I started noticing, as a kid, that all of the people who were being murdered looked alike. At some point, the only people who were ever being killed, from what I could tell, were the same ones over and over--the same clones.
I said to a Bob jr., "How come you and Mike killed that kid?" and then I told Lady Diana Spencer-Wales, "I don't know why but it looks like the same people are being killed, like some kid who is also a man and has brown hair and eyes, and then I keep seeing the same blond girls, like 2 of them together usually, like same-age twins, and it LOOKS like they are killing all the older ones and kids of the same person, and I was wondering if you know why that would be?"
Diana said, looking nervous and defensive, "How would you like to die?"
I said, "How come you said that?" and I added, "It used to be they or the government would kill a few different kinds of people or so it seemed to me, and lately, like, well, I guess for a long time now, they just keeping the same ones, it looks like, over and over and I was wondering who they are and whose kids they are, because some of them are kids."
As it turns out, the ones I was referring to were clones of my son Oliver, b. 2005--earlier born clones and older ones as well as younger ones, and some blond girls and I didn't see my Dad around blond girls really, but I saw women killing them.
They also killed some toddler girls that they said were "me", saying "It's you" and I had more than one person tell me the U.S. was cloning me--
The U.S. was also allowing several other countries to take me into hospital rooms and perform surgical spinal taps and withdraw spinal fluid and other materials containing my DNA from my body. The U.S. government was "selling" me, selling my own body and DNA, to multiple countries, without my permission or consent. They had spinal fluid extracted from me in Japan, Russia, and China, Israel, Germany and England, and I was under anaesthesia in Italy, France, and a few other countries.
The Bushes, in charge of the CIA at the time, and the head Pentagon people, were talking about, and receiving money from other countries at the time DNA was withdrawn from me.
I had initially thought they were doing an identity "check" using spinal tap to do it, or that it was because of all the times they bludgeoned me on the head and the swelling that occurred with it. I was seriously assaulted and tortured by the U.S. But they were using assault to my head as an excuse to give people a chance to withdraw spinal fluid and other materials too--sometimes tissue or small cut samples of skin, hair, and blood. Usually it was just a spinal tap and nothing else and the U.S. was signing papers with the foreign governments at the same time.
One of the times, in China, the U.S. official said to me, over me while I was lying on a bed, "Do you like yourself Cameo?" and I said, "Yeah, why?" and he said, "Well that's a good thing because there's going to be more of you". I said, "Well I don't want any clones and I don't believe in human cloning" and they started motioning at guns until I retracted what I said, and James Comey was there, with other FBI including Robert Mueller.
I said to Diana, when I talked to her at her house, "Someone told me they're my kids and they all look like this son they said I had, so why are they killing them?" and in Washington state, I said at my house to some U.S. persons, "The U.S. used to kill all kinds of people for assassinations and things and lately, all they do is kill the same person over and over--it's like they are crazy now, and OBSESSED. They just can't get enough out of killing the SAME person, and one of the times they were masturbating the man and said, "I'm beating a dead horse" and that's after I saw a group of U.S. people attack a family that was said to be mine and they wouldn't quit beating and cutting them until it was a huge bloody mess on the ground and all of those people were U.S. citizens and some British".
I said, "Adam Chandler, and Matt Damon, and some Navy men and Danish men were involved in murdering one of the clones of this same person--the one they masturbated."
I said, "And then some of Kate Middleton's friends came to my house and said 'How much money do you want?' and I said 'For what?' and they said 'for the death of your son but you have to promise not to talk about it anymore' and I said, 'a lot of money, because you've done a lot of bad things to him'." And then they stood up and said, "We don't need a lecture" and one of the men who had shown up there was Chris Dabney, smirking about how they'd impregnate me later too and never pay me or compensate me after they deliberately had my unborn baby murdered.
One of the men who was involved in having a clone of my son masturbated after he was dead, was Judge Gillespie.
Some of the murders of my son Oliver, and his clones included having him drowned and put inside of a fish tank with a weight attached to him to drag him to the bottom and then they put pirranhas into the tank and had my son eaten up by pirranhas in front of me, and it was him--it was my son Oliver and the U.S. govt. and their sponsored Mafia friends did this in front of me, and they were connected to Middleton, and Mike Tancer.
Another murder of my son was by a huge snake and it was spurred on to bite my older cloned son in the neck and then they finished him off and killed him and got rid of the body and Alvaro Pardo was involved in this murder of my son, with Ben Affleck. Then there was a younger kid who was a clone and he was much younger, around age 6 or 8 years old, and they had a snake bite him on the neck too, and then he was taken to my house in Moses Lake, WA and put in my room while he was sick and they told me he had died when I went in one day to see how he was doing. Joy Tancer smirked and said, along with Stacey Lowe and Megan Jacquot being involved,"he died". Kate Middleton had visited my house for that, and went in to see him and left.
After these snake attacks were made against my son, someone in Colombia drew a cartoon of a boy like my son that was grabbed by a snake and William and Harry were having photos taken of themselves, with snakes around their necks and holding them, and not being harmed, and at the time they murdered my kids with poisonous snake bites, they were saying it was to prove "Snakes don't like your son, because your son isn't holy and doesn't have the spirit of God and only William and Harry can handle snakes". It was Chris Dabney saying this to me, smirking after my sons died from snake bites with snakes that were antagonized to bite my kids and with their heads pushed up to my son's neck. The U.S. and British royals colluded to have two of my sons murdered, with Colombian Alvaro Pardo involved and some Mexicans, just because I had quoted a scripture about how "...even snakes will not harm you" and to punish me and try to "prove" "your son is nothing special", they had him murdered with snakes and then bragged about these pythons wrapping themselves around William and Harry.
They made jokes and laughed with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and others, including Robin Bechtold, about how their girlfriends were nice and "squidgy" and then had attacked my son with venomous snakes and told me, after this, to go work with Mexican Quentin Tarantino on a movie, and give him some ideas and I came up with the movie, "Kill Bill". "Kill Bill" is not Tarantino's creation, it's mine. I was the one who owned rights to it and I was told when I was forced to work with him, after the U.S. govt. murdered my sons with snakes, that I was going to get half of the money from it and Tarantino signed a contract with me at my house in Moses Lake, in my kitchen and then after I gave the entire idea to him and drafted characters, screenplay, and plot, the U.S. govt. refused to pay me and refused to hold Tarantino accountable for the broken contract and I was not provided with lawyers.
Instead, the FBI said, "Here, have Robin (Bechtold) help you" and I said, "No. He murdered my kids and you have him here and are trying to act like he didn't by asking me to accept HIS help? No."
I was also tortured, gang-raped, and received death threats for talking about how I was the one who wrote "Kill Bill", and Kill Bill 2, and how the U.S govt. was holding me hostage and forcing me to work and lying to me to get me to do it.
And then they brought yet another clone of my son Oliver to the movie set and said, "Look! here's your son. See? he is here" and they wanted me to think the other younger one hadn't died from a snake bite when he'd disappeared from my house, after they told me he wasn't there anymore because he had died, which made me cry for weeks and go into a huge depression.
Mike Tancer was involved in having an older clone of my son murdered and drowned and eaten by pirranhas and there were some other men also involved and I had said, "You did this over Rachel?" and I said, "What does Rachel Chandler have to do with putting that man in a tank to be eaten up? and he looked like the other guy they killed too" (and it was my son, clones of my son Oliver).
I am absolutely positive, without any doubt, it was my son. It was an older clone of my son Oliver and one of the Bob jrs. who stood next to me to watch while others made fun and laughed, looked sick, and said nothing, and I had a bad feeling and looked very closely at the face to know which man it was.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
George Eastman Museum and Murders of My Kids
I was asked what I thought about the #10 photo, from 1974, by "Marcia Resnick" and then the U.S. murdered one of my sons to imitate the photo and it was Kate Middleton's son "George", and George Bechtold and Robin George Bechtold were around, and they pushed my son from a mountain cliff or wall, and then Middleton's bragged about it later, featuring themselves in a photo next to "Ruins of Jerash". They also had picking out parts of my shirt from around my waist to call me a hole and say another in the hole, and to imitate the idea of "Flat Mesquite Dunes" by David Benjamin Sherry, to make something that was smooth or had clean lines, "a mess" like "mess-quite" and "ruined" to imitate a ruined or soiled woman who is degraded by rape.
They wanted their photos there to remind me and brag to the world about what they'd done to me and my kids.
They wanted their photos there to remind me and brag to the world about what they'd done to me and my kids.
Asked To Marry GAL and Raped By Dad For Refusing
In my last post I included an email and screenshot from Charter Communications, which was involved in illegally spying on me and my family at my house and they are good friends with Chris Dabney and his family.
I was visited by them a number of times, and raped by several of their employees, along with being raped by a Bob jr. not just in violent attacks, but later because some government men were mad I was trying to report them for forcing me to be in child porn as a minor and pretending like I "liked it" and they kept saying "You DO like it" to sexually harass me when I was 10 years old.
So then they had Mike Middleton and William of Wales over to my house, with GAL and they threatened me and told me next I was going to 'like having sex with your DAD" and they were saying "You think you're better than everyone else don't you?"
They had been suggesting I marry GAL, Kate Middleton's son, in the future and I said NO. I had already turned down the rest of them too, and they were mad about it bc all they wanted was my money. So they had been saying "What about William, or Harry, or George here?" and "George" was GAL, an older clone, supposedly, of Kate and William of Wales. Not only that, the U.S. Pentagon had him rape me in a federal office where they could watch.
They were bragging that after Chris and Alvaro Pardo raped me and held me hostage again, not just as a kid, but as an adult, next they'd have George try to get to me, and how he would kill me too.
I had not been sure if they meant they wanted him to rape me and kill me or if it had to do with the same Prince George Hospital in Maryland where a huge group of U.S. government employees coordinated and plotted killing my unborn baby and forcing me to miscarry it after they murdered it. They plotted this and talked about it, when I was a kid, only age 8 or so and then they carried it out against me. Mike Middleton was at the hospital when they plotted this against me, with the rest of the Middletons and CIA.
I was also raped by Barak Obama after my son was murdered, and to torture me on top of witnessing the death of my kids.
I told Russia about it when I went to Russia, because I told them they had plotted out an elaborate plan for murdering my unborn baby and had been trying to tell me it was MY plan and it wasn't. They were saying I deserved to have this done for "plotting this against RACHEL and Kate Middleton and Stacey Stubblefield".
Then they made me go back there again, after trying to make it sound like it was a plan to punish me for something about my Mom or relatives.
They layered their plans for murdering me and my kids and tried to conceal one scheme with a different excuse.
