One the most destructive and malicious things Kate Middleton did to me, aside from murdering my older clones, clones of my kids, or raping us, was to deliberately destroy an entire building that was a bowling alley which also converted to being a stage for performances.
She and her group, destroyed and caused to be destroyed, an entire building, and then bragged about it, photographed at "Jerash ruins" later, after visiting their Mossad friends in Israel, and prior to picking up CIA money.
This event not only ruined a good piece of property and community value, it destroyed my ability to do several things her group feared I might try to do, or be able to do in the future and the ideas my son and I had were to 1. have a place of employment for me, potentially, within walking distance if I was stuck in the same area again, 2. have a stage for performances when the bowling alley was not in use, for music-vocal performances and other things, and 3. have a place to meet for creating political rallies.
What they really hated, and those who wanted to steal from me and steal credit from me hated, was that I was not just a creative songwriter, I had a naturally beautiful singing voice and I was able to sing my own songs, along with being attractive to look at. I had every amount of star quality to prove I was multi-talented and instead of allowing me to develop this more with practice, I and my older clones were being raped, and murdered, and then they actually destroyed the building to eliminate evidence of multiple murders that were in the walls and carpeting of the building.
They shot my kids and clones there, and there were stains in the wood, floorboards, on the walls, and more potential evidence behind the paint and papering of the walls and specific individuals tore all of this down, to remove the incriminating evidence and had CIA and Mafia (Gottis) assisting them to do it. Not only was there blood and bullet marks, there were other forms of bodily evidence, because I witnessed rapes and was raped on that stage as well.
This is in addition to countless gruesome murders they conducted in a pin-room where I personally witnessed several shootings.
One of the shootings where I had to re-paint a bookcase because of extreme blood spatter, was committed by none other than Hillary Clinton. Multiple murders, including those committed by Middletons, were carried out there, and several Middleton supporters destroyed an entire wall where one of my sons was forced to back up against and then shot and his blood was on the wall and a bunch of Jewish supporters destroyed this evidence, tearing out the wall coverings, and all of the wallpaper and Josh Gatov, Roses, Trump, and Del Balzos and Rachel (the Jew) along with Middletons were involved in it. They had Dave and Charles Koch also involved.
Other murderers there were William of Wales, Harry of Wales, Tito and Lorraine Leon, Jim Sandberg, George Bush, and more: Valerie Plame, Anne Connor, another librarian named Laurie who is similar to Anne except in voice (with her husband "Nick" I think his name was), Nick Fanelli, Mark the U.S. Army truck driver, Mike Tancer (older clone of him), Mary Donaldson and Frederick/Christian, Anna (blond), Anna Sloan-Smith, Arabella Musgrave, Tom Parker-Bowles, Camilla Parker-Bowles, Princess Anne, Sarah Spencer, Sarah Tancer, Eleanor Vice, Shannon Borg and her Canadian partner, George Bechtold, Dicksie Garrett, Bob Garrett, Locklyn Guzman, and there are more names.--
They murdered one of my clones after making fun of her, and raping her, and they started trying to degrade me after I performed several original songs and they said "My favorite number is 37" which referred to the measurements of my older clones hips and rear, because I'd measured her to see how I might turn out and she was 37 inches. They murdered her and an older clone of my son and told him they were going to rape me too, like her, after they made sick comments.
A few I distinctly remember blood from, so I am sure they died. People also tore out the evidence as well.
The CIA murdered several of my clones there, and Chris Dabney was involved in these murders too, along with Justin Bieber, and Hamiltons from Hamilton Steele, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon.
Kate Middleton and her family (including her son George Middleton) was also involved in murders that occurred at a logging area off of Glen Aichen Road, in Coquille, Oregon and I witnessed more than 8 murders out there, around 17 or more total, all of them clones of me and my kids. These are some I witnessed over a 7 year timespan, from age 3-age 10, mostly age 6-age 9. Almost all of the murdering had to do with Middletons, Goldsmiths, Parker-Bowles, and Frederick and Mary Donaldson and CIA and some Pentagon people and Mafia who supported them. Locations were all along Glen Aichen road, and mostly in the woods, and then they were either covering bodies or transporting them out of the area and chopping them up. The clones of my kids and me that were murdered ranged from baby age all the way to 20s or 30s, one was maybe possibly 40. I am able to distinguish and separate at least 17 murders and there were more than that, but of the ones I remember, they were all clones of me and my son and one of a family. They were using drownings and then sometimes shootings. I personally saw Kate Middleton shooting and killing as one of the individuals involved in some of the murders. It was over calling her "gay" and saying she must have a "large vagina" and then mention of Charlotte and George. That was one of the shootings. Another shooting was along a road, and then a drowning in a creek by an underground pipe. The drowning in a creek also involved Harry of Wales, about age 14 or so, a teen, and what appeared to be William of Wales behind him. These are just a couple of them and actually, she was pretty trigger-happy--she was going around shooting a lot of people with the CIA behind it. I also saw Michelle Erickson definitely murdering my kids, and Mary Donaldson. Many others were involved, including Monica Allen, who had her hands in a bucket of blood, (the one who is my age) and Tim Henderson, James Dabney, and others.
The drownings started happening all of the time, over Kate Middleton's kid "George Middleton", whose initials were GALP (which was like 'gulp'). She changed his name from George Alexander Louis Philip to just George Alexander Philip. The publicly known one goes by GAL, but the others were GALP. They also tortured people to their rectums until they developed a "gall" or boil inside, and then popped it over a medieval spike, and bragged it was 'crown gall' and the U.S. was involved in this as much as occurrences in England and a few in France. The other crimes committed were often in reference to "Bowles" whether it was torture or trying to affect someone's bowels (to have bladder problems) or bowls, as in shoving a kid's head into a bucket or toilet bowl to drown them.
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