He also tried raping me when I was a younger girl, they let the older Mike come over and try to "fit" his penis "in" and I kept saying "No, stop, it's too big".
He is one of several clones that the U.S. planned to rape me with, using older clones to program me and intimidate me first, to allow them to do what they wanted when I was a kid. They used this to lower my resistance and defenses to rape as an older woman or older young woman.
Then when Joy Tancer overheard I might go to Portland, Oregon one time or more, over a case having to do with my baby girl, she said once, "Oh, well maybe Mike can help you then". I said, "How do you know Mike will be living in Portland?" and then secretly I thought, "And why do you put it that way? Can help you then? Help me what? "put it in"?" I was so upset by what they'd done to me, already, I finally did say something like that, like, "Help me do what? put it in?" and then everyone was quiet and Joy said, "You ARE really going to die."
I said "You're threatening me with death now? When YOUR son raped me?" and she said, "You'll LOVE it." and I said, "What do you mean I'll love it...like I'll love it, as in, the future?" I said, "You're plotting against me with your son for my future, not even just for the past...you're already planning ahead!"
And then shortly after that, McDonald's came out with a slogan for hamburgers: "I'm Lovin' It". Supposedly, according to wiki, it was an ad launched in 2003, but it was something that the U.S. and Germany came up with in Munich, when I was trafficked there and the U.S. was wanting me to promote their own ideas of having unborn babies murdered and what kind of ad could be on hamburgers around the time it was going to be done. So then when I had my face on Oregon's 2nd largest newspaper, with my living in Portland at the time, in 2002-2004, they had Mike Tancer approach me in a set-up for coordinated rape that included Erica Ballinger as a getaway car driver.
When I was raped by him when I was younger, the govt. flew him out to my house in M.L., WA and he said, "Sorry I came too fast" and he raped me. He was mad at me for saying something about Joy, who was forcing me into sex abuse and stealing money from me and I was saying I wanted my money back, and I wanted it right now, and make it fast." So Mike, an older clone, showed up saying, "Sorry I came so fast" and he raped me and then when he raped me again, another clone of Mike--the same one I'd babysat, I presume, he made the same comment when he raped me: "Sorry I came so fast".
The U.S. government and Mossad used Mike Tancer to rape me multiple times. I actually thought I was possibly pregnant because of him when I was a kid, because of what he'd done and I kept crying and saying "Mike raped me".
The main motive for his raping me was money. If he'd cared so much about his "Mom", he could have flown out anytime earlier for that--he only cared that I said I wanted her to return money she stole from me, telling me she was "saving" it for me, for later.
Mike Tancer was one of Kate Middleton's primary drug money collecting friend, until my music got big and then that was more of their interest.
Mike Tancer works for the U.S. government. His plot to rape me occurred to him and his family and government, in the 1980s and they even decided on "what parasite" a parasite would be named, which they said they were going to call Katie Middleton and then have HER raped, because really, she was supposedly the one who wanted Mike Tancer to rape me. So after he raped me and I was trying to report this, in the 1980s, he said, "Oh, I'm sorry...I'll prove it to you by helping you think of something BAD to do to KATIE since she made me do it." Since she was born in the year of the dog, the younger one was, he said "How about Leishmania?" and he was saying something about Alicia Peters too, because she knew him. Alicia Peters and Mike Tancer, and Alicia Keys, all knew eachother.

When I first tried to mention this, and the plot they had made up, before he raped me again, I was kicked out of housing while the U.S. govt. was kidnapping my baby, another baby from me. I was told, "Why aren't you reporting Mike for raping you? Because he claims he has some kind of government idea?" and I said, "No, because he's a CLONE and no one will believe me if I report him when he's an older clone the U.S. govt. uses, who likes Katie. They'll just say I'm crazy because they have a younger Mike Tancer and they'll say HE never did it."
I was told, "Report it anyway" and I said, "I CAN'T. I've already had the U.S. drug me and put me in mental hospitals threatening me about this stuff." I was told, "He's going to do it, report him now" and I didn't because he was a clone. They had some people come to my house and ask for a "report" and I wouldn't talk to them after I noticed yes, they were trying to threaten me not to report it.
He also worked with the same group that Stephanie and Robin Bechtold are connected to--Campbells. I was told, "He's going to kill your kids".
He also said, "You already know your kids aren't going to be royal Princes and Princesses, don't you?" and I said, "Why are you saying that?" and he said, "Because they're not and have you faced reality yet? Your son is a beaner."
This is a photo of one of the older Katie Middleton clones. It is not of Katie Middleton from 1982. I was the one who took this photo and she wanted to talk and meet me and the entire time she made comments about how my baby was going to die, not in an informative way, but snidely. She also said, "She kneeled to me" to my Mom as she was leaving the room and threatened my Mom.
When William saw this photo of her he got mad and wanted me to be raped. He wouldn't tolerate even a photo of her rear end in jeans, but wanted to have me stark naked, being raped on video.
The reason I later wanted one of the Mike Tancer's to wear a gray shirt for a photo, was because I was already planning to select this photo of Katie, as one to include online, because of how she touched this grey item and it was to remind me of how she and Mike Tancer were connected in conspiracy against me, to try to steal from me, murder my kids and I, rape me, and promote her to a higher CIA position.
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