At some point, later on, they were at my house in Moses Lake, WA, with GAL there, and wanting me to agree that I would "marry GAL" and I said no and they said why not and I said, "I don't like Kate Middleton and I'd never want to be around her family". They got mad at me and said "Why not?" and I said, "I don't know" (although this was the wrong thing to say because she was a murderer and had tortured me and my kids and I did have good reasons), and then I blew it out casually saying, "..There's something wrong with her--she lives with her parents all that time and doesn't even get her own place? and she's a grown-up, not a kid like me. I would have my own place and live on my own and be independent, like my clone, she did that, and why can't Kate? who knows, maybe she's married to her Dad secretly" and one got mad and said, "Yeah? married to her Dad?" and I said, "Haha,..who knows" and they said, "Haha. So you mean, like having sex with her Dad and everything, like they probably DO it a lot huh?" and I started wondering why I was then being pressured to "agree" and they were using triggers from torturing me and scaring me they knew worked for getting me to agree with them, out of fear of saying anything but "uh-huh" so I said, "Well, how come you're wanting me to say she had sex with her Dad? I didn't say that--you said that, and it sounds like you're trying to put words in my mouth" and he said, "You said she probably had sex with her Dad" and I said, "I said, 'who knows...haha...maybe she's married to her Dad--I didn't say anything about sex" and then they said, "Oh, so marriage without sex?" and I said, "I really don't know why you're trying to push this entire topic because I'm done talking about it". So this entire group of U.S. govt. men, circled around me threatening me, and looming over me, and said, 'NO, we're not done yet. We're still TALKING about this. So you meant HAVE SEX" and I said, "No, I didn't think about it that much, I just made a comment" and they said, "Well you're going to GET IT" and they said, "We're going to make you have sex with your Dad and you're going to LIKE it and be BEGGING for more".
It was U.S. Marines, Army, and they had FBI there and some other groups and this one man who kept pushing this idea was bigger, tall, blond, and was used to hold me and my family hostage while kidnapping my baby girls. They also had Ben Affleck and Matt Damon involved, and William of Wales, and they had Donna Titleman and her husband and kids involved, and Jerrod, Jordan from Logan's Restaurant in TN, and all of Chris Dabney's brothers and this was right at the same time I was trying to make a report against the Dabney family for holding me hostage and raping me with Bechtolds. Kyle Flick and Ken Kargman and an entire group of Mossad and U.S. Jews also showed up to promise me I was going to "pay for what you said".
This man who drives a vehicle with plates 552 that I mentioned earlier, was also involved in all of these threats to force my Dad to rape me. Several men were straight from Coos Bay and Coquille, Oregon and they were driving all the way to Moses Lake to harass us.
I was visited by them a number of times, and raped by several of their employees, along with being raped by a Bob jr. not just in violent attacks, but later because some government men were mad I was trying to report them for forcing me to be in child porn as a minor and pretending like I "liked it" and they kept saying "You DO like it" to sexually harass me when I was 10 years old.
So then they had Mike Middleton and William of Wales over to my house, with GAL and they threatened me and told me next I was going to 'like having sex with your DAD" and they were saying "You think you're better than everyone else don't you?"
They had been suggesting I marry GAL, Kate Middleton's son, in the future and I said NO. I had already turned down the rest of them too, and they were mad about it bc all they wanted was my money. So they had been saying "What about William, or Harry, or George here?" and "George" was GAL, an older clone, supposedly, of Kate and William of Wales. Not only that, the U.S. Pentagon had him rape me in a federal office where they could watch.
They were bragging that after Chris and Alvaro Pardo raped me and held me hostage again, not just as a kid, but as an adult, next they'd have George try to get to me, and how he would kill me too.
I had not been sure if they meant they wanted him to rape me and kill me or if it had to do with the same Prince George Hospital in Maryland where a huge group of U.S. government employees coordinated and plotted killing my unborn baby and forcing me to miscarry it after they murdered it. They plotted this and talked about it, when I was a kid, only age 8 or so and then they carried it out against me. Mike Middleton was at the hospital when they plotted this against me, with the rest of the Middletons and CIA.
I was also raped by Barak Obama after my son was murdered, and to torture me on top of witnessing the death of my kids.
I told Russia about it when I went to Russia, because I told them they had plotted out an elaborate plan for murdering my unborn baby and had been trying to tell me it was MY plan and it wasn't. They were saying I deserved to have this done for "plotting this against RACHEL and Kate Middleton and Stacey Stubblefield".
Then they made me go back there again, after trying to make it sound like it was a plan to punish me for something about my Mom or relatives.
They layered their plans for murdering me and my kids and tried to conceal one scheme with a different excuse.
At some point, later on, they were at my house in Moses Lake, WA, with GAL there, and wanting me to agree that I would "marry GAL" and I said no and they said why not and I said, "I don't like Kate Middleton and I'd never want to be around her family". They got mad at me and said "Why not?" and I said, "I don't know" (although this was the wrong thing to say because she was a murderer and had tortured me and my kids and I did have good reasons), and then I blew it out casually saying, "..There's something wrong with her--she lives with her parents all that time and doesn't even get her own place? and she's a grown-up, not a kid like me. I would have my own place and live on my own and be independent, like my clone, she did that, and why can't Kate? who knows, maybe she's married to her Dad secretly" and one got mad and said, "Yeah? married to her Dad?" and I said, "Haha,..who knows" and they said, "Haha. So you mean, like having sex with her Dad and everything, like they probably DO it a lot huh?" and I started wondering why I was then being pressured to "agree" and they were using triggers from torturing me and scaring me they knew worked for getting me to agree with them, out of fear of saying anything but "uh-huh" so I said, "Well, how come you're wanting me to say she had sex with her Dad? I didn't say that--you said that, and it sounds like you're trying to put words in my mouth" and he said, "You said she probably had sex with her Dad" and I said, "I said, 'who knows...haha...maybe she's married to her Dad--I didn't say anything about sex" and then they said, "Oh, so marriage without sex?" and I said, "I really don't know why you're trying to push this entire topic because I'm done talking about it". So this entire group of U.S. govt. men, circled around me threatening me, and looming over me, and said, 'NO, we're not done yet. We're still TALKING about this. So you meant HAVE SEX" and I said, "No, I didn't think about it that much, I just made a comment" and they said, "Well you're going to GET IT" and they said, "We're going to make you have sex with your Dad and you're going to LIKE it and be BEGGING for more".
It was U.S. Marines, Army, and they had FBI there and some other groups and this one man who kept pushing this idea was bigger, tall, blond, and was used to hold me and my family hostage while kidnapping my baby girls. They also had Ben Affleck and Matt Damon involved, and William of Wales, and they had Donna Titleman and her husband and kids involved, and Jerrod, Jordan from Logan's Restaurant in TN, and all of Chris Dabney's brothers and this was right at the same time I was trying to make a report against the Dabney family for holding me hostage and raping me with Bechtolds. Kyle Flick and Ken Kargman and an entire group of Mossad and U.S. Jews also showed up to promise me I was going to "pay for what you said".
This man who drives a vehicle with plates 552 that I mentioned earlier, was also involved in all of these threats to force my Dad to rape me. Several men were straight from Coos Bay and Coquille, Oregon and they were driving all the way to Moses Lake to harass us.
Forced Rape Between Father & Child By Mike Middleton and GAL
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Do you remember this black woman showing up from Charter, in M.L., WA to make fun of me being raped by a Bob jr. as his "wife" and taught sex positions and called a 'tease'? I want to know bc Char, Levi's giflfriend, Michelle Obama, and this woman were involved along with their black husbands, and some white men, in wanting me to be gang-raped by my own Dad and forced to "think" I was "married" to a bob jr and that Bob jr. was my "husband" and forced to learn multiple sex positions from my own Dad.
And the FBI was calling this "spying" lessons.
On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 7:12 PM, LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> wrote:
I mean, can you seriously think it's okay for me to live in a country like this, when they did things like that to me? Either Dad isn't my biological Dad at all, or the FBI was not just torturing me, they were forcing my own Dad to rape his own daughter every day and letting their employees watch? while telling me "this is important work for spying for the govt." and "national security importance"?
They weren't having me "spy" for anyone, and they always knew, raping me isn't spying and has nothing to do with that. Having my own Dad rape me was the FBI's idea of "spy lessons?"
Dad was forcing me to sit on top of him, and lower myself down onto his penis, and up and then down, and I was forced to lie on my back, and to sit on top of his face, and to have my legs spread out while he licked me, and give him blow jobs, and meanwhile, all of these U.S. govt. men were standing around and participating in this and YOU don't think this fucking govt. OWES me MONEY
when they did THAT to me and then forced me to go to FBI offices in D.C. because Dabneys were about to be reported so now they wanted to plan to force me to work for "entertainers" who they picked out to perform MY songs?
Not to mention, Stacey Stubblefield was murdering my kids
On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 7:15 PM, LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> wrote:
Alvaro Pardo and all the Colombians were also involved in having me raped by my own Dad, telling me to "ask for it" and "beg for it" and I specifically remember Mike Middleton and his family were behind it. They showed up at our house before it was a 'theme' of 'husband and wife' and told me they'd make sure I LIKED being raped by my Dad because no one else was going to "marry" me, and Chris Rozollo, Scott, TJ, Obama, Bill Clinton, Chris Dabney, Mike Tancer, Robin and George Bechtold, GAL (Kate Middleton's kid) and a bunch of men, Chris Stubbelefield and cops, were involved.
FBI Blocking Communications and Power Shut-Offs
Since I have made this blog about Kate Middleton, the FBI has threatened me with shutting off my communications (phone and wifi).
In the past, the FBI intimidated me and threatened me with this and had all services turned off, even when I was paying for them and was updated on all payments. I was threatened by the FBI and told to remove all of my blogs about them, Kate Middleton, and the government or they would make sure I was blacklisted from work and they'd shut off my power and they did.
At this time, I'm being harassed in the same way. I have received threats of having all services turned off and this time because I'm behind on payments, because the U.S. govt. is stealing from me and has raped me and they believe in raping women and girls to force them to carry children and clones they kidnap.
The FBI is directly responsible for coordinating this and used Middletons in England and Netanyahus in Israel to help them plan this, along with holding me hostage by child pedophiles Chris Dabney and Alvaro Pardo and Mark, an Irish-American U.S. Army truck driver who is friends with Holly I. Telerant, a professional murderer and lawyer and clone.
I am in the middle of an Appeals case over my kids, a UN complaint about the U.S. government, looking for work, and having loan matters adjusted over my college tuition and the FBI is trying to threaten me again.
