Sunday, May 29, 2016

Diana Of Wales Asks "How Would You Like To Die?"

I started noticing, as a kid, that all of the people who were being murdered looked alike.  At some point, the only people who were ever being killed, from what I could tell, were the same ones over and over--the same clones. 

I said to a Bob jr., "How come you and Mike killed that kid?"  and then I told Lady Diana Spencer-Wales, "I don't know why but it looks like the same people are being killed, like some kid who is also a man and has brown hair and eyes, and then I keep seeing the same blond girls, like 2 of them together usually, like same-age twins, and it LOOKS like they are killing all the older ones and kids of the same person, and I was wondering if you know why that would be?"

Diana said, looking nervous and defensive, "How would you like to die?"

I said, "How come you said that?" and I added, "It used to be they or the government would kill a few different kinds of people or so it seemed to me, and lately, like, well, I guess for a long time now, they just keeping the same ones, it looks like, over and over and I was wondering who they are and whose kids they are, because some of them are kids."

As it turns out, the ones I was referring to were clones of my son Oliver, b. 2005--earlier born clones and older ones as well as younger ones, and some blond girls and I didn't see my Dad around blond girls really, but I saw women killing them.

They also killed some toddler girls that they said were "me", saying "It's you" and I had more than one person tell me the U.S. was cloning me--

The U.S. was also allowing several other countries to take me into hospital rooms and perform surgical spinal taps and withdraw spinal fluid and other materials containing my DNA from my body.  The U.S. government was "selling" me, selling my own body and DNA, to multiple countries, without my permission or consent.  They had spinal fluid extracted from me in Japan, Russia, and China, Israel, Germany and England, and I was under anaesthesia in Italy, France, and a few other countries.

The Bushes, in charge of the CIA at the time, and the head Pentagon people, were talking about, and receiving money from other countries at the time DNA was withdrawn from me.

I had initially thought they were doing an identity "check" using spinal tap to do it, or that it was because of all the times they bludgeoned me on the head and the swelling that occurred with it. I was seriously assaulted and tortured by the U.S.  But they were using assault to my head as an excuse to give people a chance to withdraw spinal fluid and other materials too--sometimes tissue or small cut samples of skin, hair, and blood.  Usually it was just a spinal tap and nothing else and the U.S. was signing papers with the foreign governments at the same time.

One of the times, in China, the U.S. official said to me, over me while I was lying on a bed, "Do you like yourself Cameo?" and I said, "Yeah, why?" and he said, "Well that's a good thing because there's going to be more of you".  I said, "Well I don't want any clones and I don't believe in human cloning" and they started motioning at guns until I retracted what I said, and James Comey was there, with other FBI including Robert Mueller.

I said to Diana, when I talked to her at her house, "Someone told me they're my kids and they all look like this son they said I had, so why are they killing them?"  and in Washington state, I said at my house to some U.S. persons, "The U.S. used to kill all kinds of people for assassinations and things and lately, all they do is kill the same person over and over--it's like they are crazy now, and OBSESSED.  They just can't get enough out of killing the SAME person, and one of the times they were masturbating the man and said, "I'm beating a dead horse" and that's after I saw a group of U.S. people attack a family that was said to be mine and they wouldn't quit beating and cutting them until it was a huge bloody mess on the ground and all of those people were U.S. citizens and some British".

I said, "Adam Chandler, and Matt Damon, and some Navy men and Danish men were involved in murdering one of the clones of this same person--the one they masturbated."

I said, "And then some of Kate Middleton's friends came to my house and said 'How much money do you want?' and I said 'For what?' and they said 'for the death of your son but you have to promise not to talk about it anymore' and I said, 'a lot of money, because you've done a lot of bad things to him'."  And then they stood up and said, "We don't need a lecture" and one of the men who had shown up there was Chris Dabney, smirking about how they'd impregnate me later too and never pay me or compensate me after they deliberately had my unborn baby murdered.

