Kate Middleton raped me herself when I was a child and an infant. I was tortured by her and one of her ideas for torturing me, because she was jealous of me, was to ask her sister Pippa and William and a few others to force me to play "sex games" after she raped me herself.
I can describe several of these sex games although I've probably forgotten some of them because I never played them as an adult and if I looked up some of the names or descriptions now I might remember more, however one of the biggest and most commonly played sex games she forced me to "play", was several variants of "Pole In The Hole". She altered how one of the games was played after I reported it to someone.
I was afraid of her and she also tortured me to force me to NOT be afraid of her, to make herself seem like she was not responsible for torturing and terrorizing toddlers and little girls.
The first form of "Pole In The Hole" that I was forced to play, after she raped me herself, was where men lined up in chairs, or made a circle with chairs, and had their pants unzipped, aroused themselves to be erect and then passed me from one man's lap to the next, grabbing me by the waist, lifting me up above them and then smashing me down onto their penises, to be inside and penetrate either my vagina or rectum, and I was raped both ways and some men chose to rape me anally. My underwear was either completely off and I was forced to wear a dress or nightgown or be naked, or sometimes they left my underwear on, and moved the crotch of the opening to the side to penetrate me and I was raped multiple times and no, I am not lying or misremembering and God knows that my children and I deserve to be avenged, compensated, and she has no right or place to be living at Anmer Hall or her parents at Bucklebury, or to have any position receiving welfare from the British public and the CIA.
This game of "Pole In The Hole" did not occur just one or two times--I was victimized and raped with use of this particular sex game, by hundreds of men, over dozens of occasions. That is also not an exaggeration.
The other form of "Pole In The Hole" that was played against me, to rape me, involved two men, and they would sit side by side and try to convince me to choose which pole I wanted in my 'hole' and would offer presents and rewards as ways to bribe me to see which of them would win and then they would rape me and most of the time, I had forgotten that they'd rape me or be incapacitated or not understand what "putting a pole in the hole" was or the terminology they used because some of them had thick accents. They played this as a "surprise" game against me, to rape me and then they would join their arms up and say it was just another game of "Bridge" and "For the Duchess of Cambridge".
Some of the times this game was played, it was after Kate Middleton raped me herself. She would rape me, with an object, and when I cried and tried to tell someone, more than once, what she had done and was doing, she would use men she knew who supported her, to punish me for trying to tell on "Katie" by forcing me into their game of "Pole In The Hole".
I swear to God, she is a child rapist and is an extremely bad and deceitful person who fooled a lot of people. She gained a lot of initial support and favoritism because more than one of her was cloned, she was attractive, and she had psychic abilities that got the attention of the Pentagon and CIA and FBI. She had multiple lovers and boyfriends and husbands, many of them happened to be U.S. men, not just British men or British royals. When she had a daughter, Charlotte, that daughter also married a U.S. man, a man who was Irish-American and involved in the IRA, and that further linked her to the U.S. She also had a clone of herself, one of them, which worked for Mossad in Israel and flew planes. She was not just trained by RAF, she worked with Mossad and had a Jewish-Israeli boyfriend and favoritism as a hereditary Jew, from her mother who is Jewish. She also was made a leader in trafficking cocaine and children for money.
This game of "Pole In The Hole" became one of the #1 games they played to rape me for Kate Middleton with. Why "Pole In The Hole"? The Jewish rapes and hate crimes against me may have had something to do with revenge for Lorraine Rose, a Polish Jew who moved to England during the holocaust and became friends with Middletons and they hunted down "former Nazis" who buried Polish people who were Jews and it's possible they believed my ancestors or older clone did this and now they got ahold of a young clone and were getting revenge by raping innocent children. I was being asked when I was little, "Are you a Pollack?"
