Katie Middleton was also at the center of the Mafia-CIA murders of Galleta and Leonardo, in addition to several shoot-outs of British Parliamentarians. She actually murdered a bunch of British for the IRA (Irish Republican Army).
The IRA was later thanked, for their participation in torture of me through FBI and CIA, with an invitation to her glamourous "wedding" to William by her younger clone. Katie Middleton was a clone and there were several of them, and every one of them that I ever met, was bad. The U.S. CIA and Mossad allowed them, various Katie clones of different ages, to physically assault me. Each of the ones I met assaulted me and then several went behind closed doors with a parent (one of my parent's) and I don't know what happened.
The Italian men who died said to me when I was a little kid, this Kate Middleton and her family are really bad and they are going to make our lives bad and your too. We are going to die to represent who is responsible, and then you tell people about this okay? Don't let us die for nothing."
Then after they died, some 'interrogators" from the government approached me and said, "You were given an option to make money with them or let them die and you let them die because you wanted REVENGE, didn't you?" and I said, "No, they didn't say that. They just said they were going to die because of how bad she was and they wanted me to remember and have others know.".
So then this partly Jewish group that was interrogating me said, in a re-enactment attempt: "Do you want to make your own money with us, or how about this? how about we die and represent Katie Middleton and her kids, who are stealing from you and killing your kids and you get her arrested for us okay?"
So then they said, using men whose voices were similar or just like the Italian mafias who had died, "What do you want? do you want to make money or put Katie in jail?" and I said, "But that's not what they said to me!"
As a kid, because I was very young, when I was later questioned, I thought using voices of men who sounded the original mafia guys who died, was an attempt to conceal on an audio recording, that there was actually a mafia that existed that really did NOT like Middletons and who felt bad for me and though the government denied me and my kids equal opportunity like any other person supposedly had a right to, in the U.S.
So what I believed they were doing, was trying to fabricate evidence, maybe to have it sound like the FBI always bugged them and had a "heads up" on that murder and it was murder, not an agreed "suicide for a cause", and that they wanted to conceal a serious problem the U.S. govt. had. Because, I figured, and said, "You guys just want everyone to think EVERYONE LIKES Katie, and they DON'T and there's a REASON for it too. Why do you let her murder people who think I should have some money and why do you steal from me?"
So what it started to sound like, was that I was going to be portrayed, to someone, in mafia or govt. somewhere, as some "greedy little girl" who didn't want to work or have her own money and instead wanted to have Katie arrested, and that was the mafia deal so all of the other mafia should 'respect' it, out of honoring the dead bodies of the guys who died.
I mean, how was I supposed to know who my friends were anyway? When I was age 6? Or younger? But one thing I knew, was that those men who died, were attempting to UNCOVER the U.S. Governmnet for unlawful trafficking of me to England to be abused and have money stolen from me, for one thing. Galletta, that name, he said, was to stand for George Alexander Louis, and when they said this I said, "But Katie and Middletons just call him Alex, not George..I think."
One of the main groups in mafia that did NOT want me to have my own money, was Dabney. Dabneys are actually one of the worst in the mafia and they used government and British connections to keep themselves in favor, not to mention Mossad. Chris Dabney and his father, several times, held me hostage and were demanding money from my Dad and me to sign off on all my song rights. I was extremely afraid of Dabney and then one day, to his shock, after I'd mentioned I thought someone who happened to be a "Dabney" was good-looking, he thought he could wiggle out of guilty associations and make himself and his family look clean to me, and have me forget what they'd done to me in the past. They were responsible for a lot of my songs getting turned over to the government before I ever was forced to work for the FBI. Also, his "girlfriend", "Rachel" was working with Katie Middleton all along. Dabneys took advantage of the other mafia, killed off, being out of their way while they coordinated stealing more child porn from me and songs. Even later, when I was a preteen, they were still trying to degrade me to be a stripper, while promoting Katie Middleton, with my money, to be "Queen of England". Decades later, they were still attempting to defraud everyone, including me, and wanted me to be murdered along with my baby. They worked with Mossad, not against Mossad.