They are using my "parents" to do this, and one of the Bob Jrs and Dicksies works for the FBI and has worked for the FBI for decades and had a "handler", FBI issued gun/glock, and did psych evals and physicals through the FBI and was making reports against ME, to the FBI the entire time I was forced to live at my house and be gang-raped by them and by Middletons and others.
Joy Sterling-Tancer and her child pedophile son Mike Tancer and the Heinz and John Kerry family are also responsible for threatening communication shut-offs, and a huge group of Jews that receive funding and support by Sarah and Benjamin Netanyahu and they have threatened me throughout my childhood, as either Jews for Israel or American-Jews who worked for Mossad.
I have also started a complaint with FBI against Alvaro Pardo and Chris Dabney for rape and holding me hostage and torture, and this is another group that has blocked my communications--the FBI used Alvaro and Dabney to hold me hostage a dozen times when I was a kid, and I was being threatened as a preteen to "marry Alvaro Pardo" when I was a teenager and when I refused, the FBI shut off all of my power, my wifi and phone and told me if I wasn't marrying their employee then I wouldn't get work either, and they would keep me from looking for work elsewhere. I had to return over $2,500 in merchandise I had purchased, as a kid, to keep from being held hostage by FBI agent Alvaro Pardo, and then after I had the money, it was stolen from me and I was kicked out of housing and forced, as a new mother who had been raped and forced to give birth to govt. clones, to live in a park in Coquille with strangers who raped me and who were friends with Alvaro Pardo, whom I had witnessed talking to the British Middleton family with Alvaro, weeks before forcing me out of housing.
Alvaro Pardo and the Colombian Embassy accepted bribes from the U.S. government and had me trafficked to Colombia and sold and raped by Colombian soldiers, Mafia, and U.S. and British and Australian and Danish, and Italian men there. I was kept as a hostage in a hole in the ground by Alvaro Pardo while I was there, and then moved to a basement and I was bound and gagged except when they demanded that I sing for them. They had Kate Middleton moving me from one hostage location to the next, and looking in at me as a hostage there, along with Christine Gregoire, who visited Colombia.
I was forced to give my songs to Shakira, when she didn't work with me to write any of them. She raped me herself, tortured me, and was coaching Kate Middleton on how to do "drops" and spy for them. Shakira was a CIA asset and I was side-lined for Kate Middleton, because Kate was also considered to be a CIA asset. I witnessed Kate Middleton practicing "drops", spy techniques, and being coached in psychic spying with a Dicksie Baird-Garrett and Amanda Bynes involved and a Russian woman named Anna who works for the CIA. Kate Middleton also worked with Mary Donaldson, who was in Colombia, to network for telepathic spying and drops, because Mary D. was also CIA sponsored and lived next to CIA Director George Bush Sr. She and Frederick both spied for the CIA and when I told Prince Frederick about Mary he got nervous and then had me tortured, out of his own paranoia of getting caught spying for the CIA, both he and Mary Donaldson and her father.
I was held hostage apart from my mother the entire time I was in Colombia. I was never with my Mom at any time, and instead saw her from a distance, working with Kate Middleton, Mary Donaldson and other women, or being held hostage by them. Shakira kept me as a hostage at her own house, along with several other locations.
I witnessed hundreds of people being murdered in Colombia by the CIA and Alvaro Pardo and Shakira. Shakira and her entire music group were murdering people and "disappearing" the bodies by techniques Kate Middleton taught them they did in England.
An entire group of black people connected to Obamas and the U.S. and British entertainment industry were also involved in murdering these people and they were raping little kids trafficked over there too, like me. I was raped countless times in Colombia, and the U.S. govt. had sponsored and approved all of it, and had forced me over there in the first place, to commit crimes against me that were not even in U.S. jurisdiction or territory, and they threatened more rapes and murders if I did not shut up about wanting credit for my songwriting, or money from my own work.
One of the #1 CIA and FBI/Pentagon killing fields was Colombia. The U.S. murdered more people than died in the Holocaust, because of Colombia's "partnership" with them. Kate Middleton was one of the "bosses" and ringleaders in mass executions and dumping of bodies.
I can tell you where plenty of those disappeared "bodies" went to, because I know Kate Middleton.
Alvaro Pardo was coordinating trafficking of me, rape against me, and theft of my intellectual property and music for Middleton and Wales and the U.S. government. I was forced to work for free, and not paid a single dime for any of my songs, and I was held hostage except when I was told to direct a music video, as if to prove I wasn't a hostage when I was.
The persons involved were a bunch of white U.S. govt. and British shits, and black men and Jews. The Colombians and CIA and Mossad also used Colombia to murder people and helped them get rid of bodies. Some of the bodies were flown to Nigeria, where Mossad worked with militias, and dumped and others were buried under construction concrete and dissolved in acid, and some locations were deliberately set on fire by the CIA and FBI to conceal evidence. They were also using garbage and dump sites with sanitizers. The CIA was holding huge numbers of people hostage at some concrete one-story facility in or next to a jungle somewhere, too, and I saw them holding my family members there and I was held hostage there and at other locations. People were screaming and crying and several were human clones the U.S. CIA and FBI and England wanted to 'get rid of' and Colombia got paid for it. A bunch of fucking U.S. blacks in the entertainment business were paying people to do it, and with U.S. govt. men with them, and Frederick and his Mafia, and William of Wales, "Kyle", and Benjamin Netanyahu.
Colombia's "official" position is to be "against human cloning" and they're not. They have and create human clones and they would not be a #1 trade partner with the U.S. if they didn't. They also hold hundreds of clones hostage and they murder them and I am only one of their hostages. I saw my family members being murdered in Colombia because of Kate Middleton and Alvaro Pardo and U.S. government shits. Colombia has created a lie about being against human cloning to lure people there and murder them. I would never go there.
The U.S. government tried multiple times, to force me to be held hostage by Alvaro Pardo, and I was raped by him since I was a baby. I was raped a NUMBER of times by Alvaro Pardo and all the Pentagon, CIA, MI5, Mossad, and FBI could joke about, was how I should "pick Alvaro".
I was raped, held hostage, and stolen from by Alvaro Pardo and his entire group and they had Mafia controlling my kids. He was having my sons murdered.
In the past, the FBI intimidated me and threatened me with this and had all services turned off, even when I was paying for them and was updated on all payments. I was threatened by the FBI and told to remove all of my blogs about them, Kate Middleton, and the government or they would make sure I was blacklisted from work and they'd shut off my power and they did.
At this time, I'm being harassed in the same way. I have received threats of having all services turned off and this time because I'm behind on payments, because the U.S. govt. is stealing from me and has raped me and they believe in raping women and girls to force them to carry children and clones they kidnap.
The FBI is directly responsible for coordinating this and used Middletons in England and Netanyahus in Israel to help them plan this, along with holding me hostage by child pedophiles Chris Dabney and Alvaro Pardo and Mark, an Irish-American U.S. Army truck driver who is friends with Holly I. Telerant, a professional murderer and lawyer and clone.
I am in the middle of an Appeals case over my kids, a UN complaint about the U.S. government, looking for work, and having loan matters adjusted over my college tuition and the FBI is trying to threaten me again.
They are using my "parents" to do this, and one of the Bob Jrs and Dicksies works for the FBI and has worked for the FBI for decades and had a "handler", FBI issued gun/glock, and did psych evals and physicals through the FBI and was making reports against ME, to the FBI the entire time I was forced to live at my house and be gang-raped by them and by Middletons and others.
Joy Sterling-Tancer and her child pedophile son Mike Tancer and the Heinz and John Kerry family are also responsible for threatening communication shut-offs, and a huge group of Jews that receive funding and support by Sarah and Benjamin Netanyahu and they have threatened me throughout my childhood, as either Jews for Israel or American-Jews who worked for Mossad.
I have also started a complaint with FBI against Alvaro Pardo and Chris Dabney for rape and holding me hostage and torture, and this is another group that has blocked my communications--the FBI used Alvaro and Dabney to hold me hostage a dozen times when I was a kid, and I was being threatened as a preteen to "marry Alvaro Pardo" when I was a teenager and when I refused, the FBI shut off all of my power, my wifi and phone and told me if I wasn't marrying their employee then I wouldn't get work either, and they would keep me from looking for work elsewhere. I had to return over $2,500 in merchandise I had purchased, as a kid, to keep from being held hostage by FBI agent Alvaro Pardo, and then after I had the money, it was stolen from me and I was kicked out of housing and forced, as a new mother who had been raped and forced to give birth to govt. clones, to live in a park in Coquille with strangers who raped me and who were friends with Alvaro Pardo, whom I had witnessed talking to the British Middleton family with Alvaro, weeks before forcing me out of housing.
Alvaro Pardo and the Colombian Embassy accepted bribes from the U.S. government and had me trafficked to Colombia and sold and raped by Colombian soldiers, Mafia, and U.S. and British and Australian and Danish, and Italian men there. I was kept as a hostage in a hole in the ground by Alvaro Pardo while I was there, and then moved to a basement and I was bound and gagged except when they demanded that I sing for them. They had Kate Middleton moving me from one hostage location to the next, and looking in at me as a hostage there, along with Christine Gregoire, who visited Colombia.
I was forced to give my songs to Shakira, when she didn't work with me to write any of them. She raped me herself, tortured me, and was coaching Kate Middleton on how to do "drops" and spy for them. Shakira was a CIA asset and I was side-lined for Kate Middleton, because Kate was also considered to be a CIA asset. I witnessed Kate Middleton practicing "drops", spy techniques, and being coached in psychic spying with a Dicksie Baird-Garrett and Amanda Bynes involved and a Russian woman named Anna who works for the CIA. Kate Middleton also worked with Mary Donaldson, who was in Colombia, to network for telepathic spying and drops, because Mary D. was also CIA sponsored and lived next to CIA Director George Bush Sr. She and Frederick both spied for the CIA and when I told Prince Frederick about Mary he got nervous and then had me tortured, out of his own paranoia of getting caught spying for the CIA, both he and Mary Donaldson and her father.
I was held hostage apart from my mother the entire time I was in Colombia. I was never with my Mom at any time, and instead saw her from a distance, working with Kate Middleton, Mary Donaldson and other women, or being held hostage by them. Shakira kept me as a hostage at her own house, along with several other locations.
I witnessed hundreds of people being murdered in Colombia by the CIA and Alvaro Pardo and Shakira. Shakira and her entire music group were murdering people and "disappearing" the bodies by techniques Kate Middleton taught them they did in England.