The other reason, maybe was just that it was a game anyone played which they felt was popular for raping kids. She was also called, by some, the "Maypole Queen". All of her clones were getting married in May and late April, like the end of April. Prince Charles told me the day that he "married" me when I was a kid, was April 29th and then I was being raped. Why he said that day I'm not sure but then Kate Middleton was using that day to get married to William publicly. The term "Maypole Queen" for Kate Middleton became known far and wide by child rapists who attacked me and all of my kids and they were also raping cloned kids of mine that were already cloned. She was also a favorite with Canada and jokingly called "Maple Queen" because the Canadian government was partial to her and her grandfather Peter spent his entire time in WWII, in Canada, training pilots to fight "Nazis". Peter Middleton was not the only man who was training pilots in Canada because there were other clones and one was a Kate Middleton clone. I was told by someone, when I was a kid, that one of her husbands was Canadian. I'm not sure if this true, but I know I saw one of the clones of Katie in Canada when I was a kid myself and they acted like she was Queen of Canada and had an obviously long history with her and her family and showing favoritism to them. She spoke French with them and also English and had endeared herself to the highest-ranking Canadian members and military and as a reward for training all of those Canadians to fly and win their huge mass of land, they raped little kids and tortured and killed them, over Kate Middleton because they wanted Kate Middleton to be their "Maypole-Maple Queen".
I was also raped more than one time after being asked to play the children's game of "Maypole" which is a dance with ribbons around a pole to celebrate May Day, a National Holiday in England, Canada, and the U.S. and I was consecutively raped after these parties, and at one where Kate Middleton was present, I was raped in front of everyone including her, while wearing a nice dress, and I was gang-raped, forced onto the ground in my dress and raped like a dog. I was also being led off to private rooms after these parties, and raped over Kate Middleton, with multiple men and many of them Canadian, including Scott Ross who works for Canadian immigration in B.C. and who lied about me in 2008, and on prior occasions when I was in Canada. They also raped my daughters and sons.
In Israel, they fully raped me with the same "Pole In The Hole" game and watched as William of Wales raped me this way.
I was young enough, in age, that these men were able to lift me up by my waist and then use force to slam me down on top of their penises.
They did this to me so many times, and had women stretching out my vagina with their fingers and objects, I was abnormally enlarged and "conditioned" to be raped by penises and not tear or show traces of actual injury and most of the time, they specifically avoided leaving any kind of "mark" that would or could be used to prove rape. Anyone who knows the human body or who has had sex, knows that the body can be stretched out and conditioned to have objects in it and adapt to handling larger sizes, over time, without tearing and this is what they did. However, some of the time, I was being raped with "Pole In The Hole" to cause injury and bleeding and that did occur and they called it "Popping Cherries". If they raped me playing "Pole In The Hole" and caused me to bleed, then they were saying "I got her cherry" and they had sometimes played a game of who was getting the cherry this time, and would rape me partially but not all the way and then one of the men would penetrate me hard enough to cause me to bleed and they would congratulate him for "popping the cherry" and Kate Middleton's shit son "George Alexander Louis" was one of the players. I specifically remember GAL playing this game against me when I was a toddler and little girl. When I was older, after one of them popped my cherry they would have a couple of other men suddenly rape me and then try to have people guess who the actual penetrator was. Another time, all of the men raped me while I bled and they had their penises out and showing and all of their penises had blood on them and called it "Ring Around The Rosey" and all of those men were bragging about how they had all raped me and proving it to eachother by forming a red ring of child-raping penises.
Pippa and Kate Middleton stood around for it sometimes and Pippa's husband played this game against me and raped me too and she stared at me with hatred and grim malice. They had all of this hatred and violence directed against a little girl, and with plans to force me to work for them for free, and some of this was "revenge" for some kind of other activity that I wasn't even involved with as an innocent kid. I witnessed them play this same game with cloned sets of my sons and daughters. I never saw them play this game with my brother Levi. I think one time I saw some group pretend or say they were going to do this to him, but I never saw anyone do this to him. I saw an older clone of him participating in this game against me, instead, with Middletons and his wife.
They didn't just rape me, they made fun of me and gloated about it. Later, when I was about 9 or 10 years old, I was transported to Jerash, after being held hostage by Mossad, courtesy trafficking of the U.S. government. There, they had Kate Middleton walk around me in a circle, and pluck out parts of my shirt to untuck from the waistband of my pants, and she made small picking dots all the way around me, and I told her to stop and she kept going and I was forced to stand there and let her do this, and then she smirked and climbed up on a ledge next to her Dad and sister and posed for the camera, with her own shirt tucked in tightly, into spandex legging shorts. They made jokes about how they wanted to get a photo of themselves "Next to the Jerash ruins" and made quips about my "ass" and how it was 'ruined'.