One of the men who was involved in having a clone of my son masturbated after he was dead, was Judge Gillespie.

Some of the murders of my son Oliver, and his clones included having him drowned and put inside of a fish tank with a weight attached to him to drag him to the bottom and then they put pirranhas into the tank and had my son eaten up by pirranhas in front of me, and it was him--it was my son Oliver and the U.S. govt. and their sponsored Mafia friends did this in front of me, and they were connected to Middleton, and Mike Tancer.

Another murder of my son was by a huge snake and it was spurred on to bite my older cloned son in the neck and then they finished him off and killed him and got rid of the body and Alvaro Pardo was involved in this murder of my son, with Ben Affleck.  Then there was a younger kid who was a clone and he was much younger, around age 6 or 8 years old, and they had a snake bite him on the neck too, and then he was taken to my house in Moses Lake, WA and put in my room while he was sick and they told me he had died when I went in one day to see how he was doing.  Joy Tancer smirked and said, along with Stacey Lowe and Megan Jacquot being involved,"he died".  Kate Middleton had visited my house for that, and went in to see him and left.

After these snake attacks were made against my son, someone in Colombia drew a cartoon of a boy like my son that was grabbed by a snake and William and Harry were having photos taken of themselves, with snakes around their necks and holding them, and not being harmed, and at the time they murdered my kids with poisonous snake bites, they were saying it was to prove "Snakes don't like your son, because your son isn't holy and doesn't have the spirit of God and only William and Harry can handle snakes".  It was Chris Dabney saying this to me, smirking after my sons died from snake bites with snakes that were antagonized to bite my kids and with their heads pushed up to my son's neck.  The U.S. and British royals colluded to have two of my sons murdered, with Colombian Alvaro Pardo involved and some Mexicans, just because I had quoted a scripture about how "...even snakes will not harm you" and to punish me and try to "prove" "your son is nothing special", they had him murdered with snakes and then bragged about these pythons wrapping themselves around William and Harry.

They made jokes and laughed with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and others, including Robin Bechtold, about how their girlfriends were nice and "squidgy" and then had attacked my son with venomous snakes and told me, after this, to go work with Mexican Quentin Tarantino on a movie, and give him some ideas and I came up with the movie, "Kill Bill".  "Kill Bill" is not Tarantino's creation, it's mine.  I was the one who owned rights to it and I was told when I was forced to work with him, after the U.S. govt. murdered my sons with snakes, that I was going to get half of the money from it and Tarantino signed a contract with me at my house in Moses Lake, in my kitchen and then after I gave the entire idea to him and drafted characters, screenplay, and plot, the U.S. govt. refused to pay me and refused to hold Tarantino accountable for the broken contract and I was not provided with lawyers. 

Instead, the FBI said, "Here, have Robin (Bechtold) help you" and I said, "No.  He murdered my kids and you have him here and are trying to act like he didn't by asking me to accept HIS help?  No."

I was also tortured, gang-raped, and received death threats for talking about how I was the one who wrote "Kill Bill", and Kill Bill 2, and how the U.S govt. was holding me hostage and forcing me to work and lying to me to get me to do it.

And then they brought yet another clone of my son Oliver to the movie set and said, "Look! here's your son. See? he is here" and they wanted me to think the other younger one hadn't died from a snake bite when he'd disappeared from my house, after they told me he wasn't there anymore because he had died, which made me cry for weeks and go into a huge depression.

Mike Tancer was involved in having an older clone of my son murdered and drowned and eaten by pirranhas and there were some other men also involved and I had said, "You did this over Rachel?" and I said, "What does Rachel Chandler have to do with putting that man in a tank to be eaten up? and he looked like the other guy they killed too" (and it was my son, clones of my son Oliver).

I am absolutely positive, without any doubt, it was my son.  It was an older clone of my son Oliver and one of the Bob jrs. who stood next to me to watch while others made fun and laughed, looked sick, and said nothing, and I had a bad feeling and looked very closely at the face to know which man it was.

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