An entire group of black people connected to Obamas and the U.S. and British entertainment industry were also involved in murdering these people and they were raping little kids trafficked over there too, like me. I was raped countless times in Colombia, and the U.S. govt. had sponsored and approved all of it, and had forced me over there in the first place, to commit crimes against me that were not even in U.S. jurisdiction or territory, and they threatened more rapes and murders if I did not shut up about wanting credit for my songwriting, or money from my own work.
One of the #1 CIA and FBI/Pentagon killing fields was Colombia. The U.S. murdered more people than died in the Holocaust, because of Colombia's "partnership" with them. Kate Middleton was one of the "bosses" and ringleaders in mass executions and dumping of bodies.
I can tell you where plenty of those disappeared "bodies" went to, because I know Kate Middleton.
Alvaro Pardo was coordinating trafficking of me, rape against me, and theft of my intellectual property and music for Middleton and Wales and the U.S. government. I was forced to work for free, and not paid a single dime for any of my songs, and I was held hostage except when I was told to direct a music video, as if to prove I wasn't a hostage when I was.
The persons involved were a bunch of white U.S. govt. and British shits, and black men and Jews. The Colombians and CIA and Mossad also used Colombia to murder people and helped them get rid of bodies. Some of the bodies were flown to Nigeria, where Mossad worked with militias, and dumped and others were buried under construction concrete and dissolved in acid, and some locations were deliberately set on fire by the CIA and FBI to conceal evidence. They were also using garbage and dump sites with sanitizers. The CIA was holding huge numbers of people hostage at some concrete one-story facility in or next to a jungle somewhere, too, and I saw them holding my family members there and I was held hostage there and at other locations. People were screaming and crying and several were human clones the U.S. CIA and FBI and England wanted to 'get rid of' and Colombia got paid for it. A bunch of fucking U.S. blacks in the entertainment business were paying people to do it, and with U.S. govt. men with them, and Frederick and his Mafia, and William of Wales, "Kyle", and Benjamin Netanyahu.
Colombia's "official" position is to be "against human cloning" and they're not. They have and create human clones and they would not be a #1 trade partner with the U.S. if they didn't. They also hold hundreds of clones hostage and they murder them and I am only one of their hostages. I saw my family members being murdered in Colombia because of Kate Middleton and Alvaro Pardo and U.S. government shits. Colombia has created a lie about being against human cloning to lure people there and murder them. I would never go there.
The U.S. government tried multiple times, to force me to be held hostage by Alvaro Pardo, and I was raped by him since I was a baby. I was raped a NUMBER of times by Alvaro Pardo and all the Pentagon, CIA, MI5, Mossad, and FBI could joke about, was how I should "pick Alvaro".
I was raped, held hostage, and stolen from by Alvaro Pardo and his entire group and they had Mafia controlling my kids. He was having my sons murdered.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Kate Middleton Cuts Out Heart Of Innocent Girl
Kate Middleton is a murderer. I've described a few of the murders I witnessed she committed and one of them was cutting out the heart of an innocent baby girl, inside of a car on the floorboard.
They also murdered my older clone of myself and she was being held down and back while screaming.
They said she was getting in the way of Kate's becoming "Queen" of England, and it was in the early 1980s, and was an older clone of Kate Middleton, and it was her.
At one time, there was more than one witness to testify against her too.
There were many accomplices and accessories to the murder and as far as I know, the baby girl was my own daughter.
It was Kate Middleton, looked like Kate Middleton, and her voice and her British accent and many other women followed suit, murdering several other kids in the same situation, and without a woman held hostage in the backseat of a stationwagon, and murdered.
The CIA claimed it was for attempting to upstage "Queen Elizabeth" (Kate Elizabeth).
Here is a list of people who were involved in murdering and covering up for Kate Middleton:
Diana of Wales, Diane Kelly, Nathan Knight, Troy Woods, Mark Shaw, Bob & Dicksie Garrett, me, my brother, Carmen, Char, Callie, Killian, Louis Freeh, Chris Dabney, Greg Fowler, Hartleys (John and Linda), Victoria Gotti, Joe Bonnano, James Comey, Mark the U.S. Army truck driver from Boston, Jenny from Colombia, Alfredo--Pardo's cousin, James Cartright, Mike Middleton, Amanda Bynes, Bryson from Wenatchee, Greg Smith & Dan Gatti, Jecca Craig, William and Harry of Wales, Sarah Ferguson and her girls, Sarah Palin, Mariah Carey, Jessica and Ashley Simpson, Ashley Green, Mykal Holt, Carley Massey-Birch, Rachel the Jew, Rachel Chandler, Anna (blond Russian), Anna Chapman, Florence Brudenelle-Bruce, Rose Farquhar, Christina, Stacey, and Stephanie Maiers with Joy Sellen, Jen Garner, Jennifer Lawrence, Rani Guzman and Alita with Gardenia, Dahlia & Ivory, Lisa Sequiera, Lisa (Armando's wife), Christie Scheider and Danielle, Erica Wiltbank, Lauren Jacobs, Monica and Tim Henderson and their sons Issac and Jacob, and more..
Stacey Roark, Stacey Quintana, Mrs. Rosenow & her husband, Michelle Erickson & her family, Heather Klein, George Bechtold, Eliza Bechtold and Janet, Marcie Eastwood, Obamas, Clintons, Kathy Kircher, Flo Jo, Brett McDonald, Becky, Joy Sterling-Tancer, Chris Dabney's mother and Black Bitch from D.C. "BDSM" club, Yulia Tymoschenko, McLaughlin, Tina & Julie Thornton, Trisha Yearwood, Judds, "Deena" from Coos Bay Casino (HR),
And you know what's strange, is I never saw Tomas Caballero with another woman, except for Kate Middleton, and then he also raped me and my Mom.
Others involved: Annette Sandberg, Olga Strong, Russ Strong, Melinda Gates
They also murdered my older clone of myself and she was being held down and back while screaming.
They said she was getting in the way of Kate's becoming "Queen" of England, and it was in the early 1980s, and was an older clone of Kate Middleton, and it was her.
At one time, there was more than one witness to testify against her too.
There were many accomplices and accessories to the murder and as far as I know, the baby girl was my own daughter.
It was Kate Middleton, looked like Kate Middleton, and her voice and her British accent and many other women followed suit, murdering several other kids in the same situation, and without a woman held hostage in the backseat of a stationwagon, and murdered.
The CIA claimed it was for attempting to upstage "Queen Elizabeth" (Kate Elizabeth).
Here is a list of people who were involved in murdering and covering up for Kate Middleton:
Diana of Wales, Diane Kelly, Nathan Knight, Troy Woods, Mark Shaw, Bob & Dicksie Garrett, me, my brother, Carmen, Char, Callie, Killian, Louis Freeh, Chris Dabney, Greg Fowler, Hartleys (John and Linda), Victoria Gotti, Joe Bonnano, James Comey, Mark the U.S. Army truck driver from Boston, Jenny from Colombia, Alfredo--Pardo's cousin, James Cartright, Mike Middleton, Amanda Bynes, Bryson from Wenatchee, Greg Smith & Dan Gatti, Jecca Craig, William and Harry of Wales, Sarah Ferguson and her girls, Sarah Palin, Mariah Carey, Jessica and Ashley Simpson, Ashley Green, Mykal Holt, Carley Massey-Birch, Rachel the Jew, Rachel Chandler, Anna (blond Russian), Anna Chapman, Florence Brudenelle-Bruce, Rose Farquhar, Christina, Stacey, and Stephanie Maiers with Joy Sellen, Jen Garner, Jennifer Lawrence, Rani Guzman and Alita with Gardenia, Dahlia & Ivory, Lisa Sequiera, Lisa (Armando's wife), Christie Scheider and Danielle, Erica Wiltbank, Lauren Jacobs, Monica and Tim Henderson and their sons Issac and Jacob, and more..
Stacey Roark, Stacey Quintana, Mrs. Rosenow & her husband, Michelle Erickson & her family, Heather Klein, George Bechtold, Eliza Bechtold and Janet, Marcie Eastwood, Obamas, Clintons, Kathy Kircher, Flo Jo, Brett McDonald, Becky, Joy Sterling-Tancer, Chris Dabney's mother and Black Bitch from D.C. "BDSM" club, Yulia Tymoschenko, McLaughlin, Tina & Julie Thornton, Trisha Yearwood, Judds, "Deena" from Coos Bay Casino (HR),
And you know what's strange, is I never saw Tomas Caballero with another woman, except for Kate Middleton, and then he also raped me and my Mom.
Others involved: Annette Sandberg, Olga Strong, Russ Strong, Melinda Gates
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Carol Goldsmith-Middleton Plots Raping Kids
This is a post about Carol Goldsmith-Middleton and her own involvement in plotting rapes against other little boys and girls.
Prior to my being raped and implanted with a human clone, when I already told the government I did not want to be part of their human cloning program, Carol Goldsmith took me "baby supplies" shopping and asked me to pick out things I thought I would need if I had a baby. What she did, in fact, is go around Walmart with a group of U.S. friends, and me there, and pick out items she "predicted" I would buy so she could get "points" for being an "accurate psychic". The CIA has had Carol on their payroll for decades.
They raped me in the middle of the night to implant me with a cloned embryo, to become pregnant while I was only 10 years old and I gave birth at age 11.
Prior to my being raped and implanted with a human clone, when I already told the government I did not want to be part of their human cloning program, Carol Goldsmith took me "baby supplies" shopping and asked me to pick out things I thought I would need if I had a baby. What she did, in fact, is go around Walmart with a group of U.S. friends, and me there, and pick out items she "predicted" I would buy so she could get "points" for being an "accurate psychic". The CIA has had Carol on their payroll for decades.
They raped me in the middle of the night to implant me with a cloned embryo, to become pregnant while I was only 10 years old and I gave birth at age 11.
Jealous Kate Steals My Baby Girls Hats & Clothes
Kate Middleton is such a fucked up fucker, she even stole my baby daughters hat and clothes that I had made for her and also bought her. Then she went out in public, wearing a green netted hat and a red dress and imitated my baby daughter to get attention herself and boast about how she had stolen this from my girls and also things from my son, and she had a clone of my son forced to be around her, which she knew would panic me because I witnessed her torture and murder one of my baby girls, prior to that.
She is a god DAMNED bloody shit.
I swear to GOD, doesn't ANYONE ELSE have evidence against her to GET RID OF HER and CAMILLA???
She also got mad at ME, because I was taken to a dress shop and allowed to pick out hats for myself and dresses and I was dressing up and saying what I wanted, and she and her fucking Mossad-ugly jealous back-biting mother and sister and friends, were lurking in a corner there, observing everything that I picked out and when I said no, I didn't want to work for them or Mossad, they said, "Then you don't get to keep any of these clothes or hats" and they were also glad that I had said I wasn't interested in "William" or some royal, and they smirked with relief. Maybe it had to do with Dodi, I'm not sure.