After they did this, having my Dad take the photo of them while I stood there and watched, a Pentagon chopper showed up, a large one, and with the most Senior officials at the Pentagon and CIA and they picked up papers and documents from Mike Middleton, and handed him a briefcase of money. It was Gen. Ashcroft, James Cartright, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Justin Timberlake, and Chris Dabney or Jimmy Carter. Jim Carter and Dabney often flew in when I was held hostage as a younger kid, to give Middletons money for the IRA, and to rape me. He supplied everyone with "peanut butter" to make sex abuse more "palatable" to the kids.
Carl and Mary Del Balzo were also showing up, and I think Panetta.
Another person who was playing "Pole In The Hole" were the Clintons, and the British were making fun of me because they said this for what it meant and also made jokes about "Paul in the hole" because I was raped by Pope John Paul II and a bunch of Catholics supported him raping me and stealing money from me through the Vatican to support Camilla, the Bowles', and Middletons. I was also raped by Paul I who was before him, and Paul XI. There were 3 different Pope Pauls, and one of them had a name correlated to Chris Dabney, "Albino", who was Paul I, and the surname Dabney is originally derived from "Albini". They made fun of raping me and sold me and all of these people were involved in the crimes against me. They supported Middletons, Dabney, and Camilla because she had married a Roman Catholic and they wanted access to the throne through her and Kate. They received money at the Vatican for profits from selling kids for sex, and they got cocaine shipments, and more than one Pope was addicted to cocaine and thanked Middletons for sending them an ample supply, along with some kid ass. They rewarded Middletons and Bowles' by giving support to the IRA, which was driven by the CIA and FBI and the FBI was already majority-Catholic. They also made fun of me as the "Panama Canal" when one of the Popes was originally from someplace called "Canal" and I was raped with Middletons and royals present, at the Vatican, but also at many other places. The Popes traveled and I was raped at more than one location by them, and more than one time, and they also raped my son and daughter. They were nothing but Italian Mafia who worked with Middletons and Bowles' and the CIA. The Popes were given private access to little kids if they wanted to rape them for sexual or political reasons, and to any woman they wanted, if they wanted one, and she was obliged to be with them. They also had porn at the Vatican. Kate Middleton was exceptionally evil and they liked her. I am not sure if one of them was sleeping with a Pope or Cardinal on a regular basis or what, but she had wedged her way in and they were raping little kids over her. I saw one of the Popes bend over to kiss Kate's hand, at the Vatican. I even told Diana once, "They just fall all over themselves over Kate Middleton but I never saw them do that to you, and they rape me. Why do you think that is?" Charlotte was also married to, possibly, a Catholic. From what I recall, he was Catholic and they were doing blessings for Charlotte, Kate's kid, who was already grown by the time of the early 80s, and they liked Tom Bowles and his Dad, who were Catholic.
I said one time, "Is Mike a Catholic?" They said, "Huh??? Why?" and I had said, "Well because he had a Catholic saint necklace on...but I don't know, maybe it wasn't Mike, but it looked just like him to me." I said, "Maybe he just had it on because he was around the Pope".
I tried to tell one Pope, one time, how "Middletons are playing Pole In The Hole with a bunch of men and raping me" and instead of getting sympathy, he got mad at me and raped me himself to punish me for saying anything and then all of a sudden, I remembered how when I was much younger, an entire group of priests and Cardinals or something, sat in a circle and played the same rape game against me, for Middleton, secretly. I didn't remember being raped by an entire group of them, until the Pope raped me again himself and then I remembered and someone knew because they ran in and gave me drugs saying I was remembering too much. My memory had been triggered to remember earlier occasions.
I think it's maybe possible, one of the 3 Paul Popes didn't rape me but I know at LEAST 2 of them did. Probably other adults know more, but I knew as a kid, at least 2 of them had and were called Pope, before Benedict or Francis was Pope and both Benedict and Francis exposed themselves. I also know Francis raped someone with a pole and I thought it was a family member of mine.
Kate Middleton was threatening me and used the game of "Pole In The Hole" as a threat too. This is not even to mention my being tortured by an old-fashioned torture device they had in England, which is an iron spike shaped like a penis and slightly rounded at the tip, but is a spike. In Medieval times they would suspend a person above it, with ropes or something, and lower the person down onto the spike, until it penetrated their vagina or rectum and this is a device that was used on me after I was tortured with an iron coal-red spike, to my vagina and rectum and it caused a massive blistering and internal pus and infection and then they forced me onto the spike in front of all these people and said, "It's crown gall" and the U.S. was doing this to me and my kids, over GAL, Kate Middleton's fucking shit son, who they already promoted just because of religions and how Camilla and Kate were related to each other (Camilla's father is a Middleton--Bruce Middleton Shand).
