Friday, January 15, 2016

Katie Middleton's Previous Marriages and Clones for Human Cloning and CIA/Mossad

I was basically forced to be born into a CIA controlled family that tortured me over a human cloning program the U.S. Pentagon and CIA had.  While I was a kid, they tortured me and forced me to be tortured at "black sites", for example, strapped down to medical tables with my ankles and wrists and chest strapped down so I couldn't run away as they tortured me.  One of the individuals who assisted in torture of me, was Katie Middleton.

I met and was introduced to not "doubles", but exact copies or clones of Katie Middleton and most of them worked for the CIA and I knew 2 of them worked for Israeli Mossad too.  In this human cloning program, the governments that are allied had created a bunch of clones and then debated about which ones to "release to the public" and debut, while keeping the remaining ones hidden so they could mostly kill off people and be in more than one place with an alibi.

The number of Kate Middletons that the government had, of which I had absolutely no doubt were her, and not doubles and I was not "confused", ranged around at least a dozen when I was a kid in the 1980s.  No, I'm not kidding.  There were at least a dozen Katie Middleton clones and I'll list where I saw them, approximate year, location, and what setting.

All of the clones were NOT "married to "Prince William"" or to Prince William clones.  That was impossible.  The government controlled or organized most marriages politically important to them and fostered them and encouraged them, but they had to allow some freedom because the other Katie Middletons were not "celibate" Katies just sitting around without boyfriends or marriage partners.

Because of the number of marriages and access to DNA, the U.S. and governments also created embryos with permission of themselves, occasionally with families of the clones, and had a number of "alternative kids" to choose from when they were deciding on what kind of position they wanted a Middleton clone to have.  It was basic Mr. Potato Head.  There were a dozen or so Katie Middletons, and then tons of kids, and then the U.S. decided, "which children and situation is going to be our best intelligence and money maker?"

They would then promote, for example, an idea of Kate and William, and the clones that had come from this, instead of Kate and X and their children, who stayed in the shadows and mostly helped the other public clone since they were related to her.

One of the men that more than one Katie Middleton was "married" to, in the human cloning program, was Christopher Dabney.  Christopher Dabney, a baby clone of him, was being betrothed to a baby Katie Middleton in Israel and an older Katie Middleton was married to him already.  The government told ME to persuade her to divorce Chris to marry William, for a royal position, before Diana of Wales was ever married publicly to Charles.  They couldn't line up Diana without William, who was already a clone selection, along with Harry, and then they had to choose from clones that were born to William and some of them were clones created from William and Katie, even though both William and Katie had other cloned kids too. This approach, to me, occurred in 1978 and 1979. 

Another man who I believe may have been a partner and not just business associate was a mathematician named Seth Roth who I met and he had clones as well.  He had an apartment I was taken to and Katie Middleton was constantly there.  Another man that one of the Katie Middleton's was possibly married to, was "Daniel", a Jewish man who was friends with Gary Goldsmith publicly.  Yet another man who was constantly around one of the Katie Middleton clones, was Mike Tancer, an older clone of him.  They had Mike around her but it also looked like a man from Connecticut with the name Roth again, a different one.  She was friends with a man named Robin as well, and the Bechtolds were Jewish, not "Catholic".  It was a Robin Bechtold clone, an older one and she was living with him and then one of the younger clones was targeting me to attempt to murder me and rape me.  Again, he's Jewish, not Catholic.  I also saw some of the clones of George Alexander Louis at the same apartment a Robin Bechtold had with one of the Katie clones.  He looked like Robin, and I had figured they'd named him "George" after Robin's father George Bechtold.  They were occasionally calling him "Steve" because he looked like another man named Steve, and then because one of the Katie's was living with a William, or married at some time, or visiting him as an escort (and he wore reading glasses all the time and was bald), they joked and called that William "Steve" too.  The CIA attempted to assassinate me several times over the Robin Bechtold and Kate Middleton connection they wanted secret, and Robin raped me and promoted her interests with a younger clone.

This is "George", Katie and William's "son", to the left top, Robin Bechtold to the right top and Janet Bechtold to the bottom left with Carol Middleton to the bottom right.  The man with Janet raped me and my Dad, and Robin's family maintained contacts with the same IRA (Irish Republican Army) that one of the Katie Middleton clones worked for, with Dabneys.  Bechtold is the name George Bechtold's family changed it to, from Bechtel
I was forced to work for the Bechtel group, which is based in San Francisco, when I was a little girl, and they were laundering money to Katie Middleton clones. I was beat up by the Reagan group because of the Bechtel-Bechtolds and their relationship with Middleton.  They worked with Gary Goldsmith in construction, to traffick drugs and both Alvaro Pardo and Chris Dabney were friends with the Bechtold family.  I was tortured over Robin Bechtold on more than one occasion and the CIA and FBI assumed I had been too traumatized and/or drugged to remember who was there and what they were saying.  When I complained about discrimination of women, from the Bechtel Corp, a lawsuit was filed by women in 1979 and the Bechtels, CIA, and Middletons never forgave me. I was tortured over it.

As you can tell, Prince George looks just like Robin Bechtold and Janet Bechtold resembles Carol Middleton.  Even Robin's ears resemble George's ears.  Look at them.  They also have the same teeth characteristics.  The Bechtel owner was "Stephen" which is possibly why the CIA used the name "Steve" to refer to an older Robin clone and William clone.  The GAL (George Alexander Louis) that was an older clone to the publicly known one, but a kid, looked just like Robin and he was visiting Katie and Robin at an apartment with William around.  All of them were "clone friends" and all of them hated me.

Robin's family was present for more than one assassination attempt against me and I was tortured badly and raped, by them as well.  They also tried to torture and control my son Oliver. 

The Bechtolds were immediately involved, and nearby or associated/friends with, persons for multiple assassination attempts against me.  One was in Sherwood near their house and involved Middletons; one was in Brazil, where the Bectels were friends with Steel business and construction and controlled the parking garage that fell around me; one was with Mike Nichols hijacking my vehicle, several attempts to frame me and rape me were coordinated by Bechtolds; one was an attempt in England at a field where there was an air show and Bechtolds were there; one attempt to drive me insane was torturing me with a face mask like the one Hannibal Lector in the movie Silence of the Lambs, wears--they were involved in MULTIPLE assassination attempts against me.

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