I said, "I make my own money in songwriting so why are you telling me to give you all these hats and clothes instead?"
One of the women there was Stephanie Maeirs, and they used her and Kate to double for eachother sometimes, and Carley Massey, bc with blond hair, Kate looks like Stephanie.
When a few men said "Oh that looks nice!" and I was sort of embarrassed in a veiled hat, but liked it, Kate was just glowering with pissed off rage. FUMING. She was one HOT hell basket, standing there, like the witch who wants to kill off Snow White.
They were saying, "Well if you're not interested in Dodi, then we don't need to dress you up". I said, "I can dress myself up. I make more money than Kate and all of you combined so how come you're controlling MY MONEY when I'm the one EARNING it?" It was this entire group of jealous royal girlfriends, and U.S. women.
They are Welfare Rats. They collected welfare from British people, and they were collecting welfare from Mossad, and from the U.S. too.
She is a god DAMNED bloody shit.
I swear to GOD, doesn't ANYONE ELSE have evidence against her to GET RID OF HER and CAMILLA???
She also got mad at ME, because I was taken to a dress shop and allowed to pick out hats for myself and dresses and I was dressing up and saying what I wanted, and she and her fucking Mossad-ugly jealous back-biting mother and sister and friends, were lurking in a corner there, observing everything that I picked out and when I said no, I didn't want to work for them or Mossad, they said, "Then you don't get to keep any of these clothes or hats" and they were also glad that I had said I wasn't interested in "William" or some royal, and they smirked with relief. Maybe it had to do with Dodi, I'm not sure.
I said, "I make my own money in songwriting so why are you telling me to give you all these hats and clothes instead?"
One of the women there was Stephanie Maeirs, and they used her and Kate to double for eachother sometimes, and Carley Massey, bc with blond hair, Kate looks like Stephanie.
When a few men said "Oh that looks nice!" and I was sort of embarrassed in a veiled hat, but liked it, Kate was just glowering with pissed off rage. FUMING. She was one HOT hell basket, standing there, like the witch who wants to kill off Snow White.
They were saying, "Well if you're not interested in Dodi, then we don't need to dress you up". I said, "I can dress myself up. I make more money than Kate and all of you combined so how come you're controlling MY MONEY when I'm the one EARNING it?" It was this entire group of jealous royal girlfriends, and U.S. women.
They are Welfare Rats. They collected welfare from British people, and they were collecting welfare from Mossad, and from the U.S. too.
Torture and Murder of My Kids By Kate Middleton with Arabic Context
I seriously hate this woman Kate Middleton. She and her family tortured and murdered my sons, more than one of them, and made fun of our early efforts to learn Arabic.
She sent out other men who opposed "Muslims" to accuse my older cloned son of being a "terrorist" and spread hate crimes against him with use of even Roman Catholic Popes that supported her and her Catholic family that she was biologically related to through Camilla Parker-Bowles and possibly Mike Middleton too.
She had the Roman Catholic Pope known as "Papa" out in the cornfield to terrorize my son and murder him, after my son and I were agreeing we would try learning Arabic.
He was hateful and wanted the murder of my son and was surrounded by Chris Dabney's fucking Australian friends and lawyers and Italians, and British. This Pope started mocking him saying "So you want to be a Muslim now? hahahaa".
They had a number of Popes and former Popes out to see him and me, because suddenly we were viewed as "threats" and both of us were trafficked to Rome and to the Vatican and had been raped there. The CIA was also sending huge amounts of my money from my songwriting to the Vatican, along with shipments of cocaine. Their idea of a monarchy that benefited them meant one with Kate Middleton in it and anything "Arabic" was a challenger to this goal. Like I said, Camilla and Kate are related to each other, and there are Roman Catholic kids as a result of marriage, and they were using me and my kids as slaves for themselves when we are not slaves.
They had my son murdered in front of me and my Dad was involved too.
It was over this fucking bitch Kate Middleton.
They were responsible for one of the hits and another was committed directly by Kate Middleton. Believe me, she did it. She had the CIA and Roman Catholic Popes backing her to do it too, along with Mossad. She is also friends with "Lady Gaga", who is Italian and was involved.
The U.S. had cloned so many of my sons they were making jokes about how no one would believe me and how "oh? he died? well here he is again" and making sick jokes about how my son must have been "resurrected" when he wasn't. They had cloned many of him, at various ages, and they were hunting all of them down, bringing them out in front of me, and murdering my sons.
Chris Dabney kept lying and trying to cover for her, saying Kate didn't kill anyone or shoot anyone, and he is a lying shit who tortured me and programmed me, and wanted me to "fire" a gun, automatically by mind-control and triggers, after he handed one to me. He wanted ME, a little kid, to commit murders that were against my friends, family and persons who would help me, and he did this because he wanted to keep making money off of us.
After they murdered my son, they forced me to explain to Lady "Gaga" how my songs "went", that I had written, and the God-damned U.S. forced me to give my music and songs and credit to this shit who was part of murdering one of my sons. And they also attempted to coerce me to work with Kate Middleton, and backed out, and then forced me to do it again and brainwashed me to say she was so wonderful, to all of the U.S. and so the UN and internationals heard it and thought I was a flip-flop and that I must have lied about her before.
I did not lie about Kate Middleton. She is a sick and disgusting child murderer, rapist, and torturer.
She sent out other men who opposed "Muslims" to accuse my older cloned son of being a "terrorist" and spread hate crimes against him with use of even Roman Catholic Popes that supported her and her Catholic family that she was biologically related to through Camilla Parker-Bowles and possibly Mike Middleton too.
She had the Roman Catholic Pope known as "Papa" out in the cornfield to terrorize my son and murder him, after my son and I were agreeing we would try learning Arabic.
He was hateful and wanted the murder of my son and was surrounded by Chris Dabney's fucking Australian friends and lawyers and Italians, and British. This Pope started mocking him saying "So you want to be a Muslim now? hahahaa".
They had a number of Popes and former Popes out to see him and me, because suddenly we were viewed as "threats" and both of us were trafficked to Rome and to the Vatican and had been raped there. The CIA was also sending huge amounts of my money from my songwriting to the Vatican, along with shipments of cocaine. Their idea of a monarchy that benefited them meant one with Kate Middleton in it and anything "Arabic" was a challenger to this goal. Like I said, Camilla and Kate are related to each other, and there are Roman Catholic kids as a result of marriage, and they were using me and my kids as slaves for themselves when we are not slaves.
They had my son murdered in front of me and my Dad was involved too.
It was over this fucking bitch Kate Middleton.
They were responsible for one of the hits and another was committed directly by Kate Middleton. Believe me, she did it. She had the CIA and Roman Catholic Popes backing her to do it too, along with Mossad. She is also friends with "Lady Gaga", who is Italian and was involved.
The U.S. had cloned so many of my sons they were making jokes about how no one would believe me and how "oh? he died? well here he is again" and making sick jokes about how my son must have been "resurrected" when he wasn't. They had cloned many of him, at various ages, and they were hunting all of them down, bringing them out in front of me, and murdering my sons.
Chris Dabney kept lying and trying to cover for her, saying Kate didn't kill anyone or shoot anyone, and he is a lying shit who tortured me and programmed me, and wanted me to "fire" a gun, automatically by mind-control and triggers, after he handed one to me. He wanted ME, a little kid, to commit murders that were against my friends, family and persons who would help me, and he did this because he wanted to keep making money off of us.
After they murdered my son, they forced me to explain to Lady "Gaga" how my songs "went", that I had written, and the God-damned U.S. forced me to give my music and songs and credit to this shit who was part of murdering one of my sons. And they also attempted to coerce me to work with Kate Middleton, and backed out, and then forced me to do it again and brainwashed me to say she was so wonderful, to all of the U.S. and so the UN and internationals heard it and thought I was a flip-flop and that I must have lied about her before.
I did not lie about Kate Middleton. She is a sick and disgusting child murderer, rapist, and torturer.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Kate Middleton's Forced Sex Games For Children: Pole In The Hole
Kate Middleton raped me herself when I was a child and an infant. I was tortured by her and one of her ideas for torturing me, because she was jealous of me, was to ask her sister Pippa and William and a few others to force me to play "sex games" after she raped me herself.
I can describe several of these sex games although I've probably forgotten some of them because I never played them as an adult and if I looked up some of the names or descriptions now I might remember more, however one of the biggest and most commonly played sex games she forced me to "play", was several variants of "Pole In The Hole". She altered how one of the games was played after I reported it to someone.
I was afraid of her and she also tortured me to force me to NOT be afraid of her, to make herself seem like she was not responsible for torturing and terrorizing toddlers and little girls.
The first form of "Pole In The Hole" that I was forced to play, after she raped me herself, was where men lined up in chairs, or made a circle with chairs, and had their pants unzipped, aroused themselves to be erect and then passed me from one man's lap to the next, grabbing me by the waist, lifting me up above them and then smashing me down onto their penises, to be inside and penetrate either my vagina or rectum, and I was raped both ways and some men chose to rape me anally. My underwear was either completely off and I was forced to wear a dress or nightgown or be naked, or sometimes they left my underwear on, and moved the crotch of the opening to the side to penetrate me and I was raped multiple times and no, I am not lying or misremembering and God knows that my children and I deserve to be avenged, compensated, and she has no right or place to be living at Anmer Hall or her parents at Bucklebury, or to have any position receiving welfare from the British public and the CIA.
This game of "Pole In The Hole" did not occur just one or two times--I was victimized and raped with use of this particular sex game, by hundreds of men, over dozens of occasions. That is also not an exaggeration.
The other form of "Pole In The Hole" that was played against me, to rape me, involved two men, and they would sit side by side and try to convince me to choose which pole I wanted in my 'hole' and would offer presents and rewards as ways to bribe me to see which of them would win and then they would rape me and most of the time, I had forgotten that they'd rape me or be incapacitated or not understand what "putting a pole in the hole" was or the terminology they used because some of them had thick accents. They played this as a "surprise" game against me, to rape me and then they would join their arms up and say it was just another game of "Bridge" and "For the Duchess of Cambridge".
Some of the times this game was played, it was after Kate Middleton raped me herself. She would rape me, with an object, and when I cried and tried to tell someone, more than once, what she had done and was doing, she would use men she knew who supported her, to punish me for trying to tell on "Katie" by forcing me into their game of "Pole In The Hole".
