially thought they were doing an identity "check" using spinal tap to do it, or that it was because of all the times they bludgeoned me on the head and the swelling that occurred with it. I was seriously assaulted and tortured by the U.S. But they were using assault to my head as an excuse to give people a chance to withdraw spinal fluid and other materials too--sometimes tissue or small cut samples of skin, hair, and blood. Usually it was just a spinal tap and nothing else and the U.S. was signing papers with the foreign governments at the same time.
One of the times, in China, the U.S. official said to me, over me while I was lying on a bed, "Do you like yourself Cameo?" and I said, "Yeah, why?" and he said, "Well that's a good thing because there's going to be more of you". I said, "Well I don't want any clones and I don't believe in human cloning" and they started motioning at guns until I retracted what I said, and James Comey was there, with other FBI including Robert Mueller.
I said to Diana, when I talked to her at her house, "Someone told me they're my kids and they all look like this son they said I had, so why are they killing them?" and in Washington state, I said at my house to some U.S. persons, "The U.S. used to kill all kinds of people for assassinations and things and lately, all they do is kill the same person over and over--it's like they are crazy now, and OBSESSED. They just can't get enough out of killing the SAME person, and one of the times they were masturbating the man and said, "I'm beating a dead horse" and that's after I saw a group of U.S. people attack a family that was said to be mine and they wouldn't quit beating and cutting them until it was a huge bloody mess on the ground and all of those people were U.S. citizens and some British".
I said, "Adam Chandler, and Matt Damon, and some Navy men and Danish men were involved in murdering one of the clones of this same person--the one they masturbated."
I said, "And then some of Kate Middleton's friends came to my house and said 'How much money do you want?' and I said 'For what?' and they said 'for the death of your son but you have to promise not to talk about it anymore' and I said, 'a lot of money, because you've done a lot of bad things to him'." And then they stood up and said, "We don't need a lecture" and one of the men who had shown up there was Chris Dabney, smirking about how they'd impregnate me later too and never pay me or compensate me after they deliberately had my unborn baby murdered.
One of the men who was involved in having a clone of my son masturbated after he was dead, was Judge Gillespie.
Some of the murders of my son Oliver, and his clones included having him drowned and put inside of a fish tank with a weight attached to him to drag him to the bottom and then they put pirranhas into the tank and had my son eaten up by pirranhas in front of me, and it was him--it was my son Oliver and the U.S. govt. and their sponsored Mafia friends did this in front of me, and they were connected to Middleton, and Mike Tancer.
Another murder of my son was by a huge snake and it was spurred on to bite my older cloned son in the neck and then they finished him off and killed him and got rid of the body and Alvaro Pardo was involved in this murder of my son, with Ben Affleck. Then there was a younger kid who was a clone and he was much younger, around age 6 or 8 years old, and they had a snake bite him on the neck too, and then he was taken to my house in Moses Lake, WA and put in my room while he was sick and they told me he had died when I went in one day to see how he was doing. Joy Tancer smirked and said, along with Stacey Lowe and Megan Jacquot being involved,"he died". Kate Middleton had visited my house for that, and went in to see him and left.
After these snake attacks were made against my son, someone in Colombia drew a cartoon of a boy like my son that was grabbed by a snake and William and Harry were having photos taken of themselves, with snakes around their necks and holding them, and not being harmed, and at the time they murdered my kids with poisonous snake bites, they were saying it was to prove "Snakes don't like your son, because your son isn't holy and doesn't have the spirit of God and only William and Harry can handle snakes". It was Chris Dabney saying this to me, smirking after my sons died from snake bites with snakes that were antagonized to bite my kids and with their heads pushed up to my son's neck. The U.S. and British royals colluded to have two of my sons murdered, with Colombian Alvaro Pardo involved and some Mexicans, just because I had quoted a scripture about how "...even snakes will not harm you" and to punish me and try to "prove" "your son is nothing special", they had him murdered with snakes and then bragged about these pythons wrapping themselves around William and Harry.
They made jokes and laughed with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and others, including Robin Bechtold, about how their girlfriends were nice and "squidgy" and then had attacked my son with venomous snakes and told me, after this, to go work with Mexican Quentin Tarantino on a movie, and give him some ideas and I came up with the movie, "Kill Bill". "Kill Bill" is not Tarantino's creation, it's mine. I was the one who owned rights to it and I was told when I was forced to work with him, after the U.S. govt. murdered my sons with snakes, that I was going to get half of the money from it and Tarantino signed a contract with me at my house in Moses Lake, in my kitchen and then after I gave the entire idea to him and drafted characters, screenplay, and plot, the U.S. govt. refused to pay me and refused to hold Tarantino accountable for the broken contract and I was not provided with lawyers.
Instead, the FBI said, "Here, have Robin (Bechtold) help you" and I said, "No. He murdered my kids and you have him here and are trying to act like he didn't by asking me to accept HIS help? No."
I was also tortured, gang-raped, and received death threats for talking about how I was the one who wrote "Kill Bill", and Kill Bill 2, and how the U.S govt. was holding me hostage and forcing me to work and lying to me to get me to do it.
And then they brought yet another clone of my son Oliver to the movie set and said, "Look! here's your son. See? he is here" and they wanted me to think the other younger one hadn't died from a snake bite when he'd disappeared from my house, after they told me he wasn't there anymore because he had died, which made me cry for weeks and go into a huge depression.
Mike Tancer was involved in having an older clone of my son murdered and drowned and eaten by pirranhas and there were some other men also involved and I had said, "You did this over Rachel?" and I said, "What does Rachel Chandler have to do with putting that man in a tank to be eaten up? and he looked like the other guy they killed too" (and it was my son, clones of my son Oliver).
I am absolutely positive, without any doubt, it was my son. It was an older clone of my son Oliver and one of the Bob jrs. who stood next to me to watch while others made fun and laughed, looked sick, and said nothing, and I had a bad feeling and looked very closely at the face to know which man it was.
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