In 1979, I was 4 years old. The U.S. and Mossad and FBI tried to mix me up on the facts of what had actually happened when Galanta and those guys died. They made me rehearse various alternate stories to conceal the truth, because the murders of those guys, had been to support me, according to them, and not Middleton. As far as I know, Galante reprented Katie Middleton's son who tortured me, GAL, and some other men. I was also gang-raped by a huge group of men, with Chris Dabney, an older clone involved, and they were saying, "She LIKES it! She LIKES it." and one man told me the initials of the men who died stood for "C.G. LC GT C.B." as in Cameo Garrett Likes Get Chris Dabney". But that was an alternate idea that came up later because I was raped later, after they were murdered, and this is what they shouted when I was raped.
There was Carmine Cigarillo (not Lilo) Galante, Leonardo Copolla, Guiseppe Turano, and Cesare Bonventure. Someone wanted me to re-nickname Carmine as Cigar/Lilo but that wasn't how I remembered something that I did remember by "Cigarillo". Katie Middleton was burning me whenever she saw me, and if I didn't sign any paper she wanted me to sign, or hand her money from my pockets, she was burning me and cutting me, and then after I dropped everything I owned off with her, she was telling me "Go see Gary now" (Gary Goldsmith, her Uncle) and I was getting further beat up and intimidated and they would then program me, or she would say, "Go see Bob Garrett" and they were claiming "they" were "real IRA". They had an entire "shop" with stacks of magazines too, they were selling child porn of me along with guns and drugs. I would have to see "Gary" and was getting beat up by George, and one of the Bob Garretts, and others, over Middleton and forcing me to hand over my money and song rights to them. They invited people like the Dabney's to help them. Dabney's had some kind of "white mafia" business and it wasn't Italians.
They were picking up stuff in different parts of Europe, and mostly trying to man-handle me through government contacts, to keep all of my money between them, Middletons, and Mossad, and then when they figured someone in Italian mafia might care about it, they bought them out and used FBI to get me on the bad side of more mafia--for example, FBI forcing me to work "undercover" for them when I was already a part of the mafia because of the CIA business with the mafia.
I lost my housing that I had there, where I was protected, and I lost everything. No one in the mafia wanted to deal with me anymore and I wasn't getting any of my own money either, because the government was so mad that anyone was against Katie Middleton and what her group had done, they seized me, and kidnapped me and held me hostage, and forced me to sign more documents for them, and I was age 4 then. I was suddenly in preschool, and people were telling me, "The U.S. government wants all of your money, and all rights to your songs" and told me, "Did you write this? you didn't write this." and "Did you draw this? you didn't draw this" and they were saying, "That's what the govt. is doing to you".
The government and Mossad was so paranoid about my remembering the actual facts of this murder, and how something very good for me had gone "wrong", they repeatedly forced me to learn "other ideas" about what had happened and what it was about. They literally spent years rehearsing alternate ideas and telling me not to tell. They didn't want me to remember the truth at all, because from I remember, it was bad for Katie Middleton, and could have been positive for me.
The FBI was even recreating "audio surveillance" that was faked, so I have no idea how they tried to frame it. They wanted my money and song rights, wanted to keep forking it over to Katie, and they didn't want me to live in a protected area anymore. They wanted me in a controlled govt. house. One thing I do remember though, is that Katie was trafficking me around to unsafe places on purpose too. She was going from one house to the next, in a long coat, with me with her, and I was being tortured and raped at the places she took me to.
She was also friends with James Kessler, a 'step-Uncle" who only became my Uncle because of his marriage to my great-Aunt Ruth Garrett, and a huge amount of money was given to Ruth for safekeeping and then she suddenly got "cancer" and died and Jim Kessler never returned any of my money. She actually got cancer almost within a year or a couple of years, from the time I gave her a large portion of my money. When I asked for it back, she got mad at me and actually attacked me and said "No" and I thought "That is really strange. It's my money, so why is Aunt Ruth acting so crazy right now?" and I cried and cried about it and then all of a sudden, I found out she got breast cancer. So then her husband Jim had a large amount of my money, which I had given them because back then they were supposedly facing "bankruptcy". Jim married another woman and I've never seen my money. Not only that, from what I thought, or believed back then, Ruthie was working for the government as a government employee.
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