I swear to God, she is a child rapist and is an extremely bad and deceitful person who fooled a lot of people. She gained a lot of initial support and favoritism because more than one of her was cloned, she was attractive, and she had psychic abilities that got the attention of the Pentagon and CIA and FBI. She had multiple lovers and boyfriends and husbands, many of them happened to be U.S. men, not just British men or British royals. When she had a daughter, Charlotte, that daughter also married a U.S. man, a man who was Irish-American and involved in the IRA, and that further linked her to the U.S. She also had a clone of herself, one of them, which worked for Mossad in Israel and flew planes. She was not just trained by RAF, she worked with Mossad and had a Jewish-Israeli boyfriend and favoritism as a hereditary Jew, from her mother who is Jewish. She also was made a leader in trafficking cocaine and children for money.
This game of "Pole In The Hole" became one of the #1 games they played to rape me for Kate Middleton with. Why "Pole In The Hole"? The Jewish rapes and hate crimes against me may have had something to do with revenge for Lorraine Rose, a Polish Jew who moved to England during the holocaust and became friends with Middletons and they hunted down "former Nazis" who buried Polish people who were Jews and it's possible they believed my ancestors or older clone did this and now they got ahold of a young clone and were getting revenge by raping innocent children. I was being asked when I was little, "Are you a Pollack?"
The other reason, maybe was just that it was a game anyone played which they felt was popular for raping kids. She was also called, by some, the "Maypole Queen". All of her clones were getting married in May and late April, like the end of April. Prince Charles told me the day that he "married" me when I was a kid, was April 29th and then I was being raped. Why he said that day I'm not sure but then Kate Middleton was using that day to get married to William publicly. The term "Maypole Queen" for Kate Middleton became known far and wide by child rapists who attacked me and all of my kids and they were also raping cloned kids of mine that were already cloned. She was also a favorite with Canada and jokingly called "Maple Queen" because the Canadian government was partial to her and her grandfather Peter spent his entire time in WWII, in Canada, training pilots to fight "Nazis". Peter Middleton was not the only man who was training pilots in Canada because there were other clones and one was a Kate Middleton clone. I was told by someone, when I was a kid, that one of her husbands was Canadian. I'm not sure if this true, but I know I saw one of the clones of Katie in Canada when I was a kid myself and they acted like she was Queen of Canada and had an obviously long history with her and her family and showing favoritism to them. She spoke French with them and also English and had endeared herself to the highest-ranking Canadian members and military and as a reward for training all of those Canadians to fly and win their huge mass of land, they raped little kids and tortured and killed them, over Kate Middleton because they wanted Kate Middleton to be their "Maypole-Maple Queen".
I was also raped more than one time after being asked to play the children's game of "Maypole" which is a dance with ribbons around a pole to celebrate May Day, a National Holiday in England, Canada, and the U.S. and I was consecutively raped after these parties, and at one where Kate Middleton was present, I was raped in front of everyone including her, while wearing a nice dress, and I was gang-raped, forced onto the ground in my dress and raped like a dog. I was also being led off to private rooms after these parties, and raped over Kate Middleton, with multiple men and many of them Canadian, including Scott Ross who works for Canadian immigration in B.C. and who lied about me in 2008, and on prior occasions when I was in Canada. They also raped my daughters and sons.
In Israel, they fully raped me with the same "Pole In The Hole" game and watched as William of Wales raped me this way.
I was young enough, in age, that these men were able to lift me up by my waist and then use force to slam me down on top of their penises.
They did this to me so many times, and had women stretching out my vagina with their fingers and objects, I was abnormally enlarged and "conditioned" to be raped by penises and not tear or show traces of actual injury and most of the time, they specifically avoided leaving any kind of "mark" that would or could be used to prove rape. Anyone who knows the human body or who has had sex, knows that the body can be stretched out and conditioned to have objects in it and adapt to handling larger sizes, over time, without tearing and this is what they did. However, some of the time, I was being raped with "Pole In The Hole" to cause injury and bleeding and that did occur and they called it "Popping Cherries". If they raped me playing "Pole In The Hole" and caused me to bleed, then they were saying "I got her cherry" and they had sometimes played a game of who was getting the cherry this time, and would rape me partially but not all the way and then one of the men would penetrate me hard enough to cause me to bleed and they would congratulate him for "popping the cherry" and Kate Middleton's shit son "George Alexander Louis" was one of the players. I specifically remember GAL playing this game against me when I was a toddler and little girl. When I was older, after one of them popped my cherry they would have a couple of other men suddenly rape me and then try to have people guess who the actual penetrator was. Another time, all of the men raped me while I bled and they had their penises out and showing and all of their penises had blood on them and called it "Ring Around The Rosey" and all of those men were bragging about how they had all raped me and proving it to eachother by forming a red ring of child-raping penises.
Pippa and Kate Middleton stood around for it sometimes and Pippa's husband played this game against me and raped me too and she stared at me with hatred and grim malice. They had all of this hatred and violence directed against a little girl, and with plans to force me to work for them for free, and some of this was "revenge" for some kind of other activity that I wasn't even involved with as an innocent kid. I witnessed them play this same game with cloned sets of my sons and daughters. I never saw them play this game with my brother Levi. I think one time I saw some group pretend or say they were going to do this to him, but I never saw anyone do this to him. I saw an older clone of him participating in this game against me, instead, with Middletons and his wife.
They didn't just rape me, they made fun of me and gloated about it. Later, when I was about 9 or 10 years old, I was transported to Jerash, after being held hostage by Mossad, courtesy trafficking of the U.S. government. There, they had Kate Middleton walk around me in a circle, and pluck out parts of my shirt to untuck from the waistband of my pants, and she made small picking dots all the way around me, and I told her to stop and she kept going and I was forced to stand there and let her do this, and then she smirked and climbed up on a ledge next to her Dad and sister and posed for the camera, with her own shirt tucked in tightly, into spandex legging shorts. They made jokes about how they wanted to get a photo of themselves "Next to the Jerash ruins" and made quips about my "ass" and how it was 'ruined'.
After they did this, having my Dad take the photo of them while I stood there and watched, a Pentagon chopper showed up, a large one, and with the most Senior officials at the Pentagon and CIA and they picked up papers and documents from Mike Middleton, and handed him a briefcase of money. It was Gen. Ashcroft, James Cartright, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Justin Timberlake, and Chris Dabney or Jimmy Carter. Jim Carter and Dabney often flew in when I was held hostage as a younger kid, to give Middletons money for the IRA, and to rape me. He supplied everyone with "peanut butter" to make sex abuse more "palatable" to the kids.
Carl and Mary Del Balzo were also showing up, and I think Panetta.
Another person who was playing "Pole In The Hole" were the Clintons, and the British were making fun of me because they said this for what it meant and also made jokes about "Paul in the hole" because I was raped by Pope John Paul II and a bunch of Catholics supported him raping me and stealing money from me through the Vatican to support Camilla, the Bowles', and Middletons. I was also raped by Paul I who was before him, and Paul XI. There were 3 different Pope Pauls, and one of them had a name correlated to Chris Dabney, "Albino", who was Paul I, and the surname Dabney is originally derived from "Albini". They made fun of raping me and sold me and all of these people were involved in the crimes against me. They supported Middletons, Dabney, and Camilla because she had married a Roman Catholic and they wanted access to the throne through her and Kate. They received money at the Vatican for profits from selling kids for sex, and they got cocaine shipments, and more than one Pope was addicted to cocaine and thanked Middletons for sending them an ample supply, along with some kid ass. They rewarded Middletons and Bowles' by giving support to the IRA, which was driven by the CIA and FBI and the FBI was already majority-Catholic. They also made fun of me as the "Panama Canal" when one of the Popes was originally from someplace called "Canal" and I was raped with Middletons and royals present, at the Vatican, but also at many other places. The Popes traveled and I was raped at more than one location by them, and more than one time, and they also raped my son and daughter. They were nothing but Italian Mafia who worked with Middletons and Bowles' and the CIA. The Popes were given private access to little kids if they wanted to rape them for sexual or political reasons, and to any woman they wanted, if they wanted one, and she was obliged to be with them. They also had porn at the Vatican. Kate Middleton was exceptionally evil and they liked her. I am not sure if one of them was sleeping with a Pope or Cardinal on a regular basis or what, but she had wedged her way in and they were raping little kids over her. I saw one of the Popes bend over to kiss Kate's hand, at the Vatican. I even told Diana once, "They just fall all over themselves over Kate Middleton but I never saw them do that to you, and they rape me. Why do you think that is?" Charlotte was also married to, possibly, a Catholic. From what I recall, he was Catholic and they were doing blessings for Charlotte, Kate's kid, who was already grown by the time of the early 80s, and they liked Tom Bowles and his Dad, who were Catholic.
I said one time, "Is Mike a Catholic?" They said, "Huh??? Why?" and I had said, "Well because he had a Catholic saint necklace on...but I don't know, maybe it wasn't Mike, but it looked just like him to me." I said, "Maybe he just had it on because he was around the Pope".
I tried to tell one Pope, one time, how "Middletons are playing Pole In The Hole with a bunch of men and raping me" and instead of getting sympathy, he got mad at me and raped me himself to punish me for saying anything and then all of a sudden, I remembered how when I was much younger, an entire group of priests and Cardinals or something, sat in a circle and played the same rape game against me, for Middleton, secretly. I didn't remember being raped by an entire group of them, until the Pope raped me again himself and then I remembered and someone knew because they ran in and gave me drugs saying I was remembering too much. My memory had been triggered to remember earlier occasions.
I think it's maybe possible, one of the 3 Paul Popes didn't rape me but I know at LEAST 2 of them did. Probably other adults know more, but I knew as a kid, at least 2 of them had and were called Pope, before Benedict or Francis was Pope and both Benedict and Francis exposed themselves. I also know Francis raped someone with a pole and I thought it was a family member of mine.
Kate Middleton was threatening me and used the game of "Pole In The Hole" as a threat too. This is not even to mention my being tortured by an old-fashioned torture device they had in England, which is an iron spike shaped like a penis and slightly rounded at the tip, but is a spike. In Medieval times they would suspend a person above it, with ropes or something, and lower the person down onto the spike, until it penetrated their vagina or rectum and this is a device that was used on me after I was tortured with an iron coal-red spike, to my vagina and rectum and it caused a massive blistering and internal pus and infection and then they forced me onto the spike in front of all these people and said, "It's crown gall" and the U.S. was doing this to me and my kids, over GAL, Kate Middleton's fucking shit son, who they already promoted just because of religions and how Camilla and Kate were related to each other (Camilla's father is a Middleton--Bruce Middleton Shand).
