Thursday, January 14, 2016

SID: Wall Street Stock Market and Katie Middleton's Money Laundering And Deposits

Katie Middleton made a huge deposit to the SID account one day.  I was tortured for mentioning it.   This is the company and it's in Brazil.  She made a huge payment and then I was flown to Brazil with some CIA and told to stand inside of a large constructed parking garage with several stories, that they'd made, and it collapsed on me.  She had paid for an assassination attempt against me with the CIA.

I survived and the people who were on the outside, while telling me to "wait" INSIDE of the parking garage when it collapsed, were her and Pippa's friends Raul Bujanda, CIA employees, Michael Middleton, James Middleton, Alvaro Pardo, Daniel (a friend of Gary Goldsmiths), my parents and my brother and several others including Tancers.

They tried to fucking murder me.  Then they went after me again, several times, and attempted to have me marry Alvaro Pardo after he raped me in 2008 and I had filed a restraining order against him decades earlier, which they knew about, and then had me live with Mykal Holt, in Wenatchee, when she went to Brazil for medical "missions". 

Another man who was involved in all of this, was Scott, a cop, and possibly another was Chris Rozollo, but definitely the Dabneys were involved, and Del Balzos had also been involved there.  Leon Panetta even showed up.  Aaron Chandler was also there, a U.S. Navy intelligence man.

Kate was linked to Brazil steel and Argentina and Greece steel makers, along with Hamilton, in Canada.

When the CIA, Mossad, and MI5 promoted the younger clone of Katie Middleton, they thought it was funny to call her "steely Kate". 

She not only stole money from me, all of my songwriting profits, and from my older clone, and forced me to sign contracts, she was also hiring hit men to murder me.

At the time, when I was having to go to the bank, I was told Katie was paying off a debt that I hadn't "managed properly" (when I was a kid).  So she went over there and I guess they thought she'd make a big deposit, they'd kill me in Brazil, and I'd never live to tell anyway.

The top 3 investors or holders of SID are Vanguard group, Dimentions Funding, and Bank of America, which is the bank Alvaro Pardo is with and has been with for years.  Mike Middleton was coaching him to rape me and programming me to not resist being raped so he could call me a whore.

Chris Dabney's family was also involved in the assassination plot against me, and his later girlfriend's associates were also involved, and the FBI was involved.  I was the only person out of the entire group, left behind and made to stand in that parking garage.  Another person involved was Rick Baken and/or Scott Ross from Canada, an immigration officer.  One Canadian man, connected to Hamilton, was there.

Chris Dabney's group was involved in CIA, Mossad, and mafia as well and he was someone who did NOT want me having any of my own money.  He later, in 2008, when I didn't remember who he was, tried to make it look like he was giving me a job and wanted me to have money, but he was trying to kill me and never wanted me on my feet.  He wanted me on my back.  I saw him and/or his older clone, directing a bunch of mafia to never give me any money and if they did, they were fired and/or disappeared.  He was part of controlling all profits made off of my songwriting and he was giving the money to Middleton, the CIA and the mafia.

The FBI went with the older Katie Middleton, when the deposit was made.  It was done from inside of the U.S. when Katie was visiting on vacation.

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