They not only played "cherry picker" games to rape me and force me to bleed, for "George" like he had something to do with George Washington's cherry tree, they raped me in the same archaic manner of British torture using a spike to rape and torture someone.
Other sex games they forced me to play or raped me with while playing this themselves, I will describe here...
One was "Frogger" and I was repeatedly raped in England with this sex game and then it was this huge insult against me and tribute and cheer for Kate Middleton when the U.S. got Atari to come up with the "Frogger" game which only reminded me of how much I was raped. The game was thought of in 1980 and it was released in 1981. I was only 7 years old in 1981 and I had to be reminded of this.
They were playing a game where the man would rape me rectally, sodomize me, and then 'leap-frog' over me. Sometimes it was one person and other times they had a line-up and he would leap up over several individuals who were on their hands and knees. I was raped multiple times by British royals and Middleton's friends and boyfriends, like this, and MI5 and U.S. and they invited Danish royals and friends, and Australians to sodomize me too.
They also forced my son to be raped and my girls and they were lining us all up to rape us. They laughed and thought it was funny. They were saying "So all you have to do is kiss the frog".
Then after they played this form of "frogger", they started raping me on a curb with a car door shielding them and then ejaculated on my back and pushed me in front of cars to murder me. They did this a number of times, in London, to me and had U.S. men and my Dad involved in playing it against me. Their idea was to rape me and then push me into a panic to forget being raped and instead survive or escape getting hit by a car or semi-truck.
They raped my son, an older clone of him, repeatedly with this game, to humiliate him and punish him for daring think that he or I would receive money from my own songs that I was responsible for writing. They stole credit for my music, gave it to British and U.S. groups, and paid themselves, and gave us nothing and ridiculed my son saying "You will never be a King". Pippa Middleton was one of the individuals who pushed me into moving traffic after I was raped by my Dad in the curbside form of "frogger". Several others raped me, who didn't want me to remember who they were, both U.S. and British men.
My son was also forced to squat in a shower and jack off and hop up and down like a 'frog' while British Royals and Middletons and Goldsmith laughed at him. They forced my son to do this and to eat, ingest semen from blow jobs after they were forcing their penises into my son's mouth, in front of me, thinking I wouldn't remember bc I was 5-7 years old. They had my own Dad do this to my son, in front of me, and other men too.
After forcing my son to do this, and playing "leap frog" sodomy games in rapes against my family while others laughed and acted like it was all just "fun and games", they humiliated us with a game of "Frogger" by Atari when Mark the U.S. Army truck driver was a computer specialist who worked on video games with Chris Dabney, Rachel the Jew, and a few others who wanted to humiliate me and my kids.
They also were raping us by forcing us to do blow jobs and pushing our heads up and down fast to direct our heads in blow jobs and I witnessed them do this to my daughters, to me, to my sons, and to my Dad and I saw Ryan Barnes (who was involved in all of the "Frogger" games and flew to England for some of it) forcing my Dad and son into cages and they were such small cages, the men were forced to squat inside of them and nod their heads when someone was opening up the top of the cage to look at them. They were supposed to nod their heads in a squatting position, to signal yes, they were frogger frogs and yes, Katie will be Queen and Camilla too, and hey, why not throw in Mary Donaldson, while you're at it, since Frederick loves this game so much. Megan Jacquot was involved in holding these men hostage in cages like this, and I refer to her in my next post.
Ryan Barnes had an entire Lake Oswego and Sherwood High school group of people involved in forcing us to play Frogger, and William of Wales raped all of my family: me, my older clone, my son and daughters, playing this game, and so did Frederick of Denmark and Harry...all of the British Princes, including Charles and Philip.
Chris Dabney was also involved and played it and he pushed me into moving traffic and watched others sodomize and rape me, like Mike Middleton. David Cameron also played and pushed me into traffick. They did this to a younger clone of my son and from what I heard, one of my kids was run over and killed after they did this. David Cameron also was jamming his thumbs up my Dad's rear end while my Mom and Dad were acting like everyone was just friends and Dave Cameron and his Jewish wife were "nice people". Yeah, thumbs and all. His Jewish wife was a serious bitch too. She didn't care who was getting raped, or how young or innocent.
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