They not only played "cherry picker" games to rape me and force me to bleed, for "George" like he had something to do with George Washington's cherry tree, they raped me in the same archaic manner of British torture using a spike to rape and torture someone.
Other sex games they forced me to play or raped me with while playing this themselves, I will describe here...
One was "Frogger" and I was repeatedly raped in England with this sex game and then it was this huge insult against me and tribute and cheer for Kate Middleton when the U.S. got Atari to come up with the "Frogger" game which only reminded me of how much I was raped. The game was thought of in 1980 and it was released in 1981. I was only 7 years old in 1981 and I had to be reminded of this.
They were playing a game where the man would rape me rectally, sodomize me, and then 'leap-frog' over me. Sometimes it was one person and other times they had a line-up and he would leap up over several individuals who were on their hands and knees. I was raped multiple times by British royals and Middleton's friends and boyfriends, like this, and MI5 and U.S. and they invited Danish royals and friends, and Australians to sodomize me too.
They also forced my son to be raped and my girls and they were lining us all up to rape us. They laughed and thought it was funny. They were saying "So all you have to do is kiss the frog".
Then after they played this form of "frogger", they started raping me on a curb with a car door shielding them and then ejaculated on my back and pushed me in front of cars to murder me. They did this a number of times, in London, to me and had U.S. men and my Dad involved in playing it against me. Their idea was to rape me and then push me into a panic to forget being raped and instead survive or escape getting hit by a car or semi-truck.
They raped my son, an older clone of him, repeatedly with this game, to humiliate him and punish him for daring think that he or I would receive money from my own songs that I was responsible for writing. They stole credit for my music, gave it to British and U.S. groups, and paid themselves, and gave us nothing and ridiculed my son saying "You will never be a King". Pippa Middleton was one of the individuals who pushed me into moving traffic after I was raped by my Dad in the curbside form of "frogger". Several others raped me, who didn't want me to remember who they were, both U.S. and British men.
My son was also forced to squat in a shower and jack off and hop up and down like a 'frog' while British Royals and Middletons and Goldsmith laughed at him. They forced my son to do this and to eat, ingest semen from blow jobs after they were forcing their penises into my son's mouth, in front of me, thinking I wouldn't remember bc I was 5-7 years old. They had my own Dad do this to my son, in front of me, and other men too.
After forcing my son to do this, and playing "leap frog" sodomy games in rapes against my family while others laughed and acted like it was all just "fun and games", they humiliated us with a game of "Frogger" by Atari when Mark the U.S. Army truck driver was a computer specialist who worked on video games with Chris Dabney, Rachel the Jew, and a few others who wanted to humiliate me and my kids.
They also were raping us by forcing us to do blow jobs and pushing our heads up and down fast to direct our heads in blow jobs and I witnessed them do this to my daughters, to me, to my sons, and to my Dad and I saw Ryan Barnes (who was involved in all of the "Frogger" games and flew to England for some of it) forcing my Dad and son into cages and they were such small cages, the men were forced to squat inside of them and nod their heads when someone was opening up the top of the cage to look at them. They were supposed to nod their heads in a squatting position, to signal yes, they were frogger frogs and yes, Katie will be Queen and Camilla too, and hey, why not throw in Mary Donaldson, while you're at it, since Frederick loves this game so much. Megan Jacquot was involved in holding these men hostage in cages like this, and I refer to her in my next post.
Ryan Barnes had an entire Lake Oswego and Sherwood High school group of people involved in forcing us to play Frogger, and William of Wales raped all of my family: me, my older clone, my son and daughters, playing this game, and so did Frederick of Denmark and Harry...all of the British Princes, including Charles and Philip.
Chris Dabney was also involved and played it and he pushed me into moving traffic and watched others sodomize and rape me, like Mike Middleton. David Cameron also played and pushed me into traffick. They did this to a younger clone of my son and from what I heard, one of my kids was run over and killed after they did this. David Cameron also was jamming his thumbs up my Dad's rear end while my Mom and Dad were acting like everyone was just friends and Dave Cameron and his Jewish wife were "nice people". Yeah, thumbs and all. His Jewish wife was a serious bitch too. She didn't care who was getting raped, or how young or innocent.
I can describe several of these sex games although I've probably forgotten some of them because I never played them as an adult and if I looked up some of the names or descriptions now I might remember more, however one of the biggest and most commonly played sex games she forced me to "play", was several variants of "Pole In The Hole". She altered how one of the games was played after I reported it to someone.
I was afraid of her and she also tortured me to force me to NOT be afraid of her, to make herself seem like she was not responsible for torturing and terrorizing toddlers and little girls.
The first form of "Pole In The Hole" that I was forced to play, after she raped me herself, was where men lined up in chairs, or made a circle with chairs, and had their pants unzipped, aroused themselves to be erect and then passed me from one man's lap to the next, grabbing me by the waist, lifting me up above them and then smashing me down onto their penises, to be inside and penetrate either my vagina or rectum, and I was raped both ways and some men chose to rape me anally. My underwear was either completely off and I was forced to wear a dress or nightgown or be naked, or sometimes they left my underwear on, and moved the crotch of the opening to the side to penetrate me and I was raped multiple times and no, I am not lying or misremembering and God knows that my children and I deserve to be avenged, compensated, and she has no right or place to be living at Anmer Hall or her parents at Bucklebury, or to have any position receiving welfare from the British public and the CIA.
This game of "Pole In The Hole" did not occur just one or two times--I was victimized and raped with use of this particular sex game, by hundreds of men, over dozens of occasions. That is also not an exaggeration.
The other form of "Pole In The Hole" that was played against me, to rape me, involved two men, and they would sit side by side and try to convince me to choose which pole I wanted in my 'hole' and would offer presents and rewards as ways to bribe me to see which of them would win and then they would rape me and most of the time, I had forgotten that they'd rape me or be incapacitated or not understand what "putting a pole in the hole" was or the terminology they used because some of them had thick accents. They played this as a "surprise" game against me, to rape me and then they would join their arms up and say it was just another game of "Bridge" and "For the Duchess of Cambridge".
Some of the times this game was played, it was after Kate Middleton raped me herself. She would rape me, with an object, and when I cried and tried to tell someone, more than once, what she had done and was doing, she would use men she knew who supported her, to punish me for trying to tell on "Katie" by forcing me into their game of "Pole In The Hole".
I swear to God, she is a child rapist and is an extremely bad and deceitful person who fooled a lot of people. She gained a lot of initial support and favoritism because more than one of her was cloned, she was attractive, and she had psychic abilities that got the attention of the Pentagon and CIA and FBI. She had multiple lovers and boyfriends and husbands, many of them happened to be U.S. men, not just British men or British royals. When she had a daughter, Charlotte, that daughter also married a U.S. man, a man who was Irish-American and involved in the IRA, and that further linked her to the U.S. She also had a clone of herself, one of them, which worked for Mossad in Israel and flew planes. She was not just trained by RAF, she worked with Mossad and had a Jewish-Israeli boyfriend and favoritism as a hereditary Jew, from her mother who is Jewish. She also was made a leader in trafficking cocaine and children for money.
This game of "Pole In The Hole" became one of the #1 games they played to rape me for Kate Middleton with. Why "Pole In The Hole"? The Jewish rapes and hate crimes against me may have had something to do with revenge for Lorraine Rose, a Polish Jew who moved to England during the holocaust and became friends with Middletons and they hunted down "former Nazis" who buried Polish people who were Jews and it's possible they believed my ancestors or older clone did this and now they got ahold of a young clone and were getting revenge by raping innocent children. I was being asked when I was little, "Are you a Pollack?"
The other reason, maybe was just that it was a game anyone played which they felt was popular for raping kids. She was also called, by some, the "Maypole Queen". All of her clones were getting married in May and late April, like the end of April. Prince Charles told me the day that he "married" me when I was a kid, was April 29th and then I was being raped. Why he said that day I'm not sure but then Kate Middleton was using that day to get married to William publicly. The term "Maypole Queen" for Kate Middleton became known far and wide by child rapists who attacked me and all of my kids and they were also raping cloned kids of mine that were already cloned. She was also a favorite with Canada and jokingly called "Maple Queen" because the Canadian government was partial to her and her grandfather Peter spent his entire time in WWII, in Canada, training pilots to fight "Nazis". Peter Middleton was not the only man who was training pilots in Canada because there were other clones and one was a Kate Middleton clone. I was told by someone, when I was a kid, that one of her husbands was Canadian. I'm not sure if this true, but I know I saw one of the clones of Katie in Canada when I was a kid myself and they acted like she was Queen of Canada and had an obviously long history with her and her family and showing favoritism to them. She spoke French with them and also English and had endeared herself to the highest-ranking Canadian members and military and as a reward for training all of those Canadians to fly and win their huge mass of land, they raped little kids and tortured and killed them, over Kate Middleton because they wanted Kate Middleton to be their "Maypole-Maple Queen".
I was also raped more than one time after being asked to play the children's game of "Maypole" which is a dance with ribbons around a pole to celebrate May Day, a National Holiday in England, Canada, and the U.S. and I was consecutively raped after these parties, and at one where Kate Middleton was present, I was raped in front of everyone including her, while wearing a nice dress, and I was gang-raped, forced onto the ground in my dress and raped like a dog. I was also being led off to private rooms after these parties, and raped over Kate Middleton, with multiple men and many of them Canadian, including Scott Ross who works for Canadian immigration in B.C. and who lied about me in 2008, and on prior occasions when I was in Canada. They also raped my daughters and sons.
In Israel, they fully raped me with the same "Pole In The Hole" game and watched as William of Wales raped me this way.
I was young enough, in age, that these men were able to lift me up by my waist and then use force to slam me down on top of their penises.
They did this to me so many times, and had women stretching out my vagina with their fingers and objects, I was abnormally enlarged and "conditioned" to be raped by penises and not tear or show traces of actual injury and most of the time, they specifically avoided leaving any kind of "mark" that would or could be used to prove rape. Anyone who knows the human body or who has had sex, knows that the body can be stretched out and conditioned to have objects in it and adapt to handling larger sizes, over time, without tearing and this is what they did. However, some of the time, I was being raped with "Pole In The Hole" to cause injury and bleeding and that did occur and they called it "Popping Cherries". If they raped me playing "Pole In The Hole" and caused me to bleed, then they were saying "I got her cherry" and they had sometimes played a game of who was getting the cherry this time, and would rape me partially but not all the way and then one of the men would penetrate me hard enough to cause me to bleed and they would congratulate him for "popping the cherry" and Kate Middleton's shit son "George Alexander Louis" was one of the players. I specifically remember GAL playing this game against me when I was a toddler and little girl. When I was older, after one of them popped my cherry they would have a couple of other men suddenly rape me and then try to have people guess who the actual penetrator was. Another time, all of the men raped me while I bled and they had their penises out and showing and all of their penises had blood on them and called it "Ring Around The Rosey" and all of those men were bragging about how they had all raped me and proving it to eachother by forming a red ring of child-raping penises.
Pippa and Kate Middleton stood around for it sometimes and Pippa's husband played this game against me and raped me too and she stared at me with hatred and grim malice. They had all of this hatred and violence directed against a little girl, and with plans to force me to work for them for free, and some of this was "revenge" for some kind of other activity that I wasn't even involved with as an innocent kid. I witnessed them play this same game with cloned sets of my sons and daughters. I never saw them play this game with my brother Levi. I think one time I saw some group pretend or say they were going to do this to him, but I never saw anyone do this to him. I saw an older clone of him participating in this game against me, instead, with Middletons and his wife.
They didn't just rape me, they made fun of me and gloated about it. Later, when I was about 9 or 10 years old, I was transported to Jerash, after being held hostage by Mossad, courtesy trafficking of the U.S. government. There, they had Kate Middleton walk around me in a circle, and pluck out parts of my shirt to untuck from the waistband of my pants, and she made small picking dots all the way around me, and I told her to stop and she kept going and I was forced to stand there and let her do this, and then she smirked and climbed up on a ledge next to her Dad and sister and posed for the camera, with her own shirt tucked in tightly, into spandex legging shorts. They made jokes about how they wanted to get a photo of themselves "Next to the Jerash ruins" and made quips about my "ass" and how it was 'ruined'.
After they did this, having my Dad take the photo of them while I stood there and watched, a Pentagon chopper showed up, a large one, and with the most Senior officials at the Pentagon and CIA and they picked up papers and documents from Mike Middleton, and handed him a briefcase of money. It was Gen. Ashcroft, James Cartright, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Justin Timberlake, and Chris Dabney or Jimmy Carter. Jim Carter and Dabney often flew in when I was held hostage as a younger kid, to give Middletons money for the IRA, and to rape me. He supplied everyone with "peanut butter" to make sex abuse more "palatable" to the kids.
Carl and Mary Del Balzo were also showing up, and I think Panetta.
Another person who was playing "Pole In The Hole" were the Clintons, and the British were making fun of me because they said this for what it meant and also made jokes about "Paul in the hole" because I was raped by Pope John Paul II and a bunch of Catholics supported him raping me and stealing money from me through the Vatican to support Camilla, the Bowles', and Middletons. I was also raped by Paul I who was before him, and Paul XI. There were 3 different Pope Pauls, and one of them had a name correlated to Chris Dabney, "Albino", who was Paul I, and the surname Dabney is originally derived from "Albini". They made fun of raping me and sold me and all of these people were involved in the crimes against me. They supported Middletons, Dabney, and Camilla because she had married a Roman Catholic and they wanted access to the throne through her and Kate. They received money at the Vatican for profits from selling kids for sex, and they got cocaine shipments, and more than one Pope was addicted to cocaine and thanked Middletons for sending them an ample supply, along with some kid ass. They rewarded Middletons and Bowles' by giving support to the IRA, which was driven by the CIA and FBI and the FBI was already majority-Catholic. They also made fun of me as the "Panama Canal" when one of the Popes was originally from someplace called "Canal" and I was raped with Middletons and royals present, at the Vatican, but also at many other places. The Popes traveled and I was raped at more than one location by them, and more than one time, and they also raped my son and daughter. They were nothing but Italian Mafia who worked with Middletons and Bowles' and the CIA. The Popes were given private access to little kids if they wanted to rape them for sexual or political reasons, and to any woman they wanted, if they wanted one, and she was obliged to be with them. They also had porn at the Vatican. Kate Middleton was exceptionally evil and they liked her. I am not sure if one of them was sleeping with a Pope or Cardinal on a regular basis or what, but she had wedged her way in and they were raping little kids over her. I saw one of the Popes bend over to kiss Kate's hand, at the Vatican. I even told Diana once, "They just fall all over themselves over Kate Middleton but I never saw them do that to you, and they rape me. Why do you think that is?" Charlotte was also married to, possibly, a Catholic. From what I recall, he was Catholic and they were doing blessings for Charlotte, Kate's kid, who was already grown by the time of the early 80s, and they liked Tom Bowles and his Dad, who were Catholic.
I said one time, "Is Mike a Catholic?" They said, "Huh??? Why?" and I had said, "Well because he had a Catholic saint necklace on...but I don't know, maybe it wasn't Mike, but it looked just like him to me." I said, "Maybe he just had it on because he was around the Pope".
I tried to tell one Pope, one time, how "Middletons are playing Pole In The Hole with a bunch of men and raping me" and instead of getting sympathy, he got mad at me and raped me himself to punish me for saying anything and then all of a sudden, I remembered how when I was much younger, an entire group of priests and Cardinals or something, sat in a circle and played the same rape game against me, for Middleton, secretly. I didn't remember being raped by an entire group of them, until the Pope raped me again himself and then I remembered and someone knew because they ran in and gave me drugs saying I was remembering too much. My memory had been triggered to remember earlier occasions.
I think it's maybe possible, one of the 3 Paul Popes didn't rape me but I know at LEAST 2 of them did. Probably other adults know more, but I knew as a kid, at least 2 of them had and were called Pope, before Benedict or Francis was Pope and both Benedict and Francis exposed themselves. I also know Francis raped someone with a pole and I thought it was a family member of mine.
Kate Middleton was threatening me and used the game of "Pole In The Hole" as a threat too. This is not even to mention my being tortured by an old-fashioned torture device they had in England, which is an iron spike shaped like a penis and slightly rounded at the tip, but is a spike. In Medieval times they would suspend a person above it, with ropes or something, and lower the person down onto the spike, until it penetrated their vagina or rectum and this is a device that was used on me after I was tortured with an iron coal-red spike, to my vagina and rectum and it caused a massive blistering and internal pus and infection and then they forced me onto the spike in front of all these people and said, "It's crown gall" and the U.S. was doing this to me and my kids, over GAL, Kate Middleton's fucking shit son, who they already promoted just because of religions and how Camilla and Kate were related to each other (Camilla's father is a Middleton--Bruce Middleton Shand).
They not only played "cherry picker" games to rape me and force me to bleed, for "George" like he had something to do with George Washington's cherry tree, they raped me in the same archaic manner of British torture using a spike to rape and torture someone.
Other sex games they forced me to play or raped me with while playing this themselves, I will describe here...
One was "Frogger" and I was repeatedly raped in England with this sex game and then it was this huge insult against me and tribute and cheer for Kate Middleton when the U.S. got Atari to come up with the "Frogger" game which only reminded me of how much I was raped. The game was thought of in 1980 and it was released in 1981. I was only 7 years old in 1981 and I had to be reminded of this.
They were playing a game where the man would rape me rectally, sodomize me, and then 'leap-frog' over me. Sometimes it was one person and other times they had a line-up and he would leap up over several individuals who were on their hands and knees. I was raped multiple times by British royals and Middleton's friends and boyfriends, like this, and MI5 and U.S. and they invited Danish royals and friends, and Australians to sodomize me too.
They also forced my son to be raped and my girls and they were lining us all up to rape us. They laughed and thought it was funny. They were saying "So all you have to do is kiss the frog".
Then after they played this form of "frogger", they started raping me on a curb with a car door shielding them and then ejaculated on my back and pushed me in front of cars to murder me. They did this a number of times, in London, to me and had U.S. men and my Dad involved in playing it against me. Their idea was to rape me and then push me into a panic to forget being raped and instead survive or escape getting hit by a car or semi-truck.
They raped my son, an older clone of him, repeatedly with this game, to humiliate him and punish him for daring think that he or I would receive money from my own songs that I was responsible for writing. They stole credit for my music, gave it to British and U.S. groups, and paid themselves, and gave us nothing and ridiculed my son saying "You will never be a King". Pippa Middleton was one of the individuals who pushed me into moving traffic after I was raped by my Dad in the curbside form of "frogger". Several others raped me, who didn't want me to remember who they were, both U.S. and British men.
My son was also forced to squat in a shower and jack off and hop up and down like a 'frog' while British Royals and Middletons and Goldsmith laughed at him. They forced my son to do this and to eat, ingest semen from blow jobs after they were forcing their penises into my son's mouth, in front of me, thinking I wouldn't remember bc I was 5-7 years old. They had my own Dad do this to my son, in front of me, and other men too.
After forcing my son to do this, and playing "leap frog" sodomy games in rapes against my family while others laughed and acted like it was all just "fun and games", they humiliated us with a game of "Frogger" by Atari when Mark the U.S. Army truck driver was a computer specialist who worked on video games with Chris Dabney, Rachel the Jew, and a few others who wanted to humiliate me and my kids.
They also were raping us by forcing us to do blow jobs and pushing our heads up and down fast to direct our heads in blow jobs and I witnessed them do this to my daughters, to me, to my sons, and to my Dad and I saw Ryan Barnes (who was involved in all of the "Frogger" games and flew to England for some of it) forcing my Dad and son into cages and they were such small cages, the men were forced to squat inside of them and nod their heads when someone was opening up the top of the cage to look at them. They were supposed to nod their heads in a squatting position, to signal yes, they were frogger frogs and yes, Katie will be Queen and Camilla too, and hey, why not throw in Mary Donaldson, while you're at it, since Frederick loves this game so much. Megan Jacquot was involved in holding these men hostage in cages like this, and I refer to her in my next post.
Ryan Barnes had an entire Lake Oswego and Sherwood High school group of people involved in forcing us to play Frogger, and William of Wales raped all of my family: me, my older clone, my son and daughters, playing this game, and so did Frederick of Denmark and Harry...all of the British Princes, including Charles and Philip.
Chris Dabney was also involved and played it and he pushed me into moving traffic and watched others sodomize and rape me, like Mike Middleton. David Cameron also played and pushed me into traffick. They did this to a younger clone of my son and from what I heard, one of my kids was run over and killed after they did this. David Cameron also was jamming his thumbs up my Dad's rear end while my Mom and Dad were acting like everyone was just friends and Dave Cameron and his Jewish wife were "nice people". Yeah, thumbs and all. His Jewish wife was a serious bitch too. She didn't care who was getting raped, or how young or innocent.
Friday, May 13, 2016
I'm accepting donations for my work on this blog and my other blogs. Please contact me for information on how to make a donation. Thanks!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Kate Middleton's Murder of Children
I personally witnessed Kate Middleton murdering children and will be making a